Dec 18, 2023
Wavepaw never really considered himself to be a fragile cat in the past, but the tension that had grown out of Smokestar's recent murder threatened to shatter him to pieces. The idea that his own clanmates, cats that he'd been raised with since birth, could look at his as a traitor simply because he'd come from the same place as Deacon and Sasha truly broke his heart. He knew nothing about the Ripple Colony and their history, and had been raised with the traditions and beliefs of Riverclan since he was only about two weeks old. His dream was to one day become a fierce and mighty warrior of Riverclan, defending the home and clanmates that he loved so much. But now, because of the mistakes of others, he was being treated like an outcast. His recent scuffle with Asphodelpaw in the nursery only proved that his life had gotten miles more complicated because of this situation.

There were still some among them who treated himself and the other loner-born cats with fairness and kindness, however. They were shining lights in a time of darkness. Willowroot and Hazecloud had stuck up for him when Litchentail had announced the execution order on Sasha and Deacon. And Moonpaw, their gentle-hearted medicine cat apprentice, had stuck up for Valepaw when the bullies had mocked him for not being clanborn. The young ivory molly was brave, very brave, and seemed to genuinely care for the wellbeing of others like himself. He admired her deeply for her willingness to step in and fight in their corner when the need arose; not many others would do that, especially at their age.

The thick-furred tomcat stood at the edge of the river, gazing intensely down into its arctic blue waters. The cold of leafbare made the water swell slightly, overriding the banks and lapping at his paws. All that melting snow somehow made it look even clearer than normal, like smooth glass that reflected his conflicted face back at him. He wondered idly if he would have the same courage that Moonpaw did, to stand up for one of his clanmates in a time of need, if he would rise to the occasion or fail in the face of adversity like so many others. He didn't want to let the fear and paranoia change who he was, the way he'd seen it change many a brave warrior when things got bad.

The sharp snap of a branch behind him stirred him from his contemplation, ears swiveling as his eyes turned to land on a familiar white figure not far down the shore. Speaking of... A friendly smile lit up his face as he waved his tail at Moonpaw, wondering at the impeccable timing of her showing up in front of him just as he was thinking about her. "Hi Moonpaw! Watcha doin' out here?" His paws remained firmly planted in the shallow water, not wanting to go over and bother her if she were doing something important, like collecting herbs.

[ @Moonpaw <33 ]
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Moonpaw had found that there was a slowly growing divide within RiverClan, one that was not enough to cause too much concern in the grand scheme of things, but she couldn't help but think of the two different side of things. As someone who stayed within camp more now she saw the growing tension quickly grow more as the news that Deacon and Sasha had killed Smokestar reached the clan's ears and though she knew that those that stayed within the clan now were not the type to do such a thing - or so she hoped, she truly hoped with all her being that no one else could do such a thing - she knew that there were those that doubted that and they turned their anger towards their newer clanmates instead of keeping their doubt quiet and it was getting to be a lot.

She wanted to be a friendly face around camp, one that anyone could come to and talk to even well before she had become Ravensong's apprentice and if she had properly known that there were cats that believed her to be a proper friendly face it likely would have brought joyful tears to her eyes, glad that her wish was coming true.

She'd gone out that day, paws itching to leave the reed wall that surrounded the island that was camp. Walking alongside the water, Moonpaw contemplated getting in and swimming, toughing it out through the cold just to do something she had loved so dearly before the leafbare chill hit, but she was shaken out of her thoughts as name was heard and quickly the apprentice looked up towards Wavepaw, usual soft smile that rest upon her maw widening slightly at the sight of a friendly apprentice. "Hi Wavepaw!" She'd call back before bounding over, closing the gap between the two before looking down towards the younger of the two. "I just wanted to leave camp for a bit, it can be so boring sitting there in the cold." There were times she missed her warrior training, and she found herself missing it more now that the chill had properly come as sparring in this weather would be good for keeping warm, not to mention the amount of bodies in the apprentice den at night. "What're you doing out here? It's gotta be freezing in that water." It was a lighthearted mention, a small laugh coming from her soon after she had said it. So long as Wavepaw didn't stay wet for too long - and didn't go completely under the water - there would be no need to worry about getting sick, right?

  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ACHES & PAINS
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥꕥ BROKEN BONES
    ꕥꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 73712454_CoST7yg1gTxVXmM.jpg
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    9 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed