private sometimes you gotta burn some bridges // truce

✧ Mottledove.

Apr 28, 2023
mottledove & 26 moons & female & she/her & skyclan perma-queen
This conversation is, admittedly, one the queen would rather avoid. But.. it's not fair to her kits to do so, and so she finds herself gritting her teeth and bearing it. Pipitpaw's conversation had brought to her attention that, in the end, no matter her feelings on the tom, beetleback was still very much the father of her kits. A father which her children seemed determined to keep as part of their life, and really she can't fault them for wanting that - not when they coexisted in one small camp, had to eat and sleep and live side by side for the rest of their foreseeable lives.

It takes a lot of courage - contemplation - time for the permaqueen to come to her decision, for cream colored paws to hobble her way over to the tom. " Can I... speak to you, " she says quietly, slowly - and though blue eyes are uncertain something about her body language seems quite determined. He has already sought her out once - not seeking forgiveness exactly, but perhaps understanding. She'd rather refused to give it - but now? Now they must settle things for once and for all. She does not want to see her kits receive their warrior names without hearing both parents cheering them.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
I F - Y O U - M U S T - L I V E , - D A R L I N G - O N E , J U S T - L I V E
It was difficult to not interact with Pipitpaw, Pollenpaw, or Aspenpaw. After all, they all lived in the same clan and he was required to watch over them as a warrior. Try as he might, he had no choice but to interact with them. Though, the apprentices made it difficult to uphold his deal with Mottledove, considering they wanted to talk to him. He couldn't refuse them. Sure he may have messed with them, but he has no real reason to be a prick to them. And he's sure Mottledove will have some choice words when she would eventually approach him about whatever crimes he's committed towards her kits. Something he wishes to avoid as much as possible.

Today it seems his wishes would go unanswered, as the queen in question approached him. He gives her a puzzled look, what did I do this time? Or do you need me to get someone? Before he can ask, she asks, no, she demands to speak with him. What the heck did I do this time? I'm pretty sure I did nothing wrong... Right? Setting aside his confusion and fear, the blue tom puts on a grin and chirps "Sure!" She's not trying to kill me I hope! "Whatd'ya wanna talk about?"
mottledove & 26 moons & female & she/her & skyclan perma-queen
Frown crosses her features at his overly cheerful demanor, but she says nothing - looking at stor- no, beetleback now, she realizes how tired she is of all of this. She doesn't like him - never will, truly. Because every time she looks at her ex-mate, she feels only hurt - parts of her broken and battered in ways she's not sure will ever recover. But pipitpaw's talk had made things clear - and she won't stand in her kits way. Their kits way. And oh, how bitter is it, to finally allow herself to acknowledge that - for all of his many faults, he'd never done anything wrong to the apprentices nearly turned warriors.

" I wont.... I won't forgive you. Ever, I think. You hurt me - you hurt me, and you knew you hurt me, and you did it anyways... but, " words come slowly, awkwardly - a fragile attempt for the molly to keep composure. It fails of course, emotion filtering into soft voice as it breaks, but she clears her throat and moves on - pushes it down, ignores it. " But our kits seem to want you in their lives.... and I won't get in the way of that. They're grown now - adults. Nearly warriors... they can make their own choices, " she admits at last, teal gaze moving from where it had rested upon her paws anxiously to look the tom in the eyes.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
I F - Y O U - M U S T - L I V E , - D A R L I N G - O N E , J U S T - L I V E
Oh. Wow. So we're starting like this... The grin on his face falls. Unpleasant feels course through him, as she drives home that he will never be forgiven for what happened. Not that he was expecting as such, but he would be lying to say it didn't hurt. They had this conversation moons ago, so he was not prepared for her to tell him again. If she intended to get back at him like this, then she was doing an excellent job. All the blue tom could do is avert his eyes from her, a frown on his maw. Nothing is said. There is no need to say anything. Whatever they had between them was finished long ago. He will not scramble to ground and beg of her to forgive him or proclaim his love for her.

Paws shift. Amber eyes shift to gaze at her when she mentions their kits. You never said our before. He doesn't comment on it. Her explanation tells him this: he can be part of their lives without any interference. The news is shocking, yet he doesn't know what to do with it. Their kits are still strangers to him. He wouldn't leave them for dead. If a fox came along and tried to snap it's jaws on their kits neck, he would do his best to protect them. However, he can't say he feels a strong connection towards them. Most of their life he had missed and out of respect for his former mates wishes, he stood away as well.

"Okay," he begins. Paws shift once again. "Thank you for this, Mottledove." What else is there to say? "I don't know... Much about them. They're still sorta strangers to me. How was... What is, What do they like?"