somewhere only we know - patrol assignments

He was starting to get quite good at all these patrol assignments. When he had first taken over from Howling Wind he had been nervous and uncertain of what to do, or if he was putting the wrong cats on patrols. As his time as deputy progressed, he had been growing more at ease with things.

As usual, Flycatcher wakes early and pads into the centre of camp ready to give out patrol assignments. He waits for more clanmates to assemble naturally but makes small talk with some of those present. Once more clanmates have gathered, he gives them a nod to indicate he is ready to begin.

"Sunnyday, Badgerstrike, the two of you will be joining me for the dawn patrol along the RiverClan and SkyClan border. I would advise you to ready yourselves quickly as I intend to leave soon after these assignments have been given out."

"Flamewhisker I am tasking you with leading the dawn patrol along the ShadowClan and WindClan border. Take Wolfwind and Stumpybounce with you too. And I think it goes without saying but please be civil."

"Howlingstar is leading the dusk patrol along the RiverClan and SkyClan border. Nightbird, Dewfang I want the pair of you to accompany her."

"Raccoonstripe I would like you to take care of the dusk patrol along the ShadowClan and WindClan border. You can take Kindleheart and Rabbitnose with you."

"Sunfreckle I have a special task for you today. With new apprentices in our den, I want you to host a mass training session if you would be amenable to it?"

"Owlear, Hollow Tree, our prey pile is starting to look a bit thin again. Could the two of you lead the hunting patrols this morning?"

A pause. Didn't he have something else on his mind? Oh yes, Berryheart. "Berryheart," He calls out, finding the medicine cat in the crowd. "Stormchaser is yours for the day. If there are any herbs you need to gather I'd suggest using him to help bring some back to camp."

/threads to make
SkyClan board: @Sunnyday @Badgerstrike
WindClan board: @Flamewhisker @WOLFWIND @Stumpybounce
RiverClan: @HOWLINGSTAR @nightbird @Dewfang
training: @Sunfreckle
hunting patrols: @OWLEAR @Hollow Tree
herb patrol: @BERRYHEART @Stormchaser

nightbird waited idly for the deputy to release the patrols, besides the few licks delivered to her chest the molly was still. a trip to the riverside was not something she was particularly excited for, her days went just fine without interacting with their fish-brained neighbors. her tail tip flicked as she waited for flycatcher to finish before standing and stretching. they wouldn't leave until dusk, but she gave an acknowledging dip of her head to howlingstar before departing from the group to find something to do that would pass the time.
[ ☾✩ ]


Little Wolf knows that the time for her to go on patrols again was rapidly approaching. Her kits were growing before her very eyes, sprouting up like the buds in new-leaf. She is glad that they will not know the harshness of leaf-bare for another turn of the seasons and who knew? Perhaps once the forest had a chance to recover from the fire that had raged through it, the next leaf-bare would not be so bad. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. The smell of the forest was invigorating, intoxicating even but its distant, just outside of the camp walls. Soon, she tells herself. It would be her going out on patrols soon, hopefully, she would be able to go on the same patrol as her kits for their first time out. She wanted to see their faces when they finally got to see the outside world.

"Have a good day everyone be safe!" she says, fixing her son in particular with a pointed look. "Listen to your mentor Burnpaw and be good." she says, running a tongue over the top of his head. He rolls his eyes but he does not push her away only gruffly agrees before he turns back to his patrol. She smiles gently before her green eyes seek out her mother, wishing she could go with her. Silently she sends a prayer to the stars that everything goes smoothly and that if they were to run into any RiverClanners the talk was civil.
There remains a glimmer of exhaustion within Owlear as he comes to join patrols. He has already woken Stormpaw, already prepared her for what will come– she must be familiar with the idea of these, but to think that there is life to it now, part of who she is and what she must do, must be strange and exciting. Even when he tries to recall his own life before such duties, he has nothing. Too many moons lived like this to think of anything else. He will simply have to live through her memories instead.

Looking down to Stormpaw with a light twinkle in his eye, the senior warrior reaches out to nudge her shoulder with one paw. "Are you ready?" he chuckles. "Not still sleeping, are you?" He turns from her to glance around, searching for Hollow Tree's face among those gathered. "What are your thoughts, then? Shall we go together or separately?" It might be nice to team up with more than his apprentice, as much as he may also enjoy the time alone to train her alone.

  • ooc: interacting with @STORMPAW and @Hollow Tree !
  • owlear_clangen.png
    ──── owlear. senior warrior of thunderclan. cis male.
    ──── approximately 90 moons old, yet still youthful.
    ──── pansexual and single,   though with past flings.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with long, thick fur and a broad-shouldered build. despite his age, he is still a strong, imposing tomcat with clear, attentive eyes. though they are a muted hazel, they seem to twinkle with silent wisdom and a warm, deep-seated joy.
  • "speech"
Shaking the sleep from her brain, Stormpaw blinked tiredly as she sat down next to Owlear. She was trying to listen to what her father was saying, but her eyes drooped and her tailtip stopped twitching. If she could just close her eyes for one moment—Stormpaw twitched into alertness when Owlear poked her in the shoulder.

"I'm up! I'm up!" She panted, blue eyes flashing open as she glanced around the others. Stormpaw winced and sheepishly shrugged her shoulders. "Sorry..." Had she been too loud? Her pelt shook and quivered and she looked back up at Owlear with a smile. "Hunting patrol?" She wished she could go to one of the borders! Perhaps next time.

  • Love
Reactions: OWLEAR
Raccoonstripe sits stoicly as Flycatcher issues patrols. As critical as he was of the gray tabby before Howlingstar had chosen him as her deputy, he had to admit he's seemingly come into his own. He issues patrols confidently enough. The dark tabby's ears flick as his name is mentioned. Leading the dusk patrol to ShadowClan's border. He dips his head, his tail tip twitching with renewed energy.

He turns to Kindleheart and Rabbitnose. "Ensure your apprentices are ready. We'll leave right as the sun begins to lower." His dark eyes find Wildpaw and Moonpaw. "Both of you will wait for me by the gorse tunnel when the sun is descending." He is not asking, and his tone is clipped and businesslike.

// shadowclan dusk patrol here


Uneasiness rattled inside his chest, while cats like Owlear and Raccoonstripe took charge of their ordered patrols quickly he was left wavering and uncertain. Training the apprentices? Just him? Him? The red tabby glanced around awkwardly for a moment, single forepaw kneading the ground in an anxious gesture as he tried to think of exactly what he'd be doing to train them. What did he have to offer that no other cats was capable of because as it stood his own skills were limited enough and too average to be anything apprentices were not already learning from their mentors. Flycatcher had given him a difficult job, but in a way the pale tom had no idea of knowing the actual reason for its difficulty. It took a moment of quiet staring before he snapped back to attention and offered a hesitant smile and a, "Be safe now." to those leaving camp before he turned to make his way to the apprentice den and see which of the youngsters were still around and available for
Yes, training. That thing he was good at. Sunfreckle wanted to bury himself right there on the spot the more he thought about it.

Patrols were called and Sunnyday was assigned his duty. He gave a nod of understanding before moving off to the sidelines to wait for Flycatcher to lead the patrol he would be part of. However, he didn't seem keen on interacting with the others who were present, instead longing to avoid contact as much as possible.