Apr 30, 2023
There exists a time in Thriftpaw's mind that he is brought back to. He'll catch a scent or the light will hit the grass in such a way, or sometimes it happens without a cause at all, and at once Thriftpaw will be in a younger body, crouched and silent beneath a gorse bush's overhanging branches. His heart speeds — he'll be the fastest cat in WindClan someday, with how quick his pulse can run — until just as soon as he had went back then, he is here in the present, feeling just as small as he had once been.

Which brings Thriftpaw to now. He's never had other kits to play with, doesn't know how to keep up with their games, but the concept of wrestling had been one simple enough to grasp without explanation. Thriftpaw is aware — maybe too aware — that he is older than Juniperkit. He'd been careful in every cuff and pounce, and is even careful as he shakes Juniperkit off.

"Wait," Thriftpaw had been then again. He isn't certain what motivates him, but he backs a few steps away from Juniperkit, mouth in a hard line, "Can we play a little different now?"

It feels wrong to ask for. This is Thriftpaw being brave.

"Um, you stay over there and I—" Thriftpaw scooches marginally backwards, "I'll stand here, and you need to get me."

Juniperkit isn't as aware of the difference between their ages as Thriftpaw is. He still remembers when Thriftpaw was brought back to camp, timid and bleeding. Aside from their names, they are practically equal in Juni's eyes. The grey kitten is the largest of the spiderling brood, and, despite the awkward length of his limbs, is set to grow into a strong warrior. For now, however, Juniperkit is still young. Little, even, though he might argue with such a description.

His heart is pounding from the thrill of their previous games when Thriftpaw steps away and suggests a new kind of game. "Um, okay..." Juniperkit simply shrugs in silent acquiescence and walks over to the indicated spot. If he had his way, they would still be sparring, but he is content to go along with whatever his friends suggests, if only to prolong their playtime. Besides, this new game sort of sounds fun. It reminds Juniperkit of when his mom told him and all his siblings to practice their pouncing on Snakepaw. Juni loves pouncing. "Ready?" he asks, an excited twinkle glimmering in his eyes. Thriftpaw is gonna be sooo impressed by his moves!

Once Thriftpaw gives the signal, Juniperkit lunges forward with an enthusiastic "RAHHHH!!!" He takes three strides before pouncing at Thriftpaw with outstretched paws and needle-sharp teeth in an attempt to tackle the other tomcat to the ground.

hollykit watches as thriftpaw entertains her brother, ever so gentle with his blows. the ebony kitten preferred to leave the tussling to her other littermates. she didn't like to lose, and with juniperkit growing in size, and scorpionkit in ferocity, she rarely stood a chance. even littlekit had bested her before, she had gone as far to try and convince him that the goal was to get pinned in order to save face.

thriftpaw halts, much to her surprise. if she were in the golden tom's position she wouldn't stop. when a win was so rare, how could you resist the urge to cease such an effortless one? he suggests a new game, backs away. green eyes narrow in suspicion, snow dipped tail sweeping around to cover her paws. hollykit nearly flinches as her brother releases an exuberant... battle cry? that's what it seemed it was trying to be at least. to her, it sounded like an unimpressive screech. dark ears twitch to angle themselves backwards as she watches him pounce towards the apprentice. well, she supposed she should at least attempt a supportive role, even if she didn't expect a victory. "get him juni!"
Watching their apprentice wrestling with a kit is not how Gravelsnap had expected to spend their time, but they feel the need to keep and eye on Thriftpaw even outside of his training. And this… this is related to the golden tom’s training somehow, he’s sure. Reflexes, or some kind of rudimentary battle practice. Even if Thriftpaw is an apprentice now, Gravelsnap reminds themself that he is still a young cat—kits like Juniperkit and Hollykit are closer to his age than most of the other apprentices. So, as much as they despise the youth of the clan, the black and white warrior sits nearby enough to watch as the younger cats tussle.

They consider calling out, giving their apprentice an order. A reminder that his mentor is watching his performance. But this is simply a game, they remind themself, and so they stay silent. Juniperkit aims to pounce upon Thriftpaw, and in their head Gravelsnap can think of themself attacking the RiverClan cat, charging forth and attempting to drag their opponent to the ground. They had failed back then. Thriftpaw will not fail, not when it matters.
[ you put the fun into dysfunction ]
For as often as Thriftpaw spends then, there is a detail he is missing. He thinks he remembers a soft sound. A gasp, the start of a word. The uncertainty sits under Thriftpaw's skin like a berry bug. Juniperkit, for his part, does what he is told. He stands where Thriftpaw tells him to stand, and pounces in a way one could assume from the scant instructions Thriftpaw had supplied. Thriftpaw doesn't make a move to get out of the way — he instead gasps without thought, and lets Juniperkit tumble them both to the ground.

The sand absorbs most of the impact. Thriftpaw let's out a soft oof all the same.

Disappointment descends almost immediately. It's Thriftpaw's fault — he should have been more specific.

"Sorry," Thriftpaw says, "Sorry, but it needs to be — you aren't supposed to... to holler like that, I don't think." Now Thriftpaw is uncertain about this too. It is quiet when Thriftpaw looks back on it, but had it been quiet then? Suddenly, Thriftpaw wishes his memory was better — he wishes he could crystalize his thoughts into something physical that he could revisit later, or he wishes that they would collapse into themselves and molder into nothing.

"It was a good pounce," Thriftpaw adds.

He's still on the ground, he realizes. Other cats are watching now, he realizes. Thriftpaw turns his head — sees Hollykit and Gravelsnap, both upside down, and as if the sand is the sky and the sky is the ground. Thriftpaw doesn't look at the world from this angle often, and under different circumstances he would be delighted by the strangeness of it, but right now he is focused. It would be polite to ask Hollykit if she wants to play too, or to check and see if Gravelsnap needs something from him; Thriftpaw can only hope that they both understand that this is important.
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