private Son of a Gun | Sunstar

Its a dreary day, the clouds flooding the blue sky, it’s already began to drizzle. Firefang hated being wet but it was more important to her to be productive, rainy days prevented her from being out and about like she always wanted to be. She hated idle time where the only thing she had to do was think, she didn’t have anything to pass her time but to comb over every regret and mistake in her life and desires that never came to fruition. She didn’t have friends, her kin didn’t speak to her, she thought she was fine with that - she never needed such things back then but now with nothing to occupy her time all she can feel is that crippling loneliness failure had brought her.

She was mad at the world, mad at her clanmates but most of all she was mad at herself. She didn’t know how to cope with that, not like anyone had taught her anything more than how to shred her opponents and proclaim windclans greatness. Badgermoon tried but his lessons were easily shoved aside as easily as Sootstar exiled him from the moors (he’s back now she recalls - she can’t stomach even looking at him).

She refuses to seek out any of the lead warriors, starclan forbid she ask Periwinklebreeze for orders, the others weren’t much better and she figures they have enough herbs to bother Cottonpaw and ask if she needed an escort. she also knows Wolfsong was in the den, she doesn’t want to run into him. Really her best option for seeking out orders wasn’t even a great one, she knows whatever good graces Sunstar afforded her waned after her words towards those good for nothing barn cats. She was right, she could never readily accept cats like them they were more mouths to feed and she doubts they’ll adjust with any haste. It didn’t matter, her words didn’t matter - had they ever? Her head growls with so many thoughts, her annoyances with him could be pushed away as long as he’d give her something to do. Someway to be of use to her clan.

She paws her way to the leaders den figuring that was where he was, staying out of the drizzle. Her dark head pokes in and almost feebly her voice warbles "Sunstar" she swallows the trepidation down "Sorry to disturb you but… I was lookin’ for something to do and couldn’t find any of the lead warriors" liar.

  • WDNoGIz.png
    Firefang She/Her, Warrior of Windclan, 22 moons
    Black tabby she-cat with amber eyes. former-loyalist of Sootstar, Moorunner.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Kedamono@legmeatt on discord, feel free to dm for plots. ​