border SONG OF THE SIRENS | joining


May 18, 2024

Wherever gossip trailed along the grapevine, Sfogliatella was sure to follow.

Like a mystical white hind of the shadow-worn forest, or rather like a bout of winter where it did not belong, Sfogliatella wandered just past the abyssal groans of the Thunderpath. She was painfully aware that she was inapposite to the world outside of her house, though the foolhardy molly hardly cared about not sticking her nose in places where she didn't belong. She went where she wanted and did what she pleased, and that was her greatest adage. Groaning as pristine pelt tracked in the grime and dirt of the outside, champagne-coated cat stopped where the foot of the trees entwined with the loam and the silt. Purls of neatly-groomed pelage now tracked along the mud and mire. This better be worth it... My Twolegs are going to have a field day getting all the dirt out of my pelt. She inwardly groaned, disgust painted clear upon eggshell and pearl countenance, with the gaudy silver bell jangling as if agreeing in voiced protest. There was a reason for her being here, surely. Her little sister was here, though the image of her lie through foggy description and muddled hearsay, as though Sfogliatella followed only the silhouettes of frayed hope. Still, as the sun refused to never give into night, so too did the stubborn heart refuse to cease its beat.

"Hello? Skyclan, was it?" Sfogliatella called out to the crooning gloom, with brilliant gaze staring back into the edged face of milky blacks, like she could pierce straight through the linen drapes of the unknown and peer into the answers to her burning questions. The cats of the forest were wise beyond their years, weren't they? If they didn't know a cat who could help her, they would certainly point her in the right direciton. "Do you know of a cat named Valentine? I'm searching for her!" The kittypet stood her ground against the howling wilds, even as the outside weather chilled her to ivory bones, and even as the darkness did not reciprocate her cries. She had overheard many tall tales about the cats of the forest, how they stood taller than the woods and hunted the greatest of harts, but Sfogliatella knew better than to be scared of mere rumor and canards.
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Reactions: wolfie

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- They had been trying their best to be the best apprentice Skyclan had ever seen- though it felt like they had been falling short recently. Their parents had been more paranoid about him going out more and more each day, so he was stuck inside more and more as it seemed. It was rather depressing and made it hard for the young blue tabby to go out and see the world. They had missed so much already! Though Bluepaw was determined to not allow his parents to keep him from his destiny, his place in the clans.

So, as the young cat was padding towards the forest- a scent tickled his nose. His sense of smells as getting better with time and he perked up as he caught it. Though it wasnt something of prey or anything good- but more so a cat? He tilted his head to the side and padded closer, hearing this cat call out into the forest and he blinked a bit. They knew of Skyclan? Were they in trouble?

Bluepaw trotted now to pick up the pace and came bursting through the underbrush with round, sky blue eyes. The young apprentice waved their tail behind them with excitement and smiled upon seeing this creamy cat. Though confusion flickered through his gaze- Valentine? He didnt know anyone named that! Surely they were mistaken?

I do not think we have anyone by that name?” He answered the she-cat with a head tilt to the other side like a puppy watching something they’d never seen before, “But is there anyway i can help you find this Valentine?

The newcomer’s fleeting thoughts about massive feral cats who hunt stags for prey must be quelled when Bluepaw and Fluffypaw are the first to greet her. Standing small and unimpressive, the puffy-pelted cream-colored she-cat is stuck like a bur to Greeneyes’ ginger flank. Her eyes are round and frightened, her breath hot and quick through her nostrils. This is the first time she’s seen a stranger at their border, a cat with a kittypet scent that reminds her idly of Sangriapaw and Coffeepaw. The newcomer is perched, calling out into the gathering twilight, her voice polite and unwrinkled.

“Do you know of a cat named Valentine,” she queries, and Bluepaw is quick to answer her. Fluffypaw’s nose crinkles with thought, and she turns to Greeneyes with a questioning look. “Did someone used t’be Valentine?” SkyClan cats don’t often keep their names for long if they’re from the outside world—even she knows this.

  • ooc: mentor tag @GREENEYES
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  • Fluffykit . Fluffypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 6 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by Greeneyes ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan apprentice. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.
    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.


It seems SkyClan has been blessed with various visitors and new hopefuls to swell their ranks. It would do nothing to shake the taint of their clan being 'filled with kittypets' but Howlfire didn't mind. If these new joiners were helpful and willing to learn and earn their keep, then what was the harm of letting them join?

She is close behind the cats already gathered, with her own apprentice close by. Howlfire's amber eyes studied the cream sepia curiously, trying to see what her intent was. At the moment, she wasn't outright asking to join and was rather asking another cat by the name of Valentine. Had it not been for the fact that this stranger mentioned it was a she-cat she was looking for, Howlfire would have assumed she was asking after Dawnglare recalling that his prior name had been Valentine. "I don't know anyone by that name," Howlfire mewed softly. "What does this cat look like? Perhaps that might help us in determining whether we know them or not."

It was still a little jarring to just see Bluepaw out and about in the forest, she still only expected to see the young tom along the fenceline or in some unsuspecting neighbours yard. Though she supposed the feeling was mutual for him, she noticed that he had been kept inside a lot recently so maybe it was jarring for him to see familiar faces out here as well. He wasn't alone though! The gathering of Skyclanners around the area brought her curiosity, then she heard someone she didn't recognise! How exciting! The sound of a new voice always sparked delight in the maine coon, she naturally assumed that anyone appearing near the border was a hopeful new joiner.

As she peered around the gathering group her expression immediately brightened at the sight. Florabreeze was never one to assign an identity to another but her eyes fell onto the bell that Sfogliatella carried on her person, usually that only meant that she was kittypet, other cats seemed to think of accessories like that as some kind of death sentence. There was a knowing smile and she made sure to pat down her fur so that her own collar was on display, wanting to show that solidarity. Maybe things would seem less intimidating that way, who knows.

The daylight warrior stands beside Bluepaw, her tail gently tapping his side in greeting. She didn’t want to appear that she wasn’t taking this seriously so her greeting towards her unofficially adopted kin stopped there. “Hi there!” She greets with a melody in her tone as she nods towards Sfogliatella, a friendly smile on display. There was immediate sympathy from her as she considered the strangers question, while she personally didn’t know of a Valentine she had been in a similar position. Briefly her mind drifts to when she had asked a wandering twolegplace patrol about her friend. That was her original reasoning for joining, so to hear that there was another potentially lost cat out there brought heart ache.

“What can you tell us about her?” She echoed her clan-mates good natured sentiments, Howlfire seemed to have the right idea to ask for a description. There was a distant fear that ebbed at her, there had been too many deaths surrounding the area for Florabreezes liking. While she would hate to find another body perhaps a description would help in case this Valentine was no longer amongst the living. That was just the worst case scenario, it was far more likely that she was somewhere within their ranks or may even have been a face passing through.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    32 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}


The first feline to approach her was a younger one, with blue eyes as large as the globes that her housefolk kept in their large dens, and his boyish and unblemished smile at least eased Sfogliatella's beating heart. He seemed taken aback, or at the very least a tad confused, and Sfogliatella could certainly understand. If a strange cat had come running up to her, aflame in information that she had never known until that second, then she surely she would brand them a madman. The second was a patchwork calico, of which could not be any much older than the first to flit through the shadows of the unknown, and concern started to flutter onto the Maine coon's downy countenance. Is Skyclan populated with kittens...? It can't be safe to let them wander around without supervision. Quickly did sky-hued eyes dart about for any sign of a cat in the shadows, perhaps matching her gaze with whittled slits of their own, watching her every move with pinpoint precision. "Perhaps she changed her name? I know housefolk like to change our names when they adopt us into their families. She must know me as Francesca, then." Velvety purr rumbled from the longhaired kittypet, and despite the fact that she had been treading into the abyss beyond the Twolegplace, she never allowed the light of her smile or her stature cloister away into the depths of fear. She mused that, if they wanted to kill her, then they certainly would have by now. She had little experience in the way of the wild, but any opponent would falter at trying to get to peach-fuzz flesh underneath her billowing coat.

Finally, an adult. I was becoming concerned with the amount of children running around the woods. An audible sigh of relief escaped her muzzle as a ruddy molly padded up to her, though even she had not heard of this 'Valentine' in the vast microcosm of the world that they occupied, of which made Sfogliatella dig heels into loamy ground. Maybe she had come to the wrong place, recounted her steps along the alleyway wrong, though the potential disappointment settled uneasily at her base. All she wanted was to be reunited with her family, to have an anchor to hold onto. Years of worldly experience had never given her a constant. At least another molly would join the crowd, with vales and purls of unfurling pelage an almost familiar sight, as if she had certainly seen this woman before. She squinted, as if she could glean something from the other. "From what I can recall, she was longhaired. Brown with white spots 'n the like. Yellow eyes, too, or were they more olive in tone?" Sfogliatella contemplated, unaware that a miracle of a discovery lie just beyond her gossamer-soft paws, as if revelation was a bird that flown a little too high for her to hunt. "In fact, she looks a lot like you! If I put the two of you together, you'd be a spitting image." She pointed feathery tail towards Florabreeze.

Florabreeze blinks in surprise, the description did sound a lot like her. Though, anything could sound like you if it’s just physical attributes. Surely there are other cats around that have long hair, are brown with white spots and have yellow, maybe more olive eyes. She glances at the rest of the patrol, confusion evident on her face. She would have to admit that there was something incredibly vague that reminded her of something when she looked upon Sfogliatella, or was it that she was reminded of someone?

She had barely been just below two months old when she was adopted out of her home by her twolegs, her memories of any kin or house mates within those walls were foggy at best or missing entirely at worst. She supposed it could be a possibility to be this ‘Valentine’, she didn’t really know of any other name, she had always been Flora, until she was Florabreeze. “I don’t know any other cats who look like me around here? So that could be me but I don’t remember that name at all?” She explains with a shrug, despite being rattled at the possibility that she may or may not be amongst forgotten kin she upheld the cheery disposition. Still, they were at SkyClan’s borders and she had to remember that right now she was representing the clan, she tried to keep that in mind going forward when meeting with interested strangers.

“I could go get our leader or our deputy if you’d like? Maybe they could help?” She asks politely, in part wanting a second to gather her thoughts before continuing a conversation with Sfogliatella. If there were no objections then she would excuse herself past the patrol and leave to go find Orangestar or Cherryblossom to bring them over. This seemed like a job for someone with more authority and a better understanding of what to do in this situation than herself, even if she was happy to help.

  • Fetching @Orangestar and/or @Cherryblossom

  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    32 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

It doesn't take long for Orangestar to be found, but far longer to return with the state of Orangestar's leg this quarter-moon. While Florabreeze seems unusually contemplative rather than her oft-chatty self, the leader is retrieved from camp without any other hassle (in fact, Orangestar appreciates the quiet between them, but does wish the brown tabby had been in a talkative mood: anything to get her mind off the strain in her hindleg and the pulses of pain that cause her to grit her teeth with every step).

"Hello," she greets in a hoarse meow, eyes darting over the pale-furred kittypet stood at the SkyClan border. "My name is Orangestar, SkyClan's leader. What brings you to our border ...?" She trails off, expectant of an introduction in turn.

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    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

  • Love
Reactions: Bluepaw

"Hm, really? What a shame. But seriously, my intuition never lies. And it's telling me that you look just like her! Maybe you're her sister or her child or somethin'. No shame in it!" Sfogliatella tilted her head with a rounded, pearline gaze, purling gossamer pelt making the kittypet appear as though she had prinked herself up for a great gala of sorts, a princess completely out of her element. She purred with a lilting lily of a tone, though dissatisfaction made itself clear upon the cracks of marbled persona and honeyed intonation. Even if Flora didn't claim to know who Sfogliatella - or Francesca - was, the sepia-coated cat knew she was tied to her little sister somehow. Despite the ditzy first impressions, she knew her intuition to be quite honed. Hoarse-voiced feline approached the longhaired Maine coon next, figure imposing as though all of her scars and her wrinkles and her scrapes were much to behold, a stunning representation of the wild's biting edge. Frayed and beaten, this character still stood and rose above to challenge the stars themselves. Fictitious eyebrows furrowed, for in her padded world, there were no conquerors and no kings. "Orangestar, hm? I'm Sfogliatella, though you can call me whatever you please. I'm simply looking for my sister. Her name is Valentine, and she surely would have known me as Francesca. We were separated quite a while ago... If you don't know where she is, that's fine! I'd like to stay with your housefolks out here, if you don't mind." She flashed an ivory smile, turquoise gaze glimmering like they had caught upon a new opportunity for adventure, a new thrill to feast her hungered eyes upon.

"Sovo- Sfoh, Svoliah..." On the outskirts of the patrol, the spotted tom quietly attempted to rehearse the stranger's name, each new syllable feeling acrid and foreign on a tongue more used to discussing flora and fauna. Conversations about lost kin almost seemed second priority as he tried to determine if this was the one appropriate time to use a nickname as a formality. Briefly, he was reminded of the rogues a long time ago, who could not recall the name bestowed upon him by another. They'd made their own, one that stuck with him even as he was separated an ineffable distance from that lifestyle. Sfogliatella may suffer the same fate, though, too proud to admit he needed the other's name repeated to him, the lead warrior couldn't even begin to guess what her new name may be. The innocence of the situation was quickly lost as the maine coon continued, talking first of Valentine, then Francesca, then, housefolks. Dagger-like pupils shot upwards at the idea of them, the vibes of a lost puppy quickly developing into that of a guarded hound. "We don't have Twolegs out here." Their furless, spindly paws and square teeth were bad enough to think about, let alone see.

He looked towards the back of Orangestar's head and took a deep breath, the calming gesture doing little to conceal the lash of an insulted tail. "This is the forest, you'll be surrounded by wildcats. That won't bother you, will it?"