Haven't properly met yet
Fearful of
Suspicious of
Jealous of
Distrustful of
Annoyed by
Weirded out by
Confused / Unsure of
Complicated Feelings
Wishes to know better
Shy towards
Comfortable with
Finds Entertaining
Friends with
Close friends with
Safe around
Like family
Protective of
Platonic Love
Crushing on
Head-over-heels for
Romantic Love

Reply with your character(s) to see how Sootspot feels about them!

Please be aware that Sootspot has an inflated sense of self and a very hypocritical moral compass because of it! He believes he is better than a lot of WindClanners so he does not need to be held to the same standards as them. A lot of his opinions will be negative of others but they are strictly in-character and do not reflect his roleplayer's opinions at all <3

I do not appreciate my rank in the clan being mocked by a kitten. Should a tunnel find itself atop this cat's head, I do not think I would mind. When I stare at her, I see nothing... she brings no value to her home or the creatures she loves, her voice is loud but her words are hollow. I could find more meaning in a pebble. Circumstances will make her a doomed cat, as far as I am concerned, she is parentless, and with a mentor as useless as hers, it would be better for everyone if she disappeared before someone falls with her.

My apprentice held value to me. A young mind compelled to follow instead of lead made for an easy ally... she has been disappointing. I know not what she said to my sister to make her betray Sootstar, nor what she said to Sunstar to make him separate us, but I realise now my approval is not enough to appease whatever insecurities her family has put upon her. I wish I did not feel so ready to defend a child so impudent, but she was my first apprentice, the first bit of clay I was ever allowed to mold in my image... sentiment will not let me forget that.

I cannot recall a time when sharing space with this creature has brought me joy. Of course, they are paraded around WindClan as a hero, but it is not talent that gave them such honours, instead, it is their remarkable ability to grovel to whatever authority is placed in front of them. I am sure if Sunstar told her to leap over the gorge, she would not have listened to the rest of his instructions before she found herself smothered by the current... a shame such a scenario truly cannot play out. I tire of their mockery of me, stealing my apprentice and my rank is nothing short of a disgrace that deserves an answer I am unable to provide. Perhaps one day, others will feel the same of them as I do, and WindClan can be rid of another scourge.

You wish me to speak of this vile social climber? The one who loved my sister for leverage then sired offspring with some exile when he got what he wanted? I fear the restrictions of our language do not grant me the words to convey how little I truly think of Snakehiss. Should I have been given the respect I am owed, I would have ordered his corpse to be pinned to the tallest mound on our moors, not because he toyed with Cottonfang, but because he was so inadequate at his job that even the StarClan deserve the chance to laugh at how pathetic he is.

I do not know Whitedawn well, perhaps that is for the best. To know someone is a complicated thing, I see her as a social seeker who is too meek to ever cause the damage that Snakehiss did: should I see her as more than just an ineffectual sycophant, I may dislike her more. It is difficult to ignore the attention that Addervenom holds when she stares at him, it is something I admittedly seek to observe from afar. Will she find love despite my brother's waning bloodline? Or... will she move on to the next family that will make her respected? Time will tell.

It is rare to meet someone who can change your life. So many creatures are inconsequential, Cottonpaw should be the same, yet... she is my sister, the apple of her father and mother's eye... until she proved herself just as skittish as the beast that mentored her. Without her, Sootstar would still be alive, I would've been Deputy instead of that leech she called a betrothed. I do not know what is worse, knowing that she is the reason I stand powerless in my home, or her desire to blame me for things outside of my control. Family may be a deceased word to her, but she should be grateful for its existence: without it, she may have found herself having a tragic accident at the gorge.

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