camp SOUL REAWAKENING \ rainy night

Oh, all day assault! Like- sky-bullets, icy water piercing from above... it hadn't stopped, even for a second! For a moment of reprieve- no, no, one of those constant storms. The rainfall was less bothersome in a forest than it would be on the open knolls of the moor, but the torrent was certainly still felt. He'd have a second skin of water by the time this was up!

Even as the sun sank below the horizon, itself apparently also tired from the sky's non-stop weeping, the rain kept coming. Tipped, flooded from cloud-buckets... flowing cyclical and everlasting like blood running around veins. He'd go mad from it! Fur stuck to muscle, a hulking fluffy form diminished by the rain's assail. The moon glared now, its pallid eye continuing to cry. Oh, what ailed it? What had harmed it? Because... surely, only the most excruciating pain would make you cry quite this much...

Well, he would do a good thing. Though his optimism often rendered him immovable, he knew very well he'd have to earn the trust of his new Clanmates. The ones that hadn't already known him, at least. And it'd be horrible for them all to be flushed out by the rain, for them to gargle and choke to death, just as he'd become one of them! Grin fang-dressed and ear-wide, his moon-veil gaze stared round and unblinking at the starry expanse above, peering past the pine-branches. "Please stop crying!" A chirpy assurance, a prayer to the welkin... "You'll drown us if you don't!"
He's no love for Mallowlark on the best of days, but now– just now, in this very moment, Lichenthroat's only thought is to finding the pale tom a shallow grave to rest his head upon. He's not certain what does it. The look on his face is as haunting as ever, his words as unnerving as every day. Maybe it is that it's raining, or that his mood is as dampened as the earth. It had almost always improved his mood in previous times. As a kitten, he had loved the rain. Had loved the way that it slicked his fur to his body. A cold pressure, a certain taste on the wind that soothed him. Perhaps, then, it is that Mallowlark ruins the peace as he does everywhere. Even then, though, his distaste for the new warrior is mostly in his newness, and not to the way with which he carried himself. Why, then, do his paws itch with such violence?

He sighs, accepting the irrationality of his own actions, and closes his eyes to tip his head up. Cool rain pelts down on his face. Washes away his worries and his irritations. Like cleansing dirt from a wound, he begins to relax some. "There are few more peaceful ways to go than that," Lichenthroat sighs, shaking out his fur lightly. "At least if we go before the water rises that high." He would die in a rainstorm, and he would be grateful for it.

  • ooc:
  • trimmed_lichen.png
    ──── lichenthroat, with lichen predating the clans, and -throat referring to his distinct marking. an adult, ages the 1st.
    ──── warrior of skyclan, and previous member of the pine group. dislikes (most) daylight warriors and kittypets on sight.
    ──── dmab. uses he - him or occasionally they - them pronouns. single; his sexuality is unknown and undiscussed.
    ──── i should note that all his opinions are in character. ^^;


    a tall, deceptively sturdy long-haired tom with soft, curly white fur smattered by deep, watery blue around his chest. he has large, conical, slightly tufted ears, long legs, and a massive feathery tail.
  • "speech"
( ) Deersong was watching the storm from the warrior's den entrance. She had moved back in not long after she stepped out of the nursery, but she still found it...odd to be here if Thistleback was not with her.

Her gaze would move slowly over to where Mallowlark, Dawnglares' apparent mate, was smiling in his strange way and seemed to plead with the sky for it to stop raining. A soft smile tugged at her lips, one of understanding and amusement before she lifts her head from where she had been resting them on her paws and meowed to both Mallowlark and Lichenthroat, "The rain is good for us." Her soft coo barely audible over the storm, "It helps the flowers grow and the prey will be happier too."

Turning her gaze to Mallowlark, the tan, and mocha molly would mew, "How are you settling in, Mallowlark?" It was an innocent and genuine question. She knew full well that many of her clanmates were not happy with the ex-windclanner being in their camp. Had even heard that Blazestar had been furious over the medicine cats' rule-breaking. But Malow had been accepted and had been allowed to join, so until their leader spoke otherwise she would at least give the tom a chance.

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Figpaw had been hiding in the apprentice’s den, until she realized no one had moved the fresh-kill. After doing that with the assistance of a few other apprentices, Mallowlark’s assurance to StarClan catches her off-guard. Wasn’t that… a bit extreme? Drown? The rain was horrible to deal with, but did WindClan’s earth dip so much that their territory flooded every rain-shower?

As Figpaw hobbles to the apprentice’s den judgmental eyes cannot help but stay fixated on Mallowlark. He was so… unnerving, less intimidating and more strange, unlike the bulk of other WindClan cats. Her tongue itches to say something, but she keeps it closed. How was she suppose to come to accept yet another WindClan cat into her clan? Another. After all they’ve done?

Solemnly she frowns and vanishes back into the shelter of her den.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 11 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, distrusting, resentful
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy
╰ ‣ cats of windclan blood or those she deems morally inferior will be met with her ire

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Crushing on Fanta
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ good fighter . excellent hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
  • Love

It tipped, tipped... so loud and relentless that he almost missed it as Lichenthroat spoke up, his head angled up to meet the heavens' onslaught. A giggle pushed through his smile-wide fangs, chittering like cicada wingbeat. He spoke of few more peaceful ways to go, and Mallowlark hummed humoured agreement, contemplative for once. He supposed it was no gutting, nor gorge-tumble... and at least you'd be easy to bury, felled by lungfuls of water. "Oh, definitely..." he nodded after a moment. "Could be worse- hawk-claws, or tunnel-collapse..."

Ponderous only in gory matters, it seemed.

A calm voice spoke of a natural cycle, seeking to educate. "Might be too much of a good thing, though!" he murmured over the din of the rainfall. Of course, of course... the natural order was a wonderful thing, and if the heavens saw if fit to drown them so their flesh might be picked from bones to feed the worms, and that they'd whisper as skeletons to the prophets above ground, then so be it. He'd always thought he might have a little longer, though. A subject-change, then... and if they were content to sit in the rain he wouldn't bother denying a chat with a new friend.

"Oh, good, thanks!" Chirpy and cheery, his smile set even wider- what had before seemed an impossible feat. Behind him, he just about heard the shuffle of pawsteps- in a snap movement, moon-eyed, he just about caught sight of a ginger-striped tail disappearing into the apprentice's den. "Don't miss much about WindClan, I'll tell you what." Much. Because try as he might he could not say there were some things he wished he still had.

Such was the nature of his choice, though. Irreversible... fated.