camp sound of silence [ leaving medicine den ]


A couple weeks had passed since the battle at Sunningrocks. Her shoulder had healed, but underneath her thick fur was a nasty scar. As she emerged from the Medicine Den, she favored her front right paw, almost afraid that if she were to put weight on it that it would hurt. Berryheart had told her that morning that she could leave today, but she had waited a few hours before exiting. Normally she would be throbbing to be let out, but today the spark seemed to be missing from her gaze.

She padded over to the Warrior's Den and slowly sat down. Carefully she lowered her paw to the ground, jumping slightly as she leaned onto it, expecting pain to swarm through her, but it never came. She flicked an ear, her gaze slowly scanning the camp. Maybe later she would take a walk...but right now she was still hesitant about her shoulder.
Spotting Flamewhisker emerging from the Medicine Den, her apprentice didn't hesitate to follow.

"Hey. Are you feeling alright?" She asked quietly, taking a seat beside her mentor. Glancing over at her mentor, she searched the older molly's expression. The thought of falling into the river was terrifying to her. She didn't even want to imagine it. When she had heard that it happened, after the battle, she had been stunned. Not even scared or mourning, just in disbelief. It hadn't felt real.

Their training together had only just begun, they had just started getting to really know each other. The thought that Flamewhisker could be gone so soon, it had been incomprehensible. It was by mere chance that that hadn't been the case.

Cloudypaw had been so busy worrying over Stormypaw, who had been so eager to throw herself into danger, that she had not spared a thought for her mentor. She had even let the two of them be seperated.​
The Medicine Den was not a place Basilpaw liked to be, at least not for very long. The scent of herbs overwhelmed him easily, and the presence, lingering or present, of sick cats gave an itch to his pelt that no scratch could satisfy until he left. No matter how clean or organized the little den seemed, Basilpaw couldn't help but feel dirty any time he spent more than a few moments within. When Flamewhisker had stepped out, the apprentice viewed her as no different. She spent weeks in there, he could hardly imagine what had settled into her fur. The strong scent of herbs on her pelt alone was enough for him to turn his nose away.

"Your scent is gone." Basilpaw commented directly to the warrior, no specific tone of disdain or disgust. Just a statement, factual as him saying the sky was blue. Cloudypaw was greeted less bluntly, his tail flicked her direction in polite greeting. "Afternoon, friend."
It was much, much easier on the lilac tom's psyche if he forgot that the battle for Sunningrocks ever happened. His performance had been diabolical, putting his family to shame and making even a RiverClan kit seem like a more competent fighter. Shame had caused Pebblepaw to avoid lingering near the medicine den for fear he'd see some of the souls he'd failed to help protect inside, and upon seeing Flamewhisker exit for the first time, it was almost like watching a ghost pace along camp. He was glad she was alive, gladder than any sunflower, but walking over to his uncle's mate, it was difficult to meet her eye. Scuffing his grey-brown paws against the earth, the apprentice timidly settled by Cloudypaw's side, his twitchy smile uncertain. Howlingstar would be coming out any day now too, right? Perhaps they could all finally put the nightmare behind them and celebrate what was won instead of fearing what was almost lost. 'Easier said than done... my stomach still hurts thinking about it' "I'm glad you're ok..." He mewed quietly, dipping his head in a polite greeting towards the ginger she-cat. "So... are you back on patrols now? A fleeting glance was offered to her injured shoulder.


"Well, certainly no patrols today," Flycatcher laughed, padding over to his mate and the cats who were gathering to see her now that she was out of the medicine den. He hated seeing her in there, knowing what had happened to her and what could have happened. He supposed one good thing was the fact that she was alive and still with them. "If you're feeling better, I can start thinking of putting you on patrols again," Flycatcher mewed. "Though perhaps we'll just stick with the smaller patrols for a few days just to ease you back into things and not but any stress on yourself or injuries."