private sound the alarm .. softkit

. ° ✦ Tentative steps were made as Bravekit tried to keep himself precariously between the paw-trodden paths and the shoulder-deep layer of snow. He was a lucky tom that most of the apprentices and warriors were up earlier than a kit, dropping off prey to Leopardtongue and Spiderlily and creating a big enough space of pushed snow for Bravekit to pad through. Despite how his first introduction to the cold had been rather disasterous the rosette didn't want to settle with his discomfort with it, trying to test the limits with himself in inching closer and closer until his head was dunked into the ivory powder.

It wasn't connecting that it didn't quite work out like that no matter how many attempts he made. Every result was always overwhelming frigid sensations that left his teeth chattering and muzzle damp. Bravekit huffed as he shook the fur framing his face, trying to use his claws to the clumps that formed. "I'll beat you one day, snow. I'll win." He vowed with a squeaky, solemn voice.
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  • ooc:@Softkit
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that tangles easily. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Wide fuzzy satellite ears.
Softkit had done all she could to keep away from the snow once she'd found out that it felt like it burned when it touched her paws, but she couldn't deny the fact that she was, indeed, curious about it - and curiosity led to investigation, as much as she'd prefer it not to, especially in this case. Eyes squinting against the lit-up landscape, Softkit's attention was drawn to a brown body thrusting itself into the snow, and she tilted her head.
"Bravekit, what are you doing?" Softkit asked calmly as she got to her paws and trotted over to where her denmate was tussling with the snow. "All the warriors say we'll catch a cold if we go around playing in the snow like that. Plus, it doesn't feel good, does it?" She questioned.
. ° ✦ The chocolate tabby quickly straightened himself when Softkit appeared, a startled exhale puffing from his maw in a cloud of mist. Bravekit tried to look calm, collected by combing the clumps of snow from his pelt with tiny claws. "I'm just... testing the snow, that's all." His eyes cast a narrowed glance at the pale sheet that declared itself a villain to him.

"I'm not trying to play in it. I'm going to be an apprentice next month! I can't be left behind in the snow because my mentors better at walking through it than I am. What if I get lost?" Bravekit was hardly one to give up easily and, currently, still considered himself stronger than any snow-induced cold."What about you? Aren't you finding it hard?" Surely he couldn't be the only one.
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  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that tangles easily. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Wide fuzzy satellite ears.