pafp SOUTHERN SNOW ♡ Friendly expression

A patrol had been unsuccessful despite the effort of prolonging it. Prey was beginning to become scarce and the fish below increasingly became disinterested in what resided above. Exhaustion battered her body and so did frustration, nose scrunched in souring mood with furrowing brows as nothing was held in her maw this time. Normally she had something to bring to the pile each patrol, maw full of her catches. Disappointment in herself was clear, already searching for the next patrol to accompany despite her exhaustion. A break she didn't feel she deserved for now, every paw was needed in the season.

Petalnose had been stopped by Ferngill, halting her quickened pace to acknowledge him properly. She had found lackluster in their interactions after the call of his independence and new name he tried to prove himself heavily for. The season pushed them to be busy, she had even struggled in time with her own mate except for the nights she laid against their fur. Petalnose didn't have anything to reassure him for anymore as there was nothing else in her eyes, she was correct in her words that he would eventually become warrior. How proud she was for Ferngill too even if she hadn't privately interacted since. She had remembered the small ray of sunshine he was as a mere kitten, sharing optimism on them all when they were all in trying times and when she was in her darkest time. She was sure to him it all felt too long he waited for his call of warrior rank, but to her she still remembered him as the youth she watched from afar.

"Hm? What do you need me for?" A curious tip to her voice, lacking the annoyance it bore during the season. She had guessed the approach was for a task relating to her rank or a request of assistance. But the friendliness she sensed made it hard to pinpoint either.



Petalnose was not as close a peer, age-wise, as many of the warriors whom Ferngill often kept company with- but she was a strong figure in his mind, a paragon of sorts. It was maybe odd that he'd consistently ended up turning to Petalnose in times of worry, but despite their difference in ages she'd ended up as a rock to him. So, what better gift than a pebble? It was a deep brown, a near-exact match to her eyes, and flecked with white- he'd collected it a few days back along the shoreline. It hadn't been until he'd seen a look of disappointment upon her face, and felt a spark within him to cheer her up, that he remembered his gift- and then he was bounding eagerly over to her, calling her name around the pebble.

She was professional, as ever- she reminded him of Iciclefang in some ways, a hardy outer shell, eyes ever aglow with a flare for duty. "I brough'th you somethin'!" he chirped, words muffled by the surface of his gift. Eventually thinking it through, Ferngill placed the pebble at her feet, face shining with a smile.

"It's not much, but- it's to say thank you, for always being there for me." A fiery paw nudged the pebble a little closer. He thought it was beautiful, but- not everyone found rocks as interesting as he did. "You've been a good friend to me, Petalnose."
penned by pin

A curious flutter of her eyes shown her attention as Ferngill announced upon the offering. A gift? One that wasn't prey? The action itself was peculiar to her and alien. She wasn't a collector by any means, mere moss or feathers during the cold seasons lining her nest along with sharing with Aspenhaze. Petalnose found it odd to snatch nature from its place and keep it all for self desire. What would they serve her except for a spot taken from her nest?

The action was new to her and she almost didn't know how to react. A blank stare at the pebble with silence was served for a moment until the reasoning came to speak. Attention shifted to meet his gaze, a small smile etching across her features at the lightening mood. "You didn't have to give me this to tell me thanks, Ferngill. But I will take it anyway in honor of friendship. I thank you for always brightening my mood. Maybe I can find one to match this for you." The lead's tone still remained professional but it was clear there was apprection within it and her small smile.

Her paw shifted forth to bring the pebble closer to admire it. To her, it was merely a rock but the reason behind it made it special to her. Why should she be so cruel as to push it away? Even if she was perplexed on how to handle the situation at first. It was a friendly gesture. One she didn't have reason to turn down or complain. She was fiery but she wasn't particularly cruel. Not when one hadn't done anything to provoke her. Ferngill had always been far from that.
