private Southern star ❦ Ashpaw


The sun was just barely rising when Petalnose had awoken. She wearily opened her eyes, blinking slowly and then lifting her head gently to make room for a yawn. She lifted her legs, stretching each of them until she tiredly padded out of the warrior's den. The she-cat was pleased to see that the grass no longer had frosted tips, instead, the dew heavily rested on it. Newleaf filled her with energy, just as it would with most warriors. Petal made her way to the fresh-kill pile, picking out a water vole and carrying it to a spot where the sun would eventually bathe her with warmth. She was preparing to go out on another hunting trip so she was aware to feed herself beforehand so her attacks were quick and powerful. Her ears twitched, listening to the crickets quiet down and turn into the song of birds. She heard a few clanmates slowly stir awake, her gaze shifting to the dens with a mouthful of vole.



The mornings are more bearable than hot, sunny afternoons. Her head's started to feel better, but only started. She gets out of the medicine den when she can, not on full bed rest anymore and aching for something, anything to do. Her vision still goes funny sometimes and her paws still trip her up but she can certainly manage a trip outdoors to eat.

She settles near Petalnose today, murmuring a soft "good morning."

A yawn, a biiiig stretch, and she'll settle down, resting her head on white-capped tabby paws.

"What have you been up to?" she asks wistfully, aching for conversation. "I've been stuck in camp since the battle cause of hitting my head and all that dumb stuff and — well — anything interesting happen outside of camp?"

Green jewel eyes glitter with the same fondness she holds for every clanmate; she and Petalnose aren't particularly close, but RiverClan is RiverClan. They're family, by Ashpaw's definition.

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • ooc text goes here​

  • - 9 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - crushing hard on iciclepaw
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - got real fucked up as a kid so if she seems like she was fucked up as a kid, that's why
    - "speech"
    - she is on a JOURNEY​


She licked her jaws as she had spotted Ashpaw, watching her approach her. For a moment she felt uncomfortable, not used to others particularly approaching her when she wasn't doing much. Secretly, neither was she fond of it. The she-cat didn't find herself as interesting as her other clanmates. The only thing she found herself socially doing was making dry jokes and teases to attempt to be friendly. Ah, but most seemed to take offense. Her clanmates seemed to take anything hostile lately .. well .. most.

"Good Morning. Awful weather isn't it?" She meowed sarcastically, looking up to the sky and taking in the sun's waking rays. She closed them for a second and breathed and then looked back down into Ashpaw's gleaming eyes. Her gaze was indifferent, no emotion seeping into them except a gleam of interest. She had taken note of Ashpaw's optimism and happygolucky attitude from afar. She admired it, they needed more cats to bring light to all the grumpy cats around them. Petalnose didn't seem as grumpy in her own opinion. However, to others could be a different story. She often was sarcastic, blunt, antisocial and sometimes seemed as if she had no emotion. She wasn't mean, was she? The she-cat didn't think so.

She raised a brow at her question, her mind fast forwarding to the things that had gone on. "Well, there was this loner or rogue- whatever they were!- That showed up at the border. He was stubborn but we scared him off. It seems as if he was Ravenpaw's father... or something like that. But Ravenpaw ended up taking a blow to his nose when his father crossed the border. Very interesting occurance. You should have been there to see it." She shrugged, crouching down to finish her water vole and then swallowing, "You don't want to go hunting with me do you?" She meowed, more sarcasm entering her tone with a gleam of playful mischief in her seemingly blank expression.