private Soviet morning calisthenics | Mudpelt


Snakeblink is many things, most of them unflattering, but one thing he isn’t is delusional. He has enough clarity towards himself to know when he is beat, or unqualified, or unprepared; he likes to take steps to remedy that fact when he can.

(Or rather: when it becomes unavoidable, as the need to train Carppaw properly has made today’s issue unavoidable. He doesn’t have so much ‘clarity’ that he cannot misdirect himself, every so often.)

It’s harder when that fact has come to define him; he wouldn’t know how to go about fixing his inability to express himself properly, per example, firstly because others have come to know him by his indiscretions so much that he doubts they would take him seriously if and when he did manage to communicate exactly what he has in mind with the right, non-insulting words. But stars, that’s in no way a reason not to try.

So. One thing is known: Snakeblink is a terrible warrior, in the literal sense of the word. The river wins most of his battles for him, much like his mother used to.

But another widely-held truth is that Mudpelt is amazing in a fight — and gentle enough in his teachings he probably won’t tear Snakeblink’s ears off in the process. Hence his approaching him today for pointers.

”Anything you can teach me would be welcome,” he tells the larger cat, pacing up and down the beech copse. The constant movement is less a betrayal of nerves than it is of the cold digging into his bones — to tell the truth, there is a fatigue deep in his limbs that makes them too heavy for anxiety to shake them. Shivers, on the other paw, do it easily enough. ”I know I will never have your bulk or natural skill to throw around, but I would enjoy not needing our esteemed leader’s brood to swoop in to my rescue,” he adds wryly, picturing Cicadapaw and Beepaw tag-teaming a rogue in his mind’s eye. Embarrassing as that was, he cannot help but feel a little fond at the memory. What a pair — they will be terrors as grown warriors.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 46 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Truth be told, Mudpelt was honored to be asked to help out the tom! He has always been a natural fighter, with muscle to back up his powerful swings and paws that somehow know just how to dance lightly across the ground to avoid attacks. With his apprentice now bearing his full name, he had no one else to train, and so he had accepted Snakeblinks invitation happily.

Now, he stands across from him, short fur bristled out as much as it can go (which isn’t saying much, his fur is quite short) to try to keep him warm. He grins a toothy grin and lowers himself into a battle stance, stumpy tail flicking to and fro. “Anytime! I’m always happy to help,” He trills lightheartedly as his muscles bunch. He lunges forward suddenly, bounding towards the other warrior at full speed before veering off. “If you use your environment to your advantage, you don’t need to be the strongest or fastest in a battle!” He yowls just in time for his paw to kick a small stone that had been laying in the sand. He sends it straight for Snakeblink’s head - it’s not big enough to hurt him, but it would be enough to stun.

// sorry this is so late!

Mudpelt's good cheer brings a slight smile to Snakeblink's face, mostly relief; it's nice, to feel unjudged and welcome. The other leads have warmed up to him by now, but he can tell they still see him as a dead weight – at least when it comes to fighting. And perhaps to the rest.

The smile quickly slips off his face as Mudpelt bursts into movement: he's quick, more sure on his paws than Snakeblink can ever hope to be on land. An intimidating opponent. He jerks back, crouching in expectation of a hit that doesn't come as the other warrior veers to the side. Anxious eyes jerk to the stone and he throws himself to the side, catching it on the shoulder rather than off his skull. It stings but not enough to give him pause, and he slides on the dusty ground.

”Environment I can do,” he says in a breath, and darts forward, kicking his paw to try and throw dirt in Mudpelt's face.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 47 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

The stone lands - not where it was aimed at, but it still lands. The familiar feeling of satisfaction warms his chest but he cannot rest. His lesson seems to resonate with Snakeblink, for when he darts forward it isn't to tackle or swipe. Instead, his paw kicks at the sandy dirt and sends it spraying right towards him. The grains cascade down on him and he has to squint his eyes to keep anything from getting in them. "Nice!" He coughs, trying to still sound upbeat even as dirt fills his mouth.

The brown tom gives his head a quick shake to try ridding it of the rest of the sand and he spits any out that had found its way onto his tongue. The attack worked to blind him, but Snakeblink hadn't moved fast enough to use the distraction. "Never waste that - as soon as you blinded me you should have attacked me!" He calls, now shooting towards the other tom in a burst of speed in hopes of tackling him to the ground beneath his weight.

Mudpelt is a good teacher, but he’s an even better fighter, and even as Snakeblink nods along to his constructive criticism he is entirely powerless to stop the larger tom from slamming into him and sending him to the ground.

Ack! His surprised squawk is smothered as the air is punched out of his lungs by Mudpelt’s bulk falling on top of him.

The feeling of being pinned down shoots through Snakeblink, sparking instinctive panic even as his brain knows he’s in no real danger. Mudpelt is far from the worst cat to have held him down like this, quite the opposite in fact — but Snakeblink’s survival has always hinged on his ability to slip out of dangerous situations with twisting limbs and tongue alike, and his body stubbornly refuses to chill. He squirms under Mudpelt’s greater weight, trying to wedge his back paws under the other’s belly and leverage him off while he flashes his teeth, aiming to bite down — gently — on a shoulder.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 49 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo