Outside it began to rain heavily, a great torrential downpour washing away his blood and sending the spiraling carrion birds flocking to shelter nearby; where they would wait there for him.
The cavern betrays its dull gray exterior and blossoms into pools of sapphire and cobalt within, the shimmering stone at its center illuminated faintly by moonlight overhead, a trickle of the sky spilling downward from a hole at the dead center of the stone’s peak. The flash of blue halts his steps briefly, jolts him in surprise as the color of salt and ice flicker dazzling over his lone orange gaze. The dark tom is blinded momentarily by it, breath hitching. He’s going to die. Blood sloughs from the deeper wounds, but it is the one delivered by Weaselclaw’s son that he knows to be the true source of his slowly trickling away time.

Smokethroat had dragged himself upward to stand after they left, barely managed to make his way into the mouth of the cave as the sky opened up and the scent of his own blood spread outward before fading. He hit the wall, stumbled, never before had he experienced such a pain - the creeping claw of death sinking in. He could barely see, could barely keep upright.

He has never been here before, nor did he ever think he would be but what a place to die. So close yet so far, the irony is not lost to him. Smokethroat had long since decided he would most likely die before his mate, before his leader - it only made sense. A leader had nine lives, he tastes copper and he clenches his jaw, nine lives to lose compared to one. Yet he fought tenaciously for this last one, he had to at least try. Even if he bled to death in StarClan itself, even if he didn’t make it - he couldn’t just lay there for the crows to pick at him. He couldn’t just fade away without warning. The image of Ravensong coming to the highstones on their moon-lit gatherings without knowing what WindClan was doing made his stomach twist in horror. They’d kill him, they’d kill all the medicine cats…he had to try.

A glorious death in battle would no longer be his fate, not any longer; the river ran red that day but he had made a vow. Live and breath for RiverClan, the same words spoken in an arid and accented tone above him the day he had been named the River King’s right hand. A position murmured among his clanmates as expected in many ways, of course he would pick his mate, of course he would choose the cat most willing to obey him.
The air inside highstones is still, stale, suffocating - he wishes he could only obey. There was comfort in conformity that he had never grasped before. There was safety in complacency.
He’d been a fool. He still feels white hairs through his teeth, singing, blood spray in his throat - he’s drowning. He leaves a winding crimson trail in his wake, shudders violently as his body fights him for rest that he refuses it.
The deputy huffs, shakes himself from the memories and lowers his head down and collapses onto the ground by the stone, his side rising slowly-faintly, he stretches out his neck to touch it with his nose. Nothing happens. His eye grows heavy and he closes it with a tired sigh. So this was it then, fall asleep and never wake up. Bleed a pool to reflect the sky above around this monolith of a crystalline structure. At least his chances of making it into StarClan were quite high if he died at their door.

A cold wind blows and he opens his eye; alarmed.
It takes a moment of silent staring to fully rationalize where he was, shimmering white fields so pristine the color hurts his eye - makes him recoil at the ethereal sea sprawled out around him. As he moves the ground shifts with him, foam lapping up his limbs and sides, frothy like the tumult river and he finds at its heart a row of cats backlit in star shine so bright he only sees luminous outlines that halt him in his tracks.

This was StarClan. Had he died or had he made it-he feels…alive still, somehow. A pulse catches in his throat. Had he dragged himself from the depths? Would he live now just to die with a life to spare? He doesn’t know. The faint sting of pain over parts of his body that looked no different from how they usually did seemed like an echo…he’d made it.

To think he would be here, not as a spirit passing onward but as a cat to receive nine lives. He’d never wanted this but it was a burden he had accepted when he rose to stand at Cicadastar’s side. A possibility he never wished to humor but acknowledged all the same. His heart aches and he wonders which of these looming figures was his mate, wants to call out, but he finds himself wavering - voice lost. Something instills in him silence, his urge to speak smothered in awe. His head feels light, he was on a time limit…

  • There is no order for these outside the last one planned, so feel free to post!

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.


The first cat to pad forth from the crowd is a pretty blue she-cat. The ears atop her head folded and muzzle pallid, she bore a striking resembelence to a small family that called RiverClan home. Smokethroat would recognize her as Rainwhisker.

Soft eyes shone in the starlight, looking in the direction of Smokethroat but never for long on him. They always flickered about as if she could never find what she was looking for, but that was far from the truth. In life and death, Rainwhisker always was percise and found her target. The heartbeat of a mouse, the flap of a bird’s wings among the reeds, a fish jumping the water before diving right back in.

A etheral smile unfolds on her face, the ghost appears youthful and happy, not a gray fur of stress on her pelt. ”Welcome to StarClan, Smokethroat.” A sweet purr pours from her throat, she pads forward to meet the RiverClan deputy. ”I will not dawdle. Your life drains.” He may have made it to the moonstone, but he was not safe until they’ve restored his lives.

She touches her nose to his, ”With this life I give you trust.” Cicadastar, though a great and noble leader he was, had not always kept trust in his clan. His paranoia had ran deep and as his most trusted advisor, Smokethroat would likely face similar struggles in his time as RiverClan’s leader. ”Use it to trust in yourself as you lead your clan, but most importantly, to trust your clan-mates. RiverClan is devouted to you, Smokethroat. Do not let distrust push the ones who care for you the most away.”

As her life surges through the RiverClan deputy he will feel his stomach twist, the feeling of distrust sickening him until he knows not who to turn to. Yet as her life finishes off the tension in his stomach settles, clarity, trust. He has a clan back home ready to serve him with their very lives.

When she pulls away she dips her head, honored to be able to serve RiverClan one last time by blessing their next great leader with a life. May it serve Smokethroat and RiverClan well.

She treads back into the crowd, her pelt vanishing as she blends right in.

( casual character / "speech" / ic opinions )​
· RAINWHISKER, female — she / her
╰ ‣ formerly known as Brook
╰ ‣ 24 moons . ages on the first
╰ ‣ riverclan warrior . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former member of the pine group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like fish and river , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue tabby . blue eyes . blind

╰ ‣ Observant, reliable, hardworking, overcommitted, humble, takes critique personally
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty in relating to others . quick to show mercy, unless her family is at risk of harm
╰ ‣ Doesn't appreciate most proper titles, doesn't feel deserving of them

· NPC x GRACE, sister to Lightningstone & Stormpaw
╰ ‣ bisexual.
╰ ‣ skilled fighter . average hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.​

stalkingpaw & 12 moons & polygender & any pronouns & starclan apprentice

"I'm sorry you had to go though that," the next cat to speak is more than a familiar face - after all, it's not even been a moon since she'd been eating and breathing right alongside smokethroat (or is it already smokestar now?) and her clanmates. Moonlit tears adorn the corners of wide emerald eyes, smile as sad as it is gentle. She is glad her death had been a peaceful one, if not painless - curled up at hers sisters side until she'd crossed the veil. The thought of many claws and teeth tearing into her terrifying even now. But she has already joined the stares, and here, nothing can hurt her.

"I suppose it's my turn then!" she chirrups, shaking her head - she can't let herself waste too much time, can't get distracted. "With this life, I bring you honesty," she says gently, cold nose pressing into midnight fur as she prances forwards, tail swooshing behind her. The flood of emotions startles her, but she keeps going - saying what needs to be said. "It can be hard to be honest - not only with others but with yourself. The truth is not always pretty, and it can be painful sometimes... but don't let that keep your from saying what needs to be said, from knowing what needs to be known, doing what must be done - for yourself, and for your clan,"

Stalkingpaw had always liked to think herself an honest cat - perhaps too much so at times. she'd thought there had never been a moment where she hadn't expressed what she wanted to express, acted the way she felt, every thought and emotion written across her face and body alike. It wasn't until the end that she'd realized that wasn't quite true - she'd been resentful of her sister, jealous and insecure, hiding it behind the distance that had grown between them. And she'd almost lost her chance to clear thee air, to apologize.

But she'd been honest at last, and now she has no regrets. "May you live with no regrets," she murmurs, more of her own well-wishing than part of her task - "And tell sable I said hi!" she adds, lopsided grin as she darts away, vanishing into the crowd, cheerful even now in the most somber of moments.

Her job here is done - it's someone else's turn now.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a beautiful white and black she-cat with a starry coat and emerald eyes

    previously an apprentice of riverclan
    succumbed to yellowcough at 12 moons old [50 posts]

A broad grin, cracked quartz, was bright amongst the assembly. Steady of stride, Steepsnout loped forward next. The stars armoured the warrior’s marbled pelt, action-ruffled as it had been before sickness made it stagnant. Bitterness at her place among the dead was assuaged by the sight of the living. Smokethroat’s familiar silhouette brought with it memories of her kithood, training and duty. As deputy and mentor to her sister, the tom had been a steady source of aspiration.

"Impressive, making it up here. I’ll be quick." Nose bespeck with cosmos, Steepsnout met the riverclanner roughly. Appraisal welled within her gaze. She would have been proud to be a warrior beneath him, as she had been to Cicadastar, but star-stuck as she was that would be the privilege of her siblings and denmates.

"Strength is what I’ll give you with this life, because you can never have enough of it." A twinkling huff marked the end of the molly’s mirth. ’Tell them to be strong- Da-’ Her hopes dredged to the surface again, raw. Sincerity stilled her expression, carved long like the mountains she’d never seen. "You’ll have more chances than most to shield your clan and family. Never falter in your place before them, never let those who’d hurt them forget your claw." The life was imparted with a swell of adrenaline, a heady tide that drowned fear and doubt. It called for action. When it settled it did so in the paws and chest, a simple weight, an anchor.

Retreating, she hummed with finality. Slivers of guilt chipped the warrior’s thoughts. Regrets, of not holding on to hear Fernpaw’s stories, wore deep. Mouth parted, Steepsnout struggled to stay quiet. The given life would protect them through him. She was still doing her part for her blood. "Keep ‘em safe." Gruff and suddenly unsure, the warrior bled back into the stars.
As Steepsnout takes her place, the reeds rustle again. A burly, heavy-shouldered gray tomcat littered in scars slips from his spot amongst the fallen. His pawsteps are light and sparkle like dew catching starlight; he walks with the confidence he’d known in life, the confidence death only deepened. Char’s yellow eyes gleam with the knowledge hard-earned over seventy moons of struggle and travel, and with the wisdom bestowed upon him by StarClan. “Smokethroat. Well met, river-dweller. I see your journey to this place was not easy.” His voice rasps gently, like water against a shoreline.

Char appraises the RiverClan deputy, then scrapes his paws against the grass. “We did not meet in life—but I fought against cats you called friends, foes, mate, long ago. Our spirits rest here all the same.” A trace of uncertainty smears across his grizzled features, but it dissipates swiftly. There is business to conduct, and, as the other StarClan cats have discovered, little time to do it.

The tabby leans close, brushing his nose against Smokethroat’s. A surge of nervous energy sweeps from the gray StarClan warrior to the RiverClan cat, sparking like a wildfire and just as hot to the touch. Anxiety and then peace will run electric through the recipient of this life. “With this life, I give you self-preservation,” Char says, opening his eyes and looking into the banked flame of Smokethroat’s. “All of the courage and strength it takes to lead your Clan is useless if you cannot be there to lead them. Let your mind guide your paws—and your claws—as well as your heart, and remember: your Clan needs you in one piece.

Char draws away, dipping his head. “Good luck, Smokethroat. You’ll need it.” He sweeps his gaze over the battered cat’s injuries once more before turning tail.

, ”
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You’ve a talent for getting into trouble with WindClan, Smokethroat. I’m almost glad I’m dead, and don’t have to deal with it anymore.

The sarcasm is dry, spoken by a familiar scarred cinnamon tabby whose weary face doesn’t match the joke he’s tried to make. (He’s never been good at the whole humor-to-lighten-the-mood thing, anyway. Typically, his humor only dampens it…)

The conditions of them meeting again wouldn’t be so tragic, in a perfect world, where Cicadastar hadn’t been overrun by dangerous paranoia till his untimely end and WindClan hadn’t been governed by a madwoman with an unquenchable thirst for power.

The world isn’t perfect, though, and Smokethroat’s life now drains away onto the sacred ground of Mothermouth.

Tick-tock. The healer knows just how important every second is when there’s a life on the line. They’ve been here before… Unwelcome memories of Smokethroat, one eye torn out and his throat spurting blood, spring to their mind. But this time, they’ve no cobwebs to desperately press against their friend’s wounds. They’ve only a life to give, in hopes that the ceremony could be completed before Smokethroat joins them in the stars permanently.


Beesong pads forward with urgency, his bobbed tail flicking and his singular curled ear held low. “With this life, I give you selflessness.” He dives right into the ceremony; Smokethroat would understand why the pleasantries were cut short. Though Beesong may long for more time to speak with his friend, fortune’s never been on his side. “Life is ruthless, and as RiverClan’s leader, you’ll be faced with countless difficult decisions… When you must choose between yourself and your clan, always put your clan first. They depend on you, so never let self-interest cloud your judgment.

The small feline rises onto the tips of their toes to allow them to brush their star-speckled nose to Smokethroat’s. As Smokethroat is imbued with the life, an overwhelming weight settles over him. It grows heavier and heavier until it feels as if it would crush him at any moment… And just as it seems to grow too heavy to carry any longer, it fades as a sense of realization then resignation washes over him, like cold waves lapping at the dark-furred tom.

Beesong steps back, dipping his head to Smokethroat. “I’m sorry that I left too soon, with an ill-trained apprentice to take my place.” He wouldn’t allow his voice to crack with guilt, despite how it wants to. What good would those what-ifs and I-should-haves do? Everything is said and done. “Tell Ravensong that I’m sorry… and that I’m proud of him.

Tick-tock. Always racing against time, even in death. Beesong gives a smile to Smokethroat, one that is just as tired as it was in life, and retreats back into the crowd of starry onlookers.
Water droplets drip down starry, silver fur as a small molly steps forward next. She gives Beesong a respectful bow of her head, nervousness in her gait as she paces forward. She is not much smaller than the medicine cat, but his size still is comparable to hers. Her goat drips stardew, tears fresh in her eyes as she stands before the tom she once considered a friend. They had left each other's side on bad terms, with her exile from RiverClan. She didn't feel right to be standing her amongst so many honorable cats, but there was purpose in her being.

"Smokethroat." She curtly greets the tom, blinking starry eyes as she lifts her head to gaze upon his form. If she wasn't fast with this, he would join them in the stars- and it wasn't his time. No, he had children he needed to take care of, a clan to lead. She shakes out her fur then, exhaling a smoky breath of air from her lips. "With this life, I give you Loyalty." She begins, shining tears slipping down her cheeks. Bittersweet. "I was never the most loyal cat to my Clans, and for that, I serve my sin here in StarClan every day to make up for it. But you are the most noble, honest cat I've ever had the pleasure to know. You must stay loyal to your Clan, and even if you meet those you care about from another Clan, you must remind yourself of your place. Always. For your Clan needs you, depends on you. Your children depend on you." She meows, a bitter smile on her lips as she looks up at the dark tom. She leans in, hesitantly pressing her nose to the tom's own- a strong burst of energy blossoms within him, rattling the air between them as she steps away. She sniffs then, turning away to join the rest of the cats whom had or will be giving the tom the rest of his lives. Right before she joins the others, however, she lets her head turn one last time.

"Be wary of WindClan, dear Smokethroat. They are vipers in the cracks, slipping through when it benefits them." She warns the tom briefly, but something seems to.. Hinder her. Her lips part, then close, then open once more. "If you see Pollenfur, tell her that I love her. Even now, when I am gone, I still love her." She half-whispers, holding her tongue on the fact that her children were left behind. She would tell them one day, how much they mean to her- but for now.. This was enough. "I'm sorry, my friend." She apologizes with shut eyes, turning to stand beside Beesong with her head held high.

She had done something right, for once.​

Pumpkinpaw watches the welcome party for Smokethroat with interest and melancholy glittering within starry orange eyes. She flicks an ear each time a cat touches noses with him, waits her turn as stardust follows each movement she makes. She shifts uncomfortably, not sure how she should feel- but in her stupor, her turn comes next. She has been dead for countless moons, enough so to see a full change of seasons, but even then she feels a little lost when she approaches.

She takes a deep breath, eerily calm for just how loud her thoughts felt, eyes flutter shut for just a second. She reaches forth, straining with her height to brush her nose against his. The sensation that would follow is invigorating, adrenaline-rushing and warm. She pulls away after a brief second and in such contrast to the emotions her life would have evoked, she looks a little sad. It is bittersweet gazing upon the mate of Cicadastar, the deputy that had followed Buckgait, a staple of Riverclan. “Smokethroat,” she begins, squaring her shoulders back.

Something distracts her for just a heartbeat and she wonders how each individual circumstance had led all of these cats to this exact moment. She decides not to dwell on it, a mournful rock neatly settling heavy within her heart. She shakes it off with a small smile.

With this, I give you the life of freedom.” it is the second leader she has given it to, how ironic it just so happens to be the one succeeding the cat she viewed so much like a father... She doesn't know how to feel, about the situation, about Cicadastar, about Windclan and their paw in having Smokethroat at their doorstep. She squints, and then her eyes soften. He’ll be fine. “Though there are borders and conflicts, rising tensions-” her voice becomes clipped and her tail gives a lash at the thought of Windclan and their selfishness, of their continued lack of control- “You are free. Your clan is free, never forget that. You have the option, the ability to put your mind to it, and if you remember this… Then you can do anything.” a droning somber tone turns to a lilt, eyelids flutter shut for just one second once more.

You’re doing your best.” it is her turn to move on from the crowd yet needing to bestow his gifts so she leaves him with one final murmur, her head dipping in a bow. She picks her way through the crowd and almost instantly is her orange pelt gone. She believes in him, he is what Riverclan needs in the loss of their founder.
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As Pumpkin moves back into the stars, a new figure steps out of them. Meadowheart, hardly more than an apprentice, beams with all the brightness of the celestial bodies that dapple his warm fawn pelt. He has not been dead long. In fact, it is Meadowheart who Smokethroat had doled his first warrior name. There is a joy in his chest that he feels he can repay that kindness now, despite the grief which had orchestrated it all in the first place.

The wounds that Smokethroat bears remind him distinctly of the ones that had taken his own life; Meadowheart can truly feel the pain that the older tom is forced to shoulder. Verdant eyes glint with empathy as he regards the RiverClan deputy. "Hi again, Smokethroat," the boy greets, a small smile still clinging to soft pink lips. He's glad that Smokethroat made it; he's glad to feel sure of himself in this moment. Despite being so young, there is a confidence that he has found among the stars, a voice guiding his tongue as he presses his nose to the other's and begins to speak: "With this life, I give you bravery."

A rush of heat in the veins; coals beneath the paws; the war-drum thrumming of blood in the ears; and prevailing above it all, a shining compass of morality, of doing the hard thing. "Fear is valuable– but more valuable is knowing when to push past it. There will be things you must do that will scare you, but they still need doing. Let bravery give you the tools to overcome those fears. But," Meadowheart pauses, smile growing weary, "don't confuse bravery for foolishness." He again feels the tang of copper in his throat, but it fades quickly.

And as he finishes, he feels his confidence crumbling beneath the tides of emotion. Meadowheart's duty has concluded, but still he lingers, head bowing. "Um... thank you, by the way," he mews, hushed by sheepishness, "for my name." He hopes Smokethroat can feel the weight of his emotion even in the softer tones of his voice. But just as quickly as he'd dimmed, he brightens again, an animated smile sweeping his soft fawn muzzle. "Oh, and tell Lightningstone and my sisters I said hi!" The ache he feels being apart from his family can grow heavy at times. Hopefully he'd be able to see Brookpaw's and Oxbowpaw's reactions when Smokethroat delivered his greetings.

With all of his duties (some personal, others less so) concluded, Meadowheart offers Smokethroat a final weary grin and melts back into the starry pelts behind him.
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The time for the ninth and final life to be granted has arrived and the heavens themselves seem to grow silent. This is the moment the last leader of the clan would approach and finish the ceremony, calling the once-deputy by their new star-blessed name. But no mottled pelt steps forth.

Instead, a brown tabby breaks away from the center of the group, amber eyes smoldering with warm starlight. His chin and tail lift high with a certain nobility as he strides towards Smokethroat with purpose, his expression unreadable. When he stops, he stares at the larger dark tom quietly for a heartbeat. A wind blows, ruffling his short fur from behind as he draws in a breath. "Hello, Smokethroat," He greets, his voice aged and worn like old leather. "I am Hare Whiskers. We never met in life, but I was the founder of the colony in the marsh all those seasons ago. And when Fourtrees filled with blood on the night of the Great Battle, it was I who called the fallen home, and together we created StarClan."

His gaze flicks about, scanning the cats that surround them in their ethereal glow. "I'm sure you are wondering where Cicadastar is." He shuts his eyes for a moment, stifling a sigh before returning his striking gaze to the black tom. "He is not here. Cicadastar's soul is elsewhere, somewhere not even we know. His dishonor in life barred him from entering our skies." He knows this might break him. He knows he just told Smokethroat the worst news he could have possibly been given. But- "There is no time to mourn, Smokethroat, for you must return home to your clan as quickly as possible. Mourn in your camp tomorrow, but tonight you become a clan leader."

He steps closer and presses his nose to the top of the deputy's head, eyes closing. "With this life, I give you clarity. Use it well to see the world for what it is, to see cats for who they are. The truth will not always be easy to see, and it may be even harder to accept, but as a leader you must welcome this understanding and use it to make the right choice for your clan." This life will be the most painful he will receive tonight. Sharp pains like claws slicing his flesh before nothing at all, and Hare Whiskers steps back with his head held high.

"I hail you by your new name, Smokestar. Your old life is no more. You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants you the guardianship of RiverClan. Defend it well; care for young and old; honor StarClan and the Warrior Code, live each life with pride and dignity."

With that, countless voices rise up in unison to chant his new name, much like a clan would at a warrior ceremony. "Smokestar! Smokestar! Smokestar!" The voices will eventually fade, as will the starry landscape. When Smokestar opens his eyes, he does so as leader of RiverClan.