pafp Spark of Inspiration || The story of Wartstar 𓆏

((This thread counts for the frogsplosion!))

Shadowclan had frogs for days and were feasting like kings for probably the first time in its life. It was great! Frostbite was quite happy that something good was happening for once. Shadowclan needed this. His stomach was full, he was due any day now, when was the last time things were so good? Even though he longed to go out and hunt the surplus of amphibians, he was content knowing that soon, he'd have his paws full with his new kits.

But in the meantime, he was kind of bored.

There wasn't much to do in the nursery when you were round and fluffy.... Other than tell stories! Yes... He'll tell a story. And what better inspiration for a story than the frogs? He even remembers Garlicheart saying something about a Wartstar. Well.... It was time to give Wartstar some backstory.

"Who'd like to hear a story..." He asks out loud as his eyes wander, landing on Sycamorekit. He figures... Maybe it would help him feel more comfortable here. "About the biggest, lumpiest, strongest toad in the marsh?" He finishes with a smile. He addresses all the kits, but he hopes Sycamorekit will come over too.

((@Sycamorekit! ))​

[ ༻ 𐃉 ༺ ] Sycamorekit was adjusting slowly to being in Shadowclan, unlike his sister who seemed to bloom to their newfound home, he was having a hard time. Green eyes watching as cats came and gone from the nursery. Frostbite, who was one of the few cats amongst the clan he liked. The tom was nice, and seemed to enjoy the company of the kits that bumbled about. Not only that, Frostbite now lived in the nursery, expecting a brood of his own-more cousins from what he was aware of.

He noted the blue eyes of the lead warrior land on the slightly hidden tom, green gaze blinking a bit before he began to offer up a story, one about a toad and of course it piqued his interest, and on hesitant small pawsteps the boy emerged fully from his spot, ears swerved foward to show he wanted to hear the story Frostbite was going to tell, even going as far as tucking his paws underneath his chest in attempt to get comfortable knowing more kits would soon crowd about to hear what Frostbite was about to tell.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Sycamorekit 𐃉 He,She, They, Shadowclan kit, 3 moons.
    LH Rosetted Cinnamon Tabby with low white and green eyes, has an extra set of toes
    Lilacfur x Siltcloud
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Gigglekit had gotten so used to Frostbite's presence in the nursery that she treated him much the same as the other queens: which meant that, mostly, she ignored him. But she knew that he was family, and soon his kits would be her own cousins, so she showed more interest than she might otherwise in the tom that was calling the nursery home for the foreseeable future. She had been dozing by Needledrift when she heard the tom start speaking, though she remained in a half-awake state until she heard the word 'story' pass through Frostbite's lips.

"Story?" Gigglekit squeaked before her eyes were even open, and once they were, she hobbled over excitedly to where Sycamorekit had already gathered himself in Frostbite's audience. She settled herself in next to her cousin, giving him an inch or so of space - she'd learned that he was a little skittish still, and she didn't want to make him uncomfortable, as hard as it was to contain her affections for her kin.

𖠰𖠰 Toads and frogs are a big part of ShadowClan’s prey. Branchkit learned that by asking one of the warriors who brought back not one, not two, but three whole frogs from a hunting trip! And the best part is, there are a lot of frogs on the territory right now, so nobody has to be hungry, even though the little tom doesn’t really understand what it’s like to be hungry. He likes frogs, though, so he’s glad whenever he’s brought a frog to eat. Today, someone brought a big fat frog, and Branchkit ate so much of it, and now he’s sleepy. The kit lies sleeping in his nest beside Gigglekit, but is dragged into consciousness when his sister moves.

The little lilac tabby doesn’t pay much attention to the queens in the nursery who aren’t one of his mamas, so mostly he sticks to his own nest. But he knows that, somehow, the big white-furred lead warrior is related to him, just like Lilacfur and her kits are, and just like Starlingheart and her kits are. So when the older tom asks if they want to hear a story, Branchkit is on his paws and toddling after Gigglekit. She sits down beside Sycamorekit, and so Branchkit plops himself on her other side, leaning forward so he can smile around her at his cousin. Then his attention flickers back to the lead warrior. "Yeah, toad story," he chirps in an echo of Frostbite’s words, his fluffy tail swishing to and fro.

✧ . With a newfound taste for frog and a full belly, Morelkit lazily lounges beside his siblings. His eyelids grow heavy with the urge to nap, but he fights it, blinking back the sleep as much as a kit can. Because, he doesn’t want to nap. He wants to play, and go outside and, maybe have another frog…? Maybe they could play frogs? He’ll have to ask Gigglekit and Branchkit — they might like to play that, right?

His eyes drift close, but not for long, as Frostbite’s voice fills the nursery’s silence with an offering of a story. Stories always grab his interest, and, if he can’t go outside and play like he wants, then it would be far better to listen to the lead warrior than to go to sleep.

Toad story! “ Morelkit echoes, soft-toned paws rising from his nest to join his siblings, his cousin too.

How big? As big as… me? “ The frog they’d shared as a meal wasn’t quite as big as them, but maybe the toad in Frostbite’s story would be. “ Or… Or you? Or… uh… “ Morelkit tilts his head, pausing to think of anything bigger.

A tree? “ ​
  • MORELKIT AMAB. He / Him. Kit of ShadowClan.
    ✧ . A blue tabby and white tom with pale, blue-gray eyes.
    ✧ . Needledrift x Chittertongue ; Adoptive son to Ferndance
    ✧ . Mentor to be determined
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack

The cinnamon tabby's time was often divided between being near the apprentice den, being out in the territory hunting, or being in the nursery with Needledrift and the little ones. Today, the latter was taking her attention (sort of, sleep came easily to the green-eyed molly when the trio were equally heavy-eyed). She'd seen Frostbite plenty of times in the nursery because of it, though with her priority being her own family, she didn't recall them talking outside of the occasional polite greeting. How quickly things could change. Mention of a story had the three popping their heads up like meerkats and, after some convincing by a brain that desired a nap, Ferndance followed suit. She shuffled in the well-maintained nest to curl up close to her kittens, eyes wide with intrigue. She would have been certain that the biggest, lumpiest, strongest toad in the marsh was Smogmaw, but nowadays, he seemed less lumpy and more... sad. It was that which made her decide that Frostbite was talking about an actual frog. She craned her neck forwards, air exhaling through a mouth slightly parted. "I would..." She breathed, eyes full of wonder.