camp Spear and the Heart {Intro)




———————————Warrior | she/her | 24 moons——————————
The day was windy, her calico pelt being tugged on by the warm spring breeze as it danced through camp; as if it were a kitten calling her to come play. But Burningfern would not answer the tempting call, not when she still had her duties to attend to. A gaze of pale sage green lingers on the make-shift camp and she tries to count how many days they had been living here since the flooding of their home. A light subtle shrug is the only indication that it didn't really matter, as she hoped that with the warmer weather having come at last, they may be able to move back home soon.

Burningfern stretches, muscles rippling unnoticeably beneath her long coat, and she gives herself a quick grooming before setting to work. The fresh-kill pile would not fill itself, after all. And moving back home or not, cats still needed to be fed. Her ears flicked one way, then the other, trying to listen for words of a fishing patrol gathering, and when she thought she heard one, she walked over in her usual unhurried yet purposeful stride. "Good Morning." She would greet whoever was gathered, dipping her head as another breeze whipped through the camp, "Any cat going fishing?"

[penned by zaeya].
SKY HIGH"Heh! Always! Nothing beats getting in the water." Crawlingroach chirped as he looked in Burningfern's direction. The more the merrier, provided that they didn't get under each other's paws that is. Idly he kneaded the ground with his claws as he geared himself up for action, though he was still waiting for the patrol leader to give the signal to head out. "Think we'll get anything decent?" He queried as he tried to gauge where spirits were sitting at that moment. Personally he believed they would catch something good, but it was hard to say what some of the gloomier clanmates thought.
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———————————Warrior | she/her | 24 moons——————————

Crawlingroach would pipe up first, and the calico Molly couldn't help the easy smile that spread onto her lips at his optimistic attitude and the way his paws kneaded the ground in excitement for the day. Of course, she had to agree with his eagerness to get into the water, her own paws tingling at the thought of the cool river water moving over her paws.

"I sure hope so." She would reply to his question, taking a patient seat as she waited, "It would certainly raise the spirits around here, and we need some raising after the moon we've had." She lowered her voice at the last part, not wanting to really damper the mood if she could help it. "Is there a specific fish you like, Crawlingroach? I can try to keep my eye out for it while we hunt."

[penned by zaeya].

Petalnose had already been waiting for the patrol to band together, her body facing the exit. She was a bit separate, from the growing group, preferring to be alone and ready rather than socializing. She had decided however to join a conversation to pass time as she was starting to get antsy, her face turning over to see Burningfern join and get chatting with Crawlingroach. She didn’t know the two well, naturally she’d keep to herself due to that reason. However, she didn’t want to annoy her clanmates by pacing and rushing them with impatient actions. The she-cat listened to the question Burningfern offered to Crawlingroach. Recalling that her own favorite was Carp. Round and large, enough to feed many. “I wonder if we can get a big enough patrol to catch a gar.” She meowed dully, but it was obvious the she-cat was joking underneath her frown, “Who knows how many that catch can feed?” She turned her head back to the exit, twitching her ears and curling her tail neatly around her paws.

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———————————Warrior | she/her | 24 moons——————————
Petalnoses' words would cause Burningferns whiskers to twitch in amusement. So the quiet molly had a sense of humor? She could work with this! "Oh, a Gar would be a great catch!" She would add to her clanmates' words, her tail swaying behind her at the ease she felt with the conversation, she only hoped the patrol leader would arrive soon, even if only for Petalnoses' sake.

"Can you imagine the look on Cicadastars' face if were to drag home a fish as big as that? Might just make us Lead warriors." A laugh would rumble from her chest at the mere ridiculous thought. Of course, they wouldn't be promoted to such a high rank from such an achievement, but it was still funny to think about.

[penned by zaeya].
જ➶ Olivine gaze shifts casually to look at the firming hunting patrol. They haven't done any today personally and so with a slow stretch and a popping of bones the feline arches their back as they allow a ripple to pass through taunt muscles. Moving towards them they allow a small nod to shift their skull as they part their jaws in greeting. "Room for another, I hope? I haven't been out yet so I figured it would do me well to get moving a bit." Despite their wounds from Windclan they feel the need to keep going so long as they don't push themselves too hard. His ears perk up slightly at the talk of potentially catching a gar and he tilts his head slightly in thought. "Now that would be a feat worth commending. So long as no one gets pulled into the river." A slight tremble of amusement wobbles in his usually monotone voice as they think of the situation. Still they wish to participate. Maybe they can catch a trout or pass the time with trying to keep an eel in their possession.
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SKY HIGH"Oh, well, I have a hankering for some trout. I love trout, and river eels!" Crawlingroach cooed as he thought about the prey he liked most. Though perhaps he really had been thinking small, especially when Petalnose mentioned the idea of bringing in a gar. Now that would be something! He hadn't actually eaten gar before so he was naturally curious about the flavour. Would it be better than trout, eel, or even catfish? "Lets get that gar, yeah?! Or something equally big!" He was on his paws now and bouncing back and forth with eagerness. "Where would the best place be to search for one? Deeper water I'm guessing."
the wind rustles the branches of the beech trees overhead, buffeting beesong as he emerges from his makeshift den. weariness still crowds the edge of his vision, but he blinks it away as best he can, stifling a yawn while he scans the clearing. the temporary camp is already bustling with activity this morning; it seems the warmth of newleaf and the promise of returning to their proper home have invigorated the inhabitants of the wetlands. one nearby group in particular chats about catching gars, and the cinnamon tabby hums. gar isn't a typical quarry for riverclan, so he hesitates to hold out hope for a feast tonight. however, if the patrol does manage it... it would be impressive.

impressive enough to promote them to leads? probably not. but still impressive.

"one can dream," they comment absentmindedly to burningfern, waving a paw in the direction of the patrol. there's a playful quirk to their scarred lips, whiskers twitching. though they wouldn't join the group in their fishing escapade—both because they've other duties to attend to and because they don't enjoy getting wet past their paws—beesong still finds it in themselves to wish them good luck. riverclan needs all the luck they can get. "may the fish leap into your paws."