private SPECTRE OF MY MORTAL SOUL \ ivytwist

Mar 15, 2024

The name of each Thunderclanner was committed wholly to her memory now- how could she save all of them if she did not know them all? Admittedly, however, there were some cats she was closer to than others. It was not an intentional thing- and oh, how she wanted for everyone to be equally under her wing, ready to accept her help. Some, though, were reticent- a few, aggressive. Some, she simply had not been one on one with- Ivytwist was a cat in the latter group, with distinctive fur of orange and blue. Rosy eyes spotted her easily- she closed in with silken grace, a kind expression pre-set into her features.

"Your pelt... it is like fire, ice and storm," she purred, warm and soft. "So I wonder why it is you bear the name 'Ivy'? Though it suits you..." she stole a glance at the fresh-kill pile, "And I imagine you performed some twisting manouevres to capture that impressive squirrel I saw you deposit on the pile, earlier." Everyone liked compliments, didn't they? It was rather a safe bet for breaking the ice.

\ @ivytwist
penned by pin ☾
Like most things in life, Ivytwist ignored new joiners until they became relevant to her. She was friendly when they greeted her, sure, but she never went out of her way to greet them herself. Plenty of other warriors did that for her.

As she was grooming herself this sunhigh, a new voice stopped her mid-lick. She glanced up from her pelt, and quickly put her tongue away at the pretty sight. Thundergleam was a newer warrior to her ranks and Ivytwist hadn't made the effort to say 'hello' yet. Pretty she-cats were always the exception to her personal "ignore new cats until they say hello" rule. She usually made a point to offer herself on patrols with them, but she must have been busy lately because this one had slipped by her.

Ivytwist shook off the sudden surprise of being greeted by Thundergleam and tried her best to plaster on a not-so-surprised smile. Did she notice? I hope not, she worries, only indicating the nerves with a twitch of her tail tip. "I would assume naming your child 'Fire-and-icekit' would be too much of a mouthful for most parents," she teasingly purred. Her pelt radiates heat at the compliment. Wait, Thundergleam was complimenting her? She felt her ears grow hot as well.

Ivytwist glances at the squirrel she had caught earlier. In truth, the squirrel had practically bolted into her claws. She wouldn't account her hunting skills to getting that catch, really. "You have such incredible perception, Thundergleam! I used my signature move. I could show you if you'd like?" A bolt of panic struck through her. Why would she offer that? It wasn't even that impressive. She inwardly cringed as she awaited the response, praying to StarClan she said no.
[penned by muddly - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ FOR YOU, I AM A CHILD, BELIEVING

Any heat that prickled beneath Ivytwist's fur, flustered flattering, was unnoticed to Thundergleam- it was kindness, saccharine and true that slipped sugared from her lips, and only that. Ivytwist's teasing remark, lilted with sweetness, had an airy, chiming chuckle twinkling from the moon-pale molly. "Ah, you have a point... though perhaps one day someone will be the first," she joked back, whiskers twitching with an iridescent sort of amusement. Fleeting, ephemeral... a clashing name like that, it brought out a lot of emotion, despite its length.

Incredible perception- well, naturally, though she still beamed at the kind compliment. Yes, she supposed that was why she was StarClan's chosen... a cat who did not notice things as diligently as she did would not be picked, certainly. Still, a warm feeling of satisfaction settled in her heart.

A signature move, though! Thundergleam's eyes widened with rosy awe. Oh- perfect! Perhaps it would be a ThunderClan traditional move, like the one Stormywing had taught her the other day... if she learned it from Ivytwist, she would surely impress her mentor! Without... without disquieting her, of course. Excitement flared from her like the sun peeking through the clouds, glowing and beautiful, bringing something blessed to everything it touched. "Oh! I would be delighted- honoured," she purred. "I have only learned fighting moves- not hunting ones..."
penned by pin ☾
Heat pricked her pelt still and Ivytwist turned a quick grimace into a proud smirk at Thundergleam's purr. Her one fatal flaw, her insatiable need to impress. Most of the time it came from tall tales and twisting of the truth. Heh, maybe that's really where her name came from.

The warrior bowed her head and cooed, "Ah, then let me accompany you to the Great Sycamore! It's truly the best tree for this move." She gestures for the dazzling she-cat to follow her from camp. She really can't get over how meticulously Thundergleam's coat was kept. Bits of sand and mud crowded Ivytwist's toes and shame reared its ugly head. This cat moved like moonlight itself and Ivytwist was light reflected on a muddy puddle at best.

As the pair walked from camp, Ivytwist could not help but notice how distinctly... familiar Thundergleam's scent was. The only thing she could smell on her coat was the misty night air, light and damp. She smelled almost exactly like walking back from a gathering with her clanmates. Interesting. This new face smelled as if she'd been here her whole life.

"So, tell me, Thundergleam, what was your life like before the clan?" The question had been fighting against her tongue to slip out this entire time. This ghostly beauty was a curious enigma to Ivytwist. She had such a unique coat, one she only recognized in Moonbeam of RiverClan's. They couldn't be kin, could they? She peered at her walking partner with curious, mismatched eyes.
[penned by muddly - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ FOR YOU, I AM A CHILD, BELIEVING

Scarlet pupils glimmered with enthusiasm- well, this would certainly be impressive then! "I would be thrilled," Thundergleam chirped, unable as ever to hide the almost-kitlike excitement that shone from her eyes and demeanour whenever there was a chance to learn something new about ThunderClan. In truth, when she had arrived she had wholly believed that she was impeccably knowledgeable... (and if Father learned she had not been perfect, would he be upset, she wondered?)... therefore in learning new aspects of this life... well. It was very much as if she were Thunderkit, learning to interpret dreams... Thunderpaw, learning how to hunt and provide for the Clan she was destined to join.

Thundergleam met mismatched eyes of gold-and-aqua with a great, overflowing sincerity. Truthfully she was touched someone wanted to know more about her. It spoke to the wondrous nature of Clan life, did it not? How much some of them cared, ddespite having no reason for it... it was her duty to help them, not the other way around. Still, she was very pleased to oblige the autumn-and-night molly's request.

"I spent most of it learning," she admitted. "Be it hunting- or, the way of the Clans- or, how to interpret my signs from StarClan." For a moment, she paused... that seemed a satisfactory response. It was perfect- it was the way she was supposed to be, immaculate and unbothered, learned so she threw no spanners into ThunderClan's intricate clockwork.

And yet... "It was lonely, too." Rosy attention grew dreamier, looking to an invisible figure over Ivytwist's shoulder. "I had Father, but... I am very glad to have met so many wonderful cats here, at last."
penned by pin ☾