no angst speed racer / friendly competition


this is my attitude
Sep 4, 2024
What do you get when you cross an energetic apprentice with nothing to do? A race. Obviously. Or at least obvious in Sunpaw's brain. She's always been the type for a competition, probably to no one's surprise, especially when it involved something she was good at. Though she would boast that her swimming skills were better, the truth is she's always been agile and fast on her feet. It helps that it translates to water - but it always began on the grounds that carry her feet across the territory.

Of course, the downside of being an apprentice was that you couldn't leave the camp without your mentor. But that certainly didn't stop her from doing what she could to keep the boredom at bay. "Ready?" she glances aside to the one or few faces she managed to rope into this. "Set- she digs her paws into the ground. They've decided on a clear path through the camp - once or twice won't hurt, right? From one end of the visible camp to the other. Enough for a quick sprint hopefully without getting in the way. "Go!"

Sunpaw takes off. The race is on.

//Just a friendly little competition! I rolled for the sake of it (16) but feel free to do as you wish, whether your character is also racing, watching from the sidelines, or judging!

Had Splashdance been a part of the initial conversation, there is no doubt that she would've joined the race. Even with her new warriorhood ahead of her, the she-cat is not immune to bursts of fun. Not to mention with the rising river and the unfortunate happenings alongside it... maybe it'd be better to indulge in different activities. None of them are WindClan cats, of course, but a good run isn't owned by those thriving on the moorland.

In any case, she doesn't know about the race until it happens. Sunpaw burns a path nearby, almost completely clear aside from wayward cats wandering in the way. Blue eyes blink hurriedly all before a grin stretches across her features. Regardless of who she had been seated with, the she-cat calls out, "Oh, let me join the next one! Let me join the next one!!" She admittedly has no faith in herself to win, but joy is in the journey, is it not?​

Thornskip was not made for swimming, it was something that he could admit with only the slightest tinge of embarrassment. While they were no Windclanner there was experience that came with being a kittypet once. The streets of Twolegplace were abundant with hounds who weren't particularly friendly. The campsites were just as rife with danger though those hounds were leashed most of the time, she had grown up being quite the decent runner all things considered due to her heritage. There was most likely a patrol that needed extra participants or some chores that required attendance to, both important tasks that as a warrior should be something that Thornskip attends to. However who was he to say no when Sunpaw is looking for participants in a race? Something that he can showcase some kind of skill at, something that she couldn't do within the river.

Paws dig into the ground as the flame point turns look at the apprentice beside her, the orchestrator and co-racer. Competition right now, friendly for sure but a competition nonetheless. She twists her hind paws, digging them into the muddy ground with hopes that it will give some momentum in comparison to just keeping an equal distribution. When Sunpaw calls for them to go he takes off, hind legs pushing forward as the front scramble to keep up. He tries to picture a dog chasing after her but in comparison it's less exciting and a lot scarier then this. So she scraps that strategy and just enjoys the moment, the call of Splashdance distant over the blood rushing in her ears as he found himself catching up with Sunpaw. A whoop of laughter escaping her as she manages to not only catch up but start to overtake her.

rolled a 19!
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Reactions: SUNPAW.

Rolled a six! LMFAO!/

Who was he to say no to a competition? Even if it was a race. He didn't pride himself on his speed, much rather preferred his strength. But owlpaw wasn't going to let himself be beat by Sunpaw- or anyone else for that matter. The silver chocolate tom braced himself to spring forward, but seconds ticked by and he grew distracted, thinking of the others eating his dust.

He hadn't even noticed that they sprung forward and Sunpaw had shouted go until he looked beside his body to stick his tongue out at the apprentice and noticed they were long ahead of him! He let out a groan, springing forward across the camp to try to quickly catch up. "I gave you a headstart!" He let out his tell, ears heating up in embarrassment. "Don't eat my dust now!"

A loud guffaw left the spotted she-cat at Splashdance's side. Turtledove loved competition. It wasn't uncommon in her apprenticeship to see her doing this exact thing: challenging others and ultimately asking for rematch after rematch. Seeing that the current apprentices were still having these competitions (especially with warriors) was exciting.

Turtledove bumped her shoulder into Splashdance's with a grin. "Me versus you next match? Winner has to catch the other's meal tonight?" She asked, a glint of mischief in her eyes. She would never assert herself the fastest or strongest cat, but she did like to see how she stacked up against her peers.

Her eyes flicked back to the competition currently happening and the warrior let out a cheer at Thornskip's victory. "You'll get 'em next time, Sunpaw!" Turtledove stretched out her back, flexing her claws into the soft dirt beneath them as she felt her muscles loosen. She gave a quick grin to the dark she-cat next to her and gestured with her head toward the race's starting point. The warrior crouched low and bunched her muscles excitedly.

Once Splashdance was ready and the release word was said, Turtledove bounded forward with heavy paws thumping on the ground. She looked back to see Splashdance and let out a laugh, but - before she could register what had happened - the world was upside down and Splashdance was racing past. The warrior had tripped on a loose mossball from one of the kits' games. "Fish dung!" She shrieked and scrambled to get back on her paws.
  • ooc: bb girl rolled a 9 :(
    attempted to run ahead of splashdance, but tripped waaagh
  • large stocky silver charcoal tabby she-cat with short tail and green eyes
    12 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual(?) ; currently not looking
    child of Pondstep and Shadoweye
    riverclan ; loyal to licehnstar
    easy to befriend ; trust levels
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed and encouraged!