Adrenaline leaves them high and dry. Mirepurr traverses pinecone-riddled ground underneath the treeline that hugs the camp, paws barely lifting enough to not brush along it excessively. Their head is bowed, ears pressed, tail trailing uselessly behind them... they've never felt this amount of despair before, and they cannot muster up enough energy to hide it from their Clanmates either. The previously perfectly intact amount of hope and resilience has been shaken to its very core.

They had been quick to assign search patrols, quick to assure others (and themself) that their labor will bear fruit; now, their imagination is quick to suggest the worst. Smogstar with a bleary gaze and an unstable gait... leaving intentionally or perhaps without proper knowledge of what he is doing. Mirepurr loathes to think of him so overcome with sickness that he merely stumbles through his own homeland.

Maybe they shouldn't have been sleeping in the warriors' den like normal. If only they had perched outside Smogstar's den...

"If... if you see anything, let me know..." Mirepurr croaks. What are they looking for anyhow? The rain drips onto their pelts and fills any pawprints left behind. Even their skillful nose does not catch a whiff of their leader.