oneshot spend the rest of my life with what could have been // grief and growth


anything can happen if you want it enough
Jan 5, 2023

"i wish that i could open my eyes and the nightmare'd be over"

He’d never imagined that this would be his place, a prisoner of Skyclan as it was decided what to do with him and Badgermoon. Yet, even with his near-hopeless situation, Curlew’s heart hurt the most for those he’d left behind. It didn’t take a smart cat to know how Sootstar would spin their disappearance; he would be lucky if, granted he survived long enough, Scorchstreak wouldn’t gut him on sight. Oh, his brave best friend… She was so strong for everyone, so hurt by her past, and now she had been abandoned again without so much as a goodbye. A pitiful mewl escaped the tom’s ragged throat, quiet against the towering trees. What have I done? What have we done? Badgermoon left his children, I left my best friend, we both left our home…. And for what? For Sootstar to have another lie to boost her power? A spike of terror shot through Curlew with the memory of the other children of traitors who had remained with Windclan. Would the Scorchpaw and all her siblings become the next Periwinklebreeze, distrusted and shunned for all their lives? Tears now ran down his cheeks, the cat brought to a space of pure despair. Why had Badgermoon not woken the camp? Surely the lives of his children and his clan were more important than anything else? Curlewnose wept silently for all he had lost, and all that he would surely lose if he lived to see it. Would this hole in his chest ever leave?

He almost wished that Sootstar had finished what she started, if only so that his clan might have been saved.

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