
radioactive by imagine dragons plays
Sep 13, 2022

WindClan Tragedy Litter

  • This is not a litter born of love but duty, duty to a clan both respected and loved for giving them a home when they had none. Juniperfrost (then Juniper) followed Sootstar to the moors from the Marsh Colony after the Great Battle ended and was a longtime supporter and loyalist under her clan until his untimely death at the hands of WindClan's traitorous ex-leader warrior Hyacinthbreath at a border skirmish.

    Spiderbloom was a rogue from Gin's Group who lost a previous litter and felt no purpose while they were under previous threat of coyotes until Sootstar came and offered them shelter in WindClan in exchange for their pledges to her and she eagerly accepted.

    The two had a very strained relationship, Juniperfrost stoic and uncaring and Spiderbloom teasing and coy and eventually after his son fled to return to SkyClan and betray them, sullying the legacy of his family name, he asked if she would consider carrying his kits and she agreed.

    Two weeks later, he was dead, she was pregnant, and the world continued to prove its cruelties to the vengeful queen. She would raise these kits to be loyal to WindClan, to hate all other clans, and to perhaps one day avenge their father's unjust death.

    • There will be 2-3 slots for this litter.
    • This is not FCFS, your form should supply the basics at minimum!
    • Please use the genetics/Name List provied (or at least names with similar vibes)
    • These kits will be playable at 1 Moon (Age realistically on the 12th of Each Month)
    • It is preferred these kits stay in WindClan with their mother until they are at least adults.
    • WindClan is a harsh environment for some, if you're not comfortable with their militaristic lifestyle this may not be the litter for you!
    • If you wish to play a disabled or mentally ill character please research and be mindful of what you choose and play it respectfully.

  • Genetics Courtesy of Blitz:
    Sire: LH blue ticked tabby w/ high white (carrying point, solid)
    Dam: SH seal point (carrying dilute, longhaired)

    Kits can be black, black tabby, blue, blue tabby, seal point, lynx point, blue point, or blue lynx point
    - kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
    - kits will have low white
    - points will have blue eyes; non-pointed kits may have any realistic eye color
    - tabby kits will display the ticked pattern
    - non-dilute kits will carry dilute; tabby kits will carry solid; non-pointed kits will carry colorpoint; shorthaired kits will carry longhaired

    Spiderbloom's Naming List:
    Juniper, Frost, Berry, Cypress, Frigid, Snow, Chill - After their father
    Briar, Thorn, Nettle, Bramble, Rose, Sharp - SHARP NAMES
    Rip, Shred, Tear, Maim, Crush, Blood, Bone, Marrow, Splinter, Fracture - VIOLENCE NAMES
    Slither, Scale, Scorpion, Wasp, Hornet, Bee, Mantis, - Snakes, Bugs...
    Hemlock, Foxglove, Nightshade, Holly - Poisons
    Night, Shade, Gloom, Fog, Mist, Dark, Black, Murk, - Spooky, Dark Names
    Flax, Tansy, Poppy, Pansy, Asphodel, Allium, Tormentil, Furze, Thrift, Heather, Gorse, Wild, Buttercup, Lily, Saxifrage, Vetch, Broom, Puff(After dandelions that do the Thing and flowers that cluster together, like hydrangeas do) - Wildflower names
    Breeze, Gust, Sunrise, Sunset, Rainbow, Bunny, Rabbit, Hare, - Windclan names

    No-No Names: Yew, Cold, Hyacinth, Dandelion, Jasper, Coal, Thyme, Coyote, Leopard, Ember

  • Juniperfrost (x) Spiderbloom
    Nieces & Nephews to @LYNXTOOTH. & @applebite on Juniperfrost's side.
    Cousins to @GRAVELSNAP & @slatepaw & @ashpaw! on Lynxtooth's side.
    Younger half-siblings to @Coyotepaw & @squirrelpaw from Juniperfrost's previous mate @leopardcloud

These kits will be picked & born on the 12th!
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scorpion ; small but deadly. all sharp claws and thick shell, no trace of softness.
— windclan kit. deeply loyalist, despises other clans
— cis female, she/her. indifferent to other pronouns.
spiderbloom x juniperfrost, sibling to ???

SH black ticked tabby with low white
Scorpionkit is tiny, even for a WindClanner. She bears the lean legs of her moor runner parents, yet she remains far too small for anything but the tunnels -- a runt by any metric. What she lacks in size, however, she makes up for in attitude, strides long and proud even when wobbly. Her fur is always fluffed out, an unruly mess of short spiky tufts with a perpetual cowlick sitting atop her head. Its color fades from near-black at the top of her back to dusty grey-brown, then to a warm tan across her face and the back of her legs. Splashes of white adorn her muzzle, her eyes tips, the bottoms of her paws, and the tip of her tail. Her eyes are a murky mess of green, face typically contorted into some exaggerated expression -- a sneer, usually, or a shit-eating grin.
↳ carrying dilute, longhair, solid, point


( + ) fearless, clever, loyal, motivated
( / ) morbid, ambitious, guarded, attention-seeking
( - ) reckless, provoking, unempathetic, dogmatic

— Scorpionkit is a troublemaker at heart, a high energy bundle of spiky fur and snapping teeth, barbed words always looking for a fight. She laughs loud and easily, but is quick to anger and retaliate against any slights, bouncing between emotions in seconds. She delights in the attention brought on by her intentionally provoking words, her frequent problem-causing, a child who thrives in the spotlight -- even if the attention is negative. It's purposeful, after a point. An annoying child will grow to a deliberate menace of an apprentice, playing the villain for the thrill of it.
— Yet there is more to her casual delinquency than meets the eye. All the Clan feels the loss of her father, knows the pain it caused Spiderbloom. Scorpionkit can't stand it, the way some of the bigger cats look at her: with pity in their eyes. She is not a pitiful thing. So she molds herself into something that none would dare pity, scratching-claw violent and fearless and honestly, kind of a jerk. She wants no sympathy; she reviles it, the discomfort that crawls beneath her skin when cats look at her with sadness. She pushes down any negative emotion but rage. Rage is productive, rage keeps the pitying eyes away. All the world, to her, is nothing more than a challenge to be conquered.
— Scorpionkit has a casual callousness with which she views death and violence. A child of death and tragedy, born to a clan plagued by war and militaristic dogmatism, her viewpoint is easily warped. Confronted with such horrors at such a young age, she becomes accustomed to them, even welcoming. Death is treated as rote by the young molly, something to be joked about, something she finds begrudgingly fascinating, even if the concept always feels outside her grasp. So too does her perception of her own mortality shift; she cares little for her own safety, acting as though she is invulnerable. She knows she isn't, of course, but she'd never admit that. When she dies, she will face it with a smile (she hopes, as she pushes down all her fears).

mannerisms: idly shifts her weight from paw to paw. smiles wide, all teeth. eyes are often darting around. will nudge (or even whack) other cats with her paw when she wants attention. likes headbutting to show affection. very expressive tail.
— will start fights | will end fights | will flee | will not show mercy
— will excel at navigation, tracking, strategy, combat


— IC reactive character! She may become less of an awful problem child as she ages, or she may get worse <3
— Will definitely cheat at all the kit games. Blatantly.
— Will love her mom and try to get on her good side, despite her troublemaking tendencies. She will give Spiderbloom the saddest puppy dog eyes every time she gets in trouble. Whether it works or not is up to you.
— Point her at a cause and she will dedicate all she has to it. Raised to be a WindClan loyalist, she will see serving her clan as her purpose in life. Bring up the concept of avenging her father, and she will throw all she has into it, no matter what happens to her as a result.
— Will antagonize her clanmates at first, but once introduced to other clans may direct more of it towards them -- or to clanmates she sees as "weak", "traitorous", or otherwise a threat to WindClan.
— May have a brush with death as an apprentice that only feeds her ego.
— Would love for her to have a moment where she hits her breaking point and has a full sobbing meltdown in front of someone, forcing her to be vulnerable and confront all the negative emotions she's bottled up. She'd hate it.


i'm gonna win - rob cantor
— activity will be casual for the first month or so, shifting to semi-active as she nears apprenticehood

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T...track... very tempting but must NOT


⊰ To Be Decided by Parent
⤷⊰ Juniper, Frost (After his Father)
⤷⊰ Sharp, Shred, Maim (Violent Names)
⤷⊰ Bone, Hemlock, Fog, Mist (After his pure white kitten coat)
⤷⊰ Gorse, Wild, Gust (After Windclan)
⊰ AMAB, He/Him
⊰ 1 Moon, ages 1 Moon every 12th
⊰ Kitten of Windclan

⊰ Not Applicable for Relationships (Kitten)
⊰ Not Applicable for Offspring (Kitten)
⊰ Undeveloped Sexuality (Kitten)
⊰ Likes Spiderbloom, and His Siblings
⊰ Will hate and despise Riverclan

⊰ WIP/Will Detail if Chosen
⤷⊰ Larger of the litter's siblings, will most definitely be a Moor Runner
⤷⊰ Long Haired Blue Lynx Point with faded ticked tabby markings all along his body, giving him a light gradient across his back, from dark near his spine back to white along his stomach
⤷⊰ Low White in the form of white toes and tail tip
⤷⊰ Fur makes him look larger then he is. Looks as big as his dad but is slightly smaller, showing the mix of his parents
⤷⊰ None to Account For
REF IMAGE (Will update TH Link)

⊰ WIP/Will Detail if Chosen
⤷⊰ Calm and Collected, he is the perfect soldier. Having heard stories of his father and how he held his head so stoic in the face of danger made him want to live up to that legacy
⤷⊰ Tries not to let his anger get the better of him, although it may show itself when interacting with Riverclan/talking about the circumstances of his father's death
⤷⊰ Plans on climbing the ranks to prove himself and his family strong, not someone to be pitied just cause he didn't have a father
⤷⊰ Strives for Lead Warrior or even Deputy/Leader, although they may develop a superiority complex and think they'd be better at it then the current leader
⤷⊰ Will hide these ambitions amoung the clan but may voice their opinions with their family
⤷⊰ Will be very attached to his family and protective of Spiderbloom if she was being picked on or pitied
⊰ Enjoys Sunbathing, Patrolling, and Cat-Watching

⊰ Will Not Start Fights, Will End Fights, Will Not Flee, Will Not Show Mercy
⊰ Healing and Peaceful Powerplay allowed
⊰ ❝ speech ❞ ✧ penned by Taru
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splinterkit splinterpaw splinter???

A BLACK TICKED TABBY WITH LOW WHITE AND BLUE-GREY EYES by no means the smallest or the largest of his litter, splinterkit's height is merely average, however, as he grows, he'll carry a strong build meant for a moor runner. his fur mostly carries a gradient of dusty-hues, from an almost gray-black along his back to a pale gold along his stomach. white places itself in a diamond-like shape on his chest, over a single paw, and under his eyes - of which are blue in color, though look void of saturation as they skew towards grey. his fur is on the longer side, but not too long to get in his way, as it forms a spiky appearance to the boy.
↳ carrying dilute, longhair, solid, point
+ courageous, dutiful
/ aggressive, ambitious, competitive
- abrasive, reactive
AS A KIT, splinterkit will find himself to be an easily frustrated child. short-tempered and with a tendency to compare to others, tantrums from a young splinterkit will be practically inevitable, stomping of his paws becoming a typical mannerism for the boy as he struggles to find a means to let out his anger. outside of his ill-temper, splinterkit finds himself almost awkward in nature, uncertain of what to do or to say. such can often lead him to a tendency to be quiet outside of his bouts of anger, perhaps even keeping to himself. as he grows older, play fights will likely become a staple of the kit's days - an odd sense of calm found when he's playing war, pretending he's fighting against the opposing clans. around this time he'll learn the importance of windclan, and likely of his father's legacy - a devotion to fight for the moors and to become one of windclan's best warriors.

AS AN APPRENTICE, it is likely splinterpaw will train above ground, rather than below. such a fact will likely only come with jealousy as he compares himself to any of his potential tunnel-chosen siblings. around this time, it is more likely that play fights will turn into actual fights as he learns how to properly use his claws. he'll likely be seen as more of a troublemaker around this time, as he chooses to speak with his claws rather than his maw. at this time over-comparison sets him on course to seeing his fellow apprentices - and perhaps his siblings - as potential threats to his own path he aims to forge. however, as his apprenticeship pushes onward, splinterpaw may begin to realize that his clanmates aren't his true enemies, but rather the surrounding clans. picking fights with his clanmates will only weaken them in battles against riverclan and skyclan, only leave windclan weaker and with a heightened chance of failure. devotion to windclan and sootstar will only rise from here.

AS A WARRIOR, splinter will likely gain a warrior name pertaining to his skills in combat and stealth as he continues forward on his path to being among those considered windclan's best warriors. he will likely push himself to train often in a means to keep his skills sharp as his life as a warrior pushes onward.
will likely have a close relationship with his mother and siblings, though it will be tumultuous in his earlier days.
if informed of his traitorous half-siblings, splinter might struggle to grapple with the fact he's related to traitors, though this fact may ultimately push him in his devotion to windclan's militaristic ways and his hatred of traitors.
all character opinions will be in-character opinions! i expect he'll probably say some mean things at some point.​
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Juniperkit / Juniperpaw / Juniperblaze, Junipershadow, Juniperdawn
In honor of his striking resemblance to his late father
✧ Cisgender male (he/him); unknown sexuality
✧ Kit of windclan; fearful of outsiders
✧ Spiderbloom x Juniperfrost, sibling to ???

✧ SH Blue ticked tabby with a white blaze & yellow-green eyes
From an early age it is clear that Juniperkit is destined to be a moor runner. One of the largest kits in the litter, he has a broad chest and strong shoulders with the long legs of an endurance athlete. His jaw is strong and square, complemented by a roman nose and squash colored eyes. Juniper's pelt is the color of a cloudy grey sky, the intricate details of his finely ticked markings seem to blend together into a solid blue until sunlight illuminates their true design. His coat is not long, but dense and soft to the touch. The downy fur of his undercoat is a lighter dove grey, softening the harsh lines of his square features. Although Juniperkit's resemblance to his father is uncanny, his most eye-catching quality is the bold blaze of white that streaks from his snout to his belly.
— carrying solid, colorpoint, and longhaired
— walks proudly, carrying his head high
— subtle in his body language
— graceful and strong in his movements

The Perfect Soldier | Courageous, Quiet, Trustworthy, Gullible, Loving, Honor-bound
Juniperkit is, at his core, loving and calm. Although his family is tumultuous and occasionally vengeful, he loves them deeply and would do anything for them, especially his mother. He has been more attuned to her emotions, though he seeks to soothe her rather than compete for her praise like some of his siblings. He is the one with the good advice, the brightens bad days and inspires hope in the hopeless. Everyone knows that Juniperkit is soft compared to the average Windclan cat, but there is no questioning his loyalty. Honorable and trustworthy, he follows his orders and completes his duties--even if it goes against his better nature. He regularly struggles with some of his clanmates' feelings toward outsiders, including his own family, but if he does say something, he is easily silenced by a stronger opinion. Juniperkit learned very quickly how to separate himself from his actions. He makes it clear that he doesn't approve, but then he does what needs to be done, what must be done, even if it's terrible. Even if it gets him killed. He never backs away from a challenge, whether it be fighting off a badger or soothing his sibling's temper. Courage comes naturally to him. His clan can always rely on him to pull through in any situation and trust that he will do whatever he can to protect them. His warm heart is often overshadowed by duty, but Juniper's ultimate goal in life is to settle down and have the family that his father never got to have. He loves the family he's got, but he can't help dreaming for more.

— Cool, calm, and confident
— Rarely offers his opinion on controversial topics
— Will not start fights / will end fights quickly
— Can be convinced to either violence or mercy
— Smells like sage and juniper​
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Chillkit Chillpaw Chillbreeze
— Chill;; after her father Juniper frost // Kit;; denoting rank
— Assigned Female at Birth (she/her) // heterosexual heteromantic mongamist
— 1 month old // ages every 17th
— Kitten of Windclan

— sibling to tbd
MATE TO...no one
— mother/father/parent to...no one
MENTORING...no one
— previously mentored no one
— mentored by no one

A lynx point she-cat with white and dark blue eyes.
— Standing at about 4 inches tall, Chillkit is very short compared to the average cat. She has stout legs and a long tail with small paws and lithe shoulders. She weighs in about 5lbs if that and would be consider a runt of her litter. Chillkit has short fur that is adorn with a lynx point pattern and white adorns a splash on her chest and her right front paw. She has these wide, rounded deep blue eyes that resemble a royal blue color and they seem darker in certain lighting.
— carries dilute, longhair and solid
— no scars or visible injuries
— no any ongoing illnesses

✧ POSITIVE TRAITS: loyal, honest
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: stubborn, outspoken
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: nervous, argumentative

— Chillkit is a rather nervous cat, often being startled easily in her kithood with a more temperamental response to negative things. She likes to make her mom proud as well as her father, but she feels she will never be good enough due to her small stature. Chillkit is very weary of strangers and doesn't approach others easily. Though if one gets her on the topic of Starclan or bugs- she is a nonstop chatterbox as those are her special interests. She is cunning and isn't afraid to do what it takes to get her way, even if it means hurting others' in the process.
doesn't suffer from any mental ailments

talents, experience? what are they good at?
what are they poor at, or dislike doing?
peaceful and healing power play allowed
smells like heather and a warm summer breeze
sounds like Donna from Thats 70 Show (Fully grown)
— penned by [you!]

I shouldn't...but tempted track
mistykit - mistypaw - mistymoon, mistyheart, mistydapple, mistystride
Misty - an eerie name, also lowkey maybe partly named for her father too
- cisgender she/her; sexuality tbd
- LH blue lynx point with low white spotting (front paws and tail tip are white)
- unsure of personality...either a bit of a nervous/skittish cat with a strong appreciation of starclan, or leaning more towards a militaristic, detached sort of vibe
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↳ holly after her fur's spiky resemblance to the leaves of the poisonous plant
— kit of windclan
— female, she/her
spiderbloom x juniperfrost, sibling to tbd

lh black she-kit with low white and green eyes for her first few moons, hollykit resembles nothing more than a spiky ball of fur. she is on the smaller side, likely destined for the tunnels, with thin legs supporting a light frame. as her fur continues to grow out, it will smooth down. it bears a sleek and shiny texture, almost always well groomed and in place. large, inquisitive green eyes sit upon a father gaunt face softened by long tufts of fur on her cheeks. her whole pelt is painted an inky black, white markings along her eyes and dark nose. her tail-tip and chest are dipped white as well.
↳ carrying dilute, colorpoint


( + ) devout, passionate ( / ) stubborn, competitive ( - ) vengeful, impulsive hollykit is a rather thoughtful child, extremely dedicated to her clan and starclan. that proves to be a bit of an obsession, her curiosity about juniperfrost only driving it. she can appear rather withdrawn and aloof, often lost in thought. however she is shown to be outwardly loyal and dedicated to her work, even if the daydreaming causes it to take twice as long. she has a calm demeanor, not actively seeking arguments or fights, but still holds a competitive streak only driven by her siblings. hollykit has a rather skewed view of the world and clans, resulting in impulsive or reckless behavior. she can come off pretty egotistical, so far free of consequence for her actions. because of this, when retaliated against she takes it very personal and will likely seek out revenge.
mannerisms: far-off stare. almost always grooming her fur in free time. blinks slowly.
— will not start fights | will end fights | will flee | will show mercy
— (will) excel at tracking, hunting, navigation

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