pafp SPIDERS IN YOUR FAVORITE SHOES [ ✦ ] strangers in the nursery

Halfkit is not quite sure but she could have almost sworn she had noticed a shift in the air this morning, a change in the universe that denoted that change was on the horizon, something she was totally and completely unprepared for. She watches the strangers march into her camp after Starlingheart from behind her foster mothers legs, blue eyes wide and peering. When they start to come into the direction of the nursery she feels the fur on the back of her neck start to rise. "Uh hellloooo? You guys can't come in here" she says but despite her protests, they do. Some send her a smile, some laugh at her and she finds that her claws unsheathe and curl into the soft earth beneath her.

She watches as others bring in moss for nests, watches as they start laying foundations to sleep upon and she feels as if something important were being robbed from her, but she is not quite sure what. All she knows is that she does not like the feeling and she wants all these weirdo cats out! Gone! "You can't put a nest there" She finds herself saying to one of the kits. Inevitably, he probably asks something along the lines of 'why not?' which makes her tail flick in annoyance "Uh well my sister died there.. thats right! DIED! And her, like, ghost haunts the nursery and stuff..." it was a super morbid thing for a kit to say but since when was Halfkits life ever sunshine and rainbows? "Yeah... and if I sleep over here I still hear her in my dreams sometimes. So there! That's why you shouldn't sleep there." The real reason was closer to the fact that that is where she played wrestling games with Birdkit and Tanglekit sometimes and she wasn't ready to give up such a prime spot so quickly but these cats didn't need to know that.

// please wait for @Bearkit to post

Bearkit has not been enjoying this constantly traveling, he longs for the sweeping hills of WindClan, the comfort of his father's den and the familiarity of his own clanmates. When he peers outside the nursery of this foreign place he only sees strangers, his clan delegated to another place further out in the territory where he wonders constantly is Sunstride is alright, if he is alive - so many had died already and he feels...unsure of what to feel. It is just a fact of life that cats die, he learned it quickly when he saw them fall to illness many times over despite Wolfsong's best efforts. Taken too early, suffering, he hopes that when death eventually comes for he and his it is swift and full of mercy because yellowcough was not. He kneads his russet dipped paws on the ground as he observes the nursery filling, pauses as he hears a mewling voice protest his efforts of making a comfortable spot and he can't help but wonder what the issue is. They were told to be here - afterall, if he had his way he would be with the rest of WindClan near this burnt thing cats kept mentioning.
The mismatched she-kit before him has a haughty voice not too unlike his siblings - with only Sunlitkit being more tolerable. Bearkit frowns in thought.
The mention of a dead sister has his lopsided ear flip upward and he stares at her curiously, expression more intrigued than bothered. "You can see spirits in your dreams? So can my ðir! He's medicine cat of WindClan."
If the place was too haunted then surely it was full, which meant a cat being here could not die. There was no room for them, for their spirit.
"I'm not afraid of death." He quips back after a moment of thought and finds it to be true. It doesn't scare him the way it probably should. He wonders if that's a problem.


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    —⊰⋅ Kitten of WindClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ SH Chocolate Rosette Tabby w/blue eyes.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai

Exhaustion clung to Bumblekit's small, ebony pelt, making her feel like a withered leaf in the wind. Her brown paw pads throbbed with the wear and tear of a stressful day, and her head spinning from sadness. She had witnessed Cicadastar's end and watched Willowroot leave to fight, not once but twice. The turmoil left her drained, and her throat achy from tears she had shed.

She yearned for nothing more than a moment of rest. I just wanna go to sleep. She thought pitiably, but the buzzing activity around her and the plaintive whining of Halfkit made it impossible. As the older cats set to work on the nursery, Bumblekit could do nothing but lay on the damp floor.

Ears laid flat, and her eyes closed firmly as if to block out the world's chaos. The muffled conversation nearby, however, soon piqued her interest, despite earlier attempts to ignore them.

Bumblekit slowly sat upright as Bearkit tried to confront the strangely patterned she-kit, assuring her he wasn't afraid. Knowledge of the other's loss weighed heavily on Bumblekit's mind, making her face fall. The thought of losing any of her siblings was an emotion too great to consider, so she turned her attention to a different topic - the idea of spirits and the afterlife.

The concept of ghosts had never been a major concern for Bumblekit. She had often heard the warriors speak of starclan watching over them from the skies, occasionally sharing stories of wandering souls and visiting ghosts. Too exhausted to sleep or stay awake, she let out a dramatic sigh and rolled onto her side.

Peering up at the other two kits from her splayed position as she chimed in. "I haven't seen any ghosts... That and we can't touch them, so why does it matter?" Her words might have come across as insensitive, but Bumblekit's curiosity was genuine. The enigma of the dead intrigued her, and she couldn't help but wonder.
Softkit had found herself rather ambivalent towards the situation that she and her family had been forced into - not with lack of fear of rogues and their doings, but it was for that reason that Softkit figured that sharing a nursery with the other Clan's kits wasn't the worst thing that could have happened to them all.
Halfkit of ShadowClan appeared to disagree. Heavily. Softkit listened with a neutral expression as the she-kit explained how her dead sister's ghost haunted the nursery in one specific spot, a statement which turned Softkit's neutral expression over into one of patient disbelief.
"I think that ghosts would have better things to do than just haunt a nursery," Softkit mewed, giving a cursory glance around the nursery. To her understanding, when a cat died they went to StarClan, and helped give visions and prophecies to medicine cats or those they deemed worthy enough to see and hear them. Halfkit's dead sister definitely had more important things to do now that she had passed, Softkit decided solemnly.

Her words do not receive the reaction she had been hoping for. She watches Bearkits face but the horror she had been expecting is nowhere to be found and instead of turning to run from the nursery he talks about how his father is a medicine cat and how he isn't afraid of death.oh great she thinks to herself. Of course he would be the one cat who didn't fear ghost stories. Another kit comes and she says ghosts cannot touch you and another says that her sister would have better things to do than haunt the nursery. She feels frustration rise in her chest. These kits all had tadpoles in their brains, she is convinced of it but she swallows her anger and shoots Bumblekit and Softkit a look instead. "You don't know that" she says, her voice icy "Ghosts can totally touch you" it was a lie but she is growing desperate. She want them to leave so badly, wants them to get out of the nursery and sleep literally anywhere else. This was a private sanctum for her and her siblings and she hated having these intruders here.

"Your uh... medicine cat has never told you that some ghosts are angry and vengeful and mean and that they can and will hurt you?" shehas no idea what the word he had said meant or what WindClans medicine cat was in relation to him but she knows what Starlingheart means to her. ugh. Starlingheart. The black and white she cat would probably tell her lying like this was mean or whatever but right now she simply did not care.