private spiderthread sky | sootstar




The stars were more visible when the moon was small.

It was something that Crowcall had noticed long ago, although thinking about it now struck itself a new meaning. The stars shivered up above, a mass of silver streaking across a sky darker than the spindly legs of a black widow, and with the moon reduced to a claw-slice of a crescent, the occasional streak of white shooting through the darkness was all the more noticeable.

She liked to think that one of those shooting stars was Dove, chasing a rabbit or leaping after a bird, or chasing a butterfly like he did when they were young. The desolation of loneliness and the golden-glow warmth of nostalgia mingled in her eyes—during nights like these, her chest swelled and bloomed with the heaviest of emotions. A grief so heavy that it left her trembling, and a love so full that it made every breath strain on her lungs.

Was Dove watching her right now? If she prayed, would he hear her?

"Do you remember when we watched the stars when we were little?" Oh, no. Crowcall had to swallow the tears down as soon as she spoke, her voice small and shaky and almost inaudible among the gentle breeze and rustle of dry leaf-fall grasses. "You said that shooting stars look like spider thread, with how thin they are... And Raven told you to be quiet so he could sleep-"

Her slight laugh was cut pitifully short. She really couldn't do this. She was a warrior, for StarClan's sake, and she was already bringing herself to tears just by speaking out loud... Just how weak could she get?

Unable to bear using her voice again (she didn't want to end up sobbing), Crowcall dipped her head and let her eyes close to keep the tears at bay, now reduced to silence in her prayers to the spiderweb of stars all glittering and gleaming up above.

windclan · she/her · penned by cuzn · tags
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