camp spiked tendrils ;; porcupine

// tdlr; firefly fucked around and found out when he pissed off a porcupine just trying to travel through camp.

Bored was an understatement. When he didn't have anything to do, he usually followed after his family members and chipped into what they were doing. Nosy, some call him- he called it constantly aware. If he didn't keep up with them, they would move on and find better things to do without him. He didn't like the sound of that. But, in ThunderClan he found he didn't have too many friends. Mushroomkit was in SkyClan, and she always looked so sad when he went home to ThunderClan. He frowned at the thought of her saddened face, a promise of return on his tongue as he leaves to join his siblings and mother.

He found himself lounged out in full-spread glory in the middle of camp, taking in the last of the suns bright rays- until something catches his attention through half-lidded, blurry eyes. He rolls onto his paws, curiously making his way over to the source of the shuffling in some bushes- sticking his nose in to sniff around. First came a brush of something, and Firefly jerked his head back in surprise before he shoved his head further in- trying to bite down on whatever it is.


Next thing he knew, he was shrieking out in pain- stumbling back from the bush, his vision going red from- was that blood? He shakes his head, whimpering pitifully as he tries to shake the long, barbed, dangerous little pricks stuck in his face. Luckily, they missed his eyes- but they littered his mouth and forehead like little feathers. He tried his best to stay quiet, to rub at his face to get the quills out- but nothing does, and it only hurts more. He blinks the pain away, grimacing to himself; tears pouring from his eyes despite his own stubborn need to stay quiet. He makes his way over to the medicine cat's den, embarrassment in his gait.

"Berryheart.. I'm sorry." Fireflykit calls out to the tom, tail-tip curling. He didn't like bothering Berry over things like this; he wasn't dying after all. So, he sat outside of the medicine den- the flashes of pain making him whimper. He could wait.

// obligatory tag for @BERRYHEART ! you can post before him and try to get the quills out!
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Flycatcher had been visiting the medicine den himself when Fireflykit appears. He had a nasty thorn stuck in his paw and needed the medicine cat's assistance to remove it after labouring over trying to get it out for a while. Thankfully, Berryheart managed to remove it, and though it hurt coming out he feels much more comfortable walking on it.

He is thanking the medicine cat and about to leave when Fireflykit calls out for help, the whimpering that follows drawing Flycatcher's gaze. "Stars, Fireflykit!" He exclaimed. "What happened? Are you alright?"

It seemed there was no time like the present to pull spines from flesh... first Blue's thorn and now his nephew, calling out in a wail. Upon the usually-neutral tom's face there was a flame-flicker of surprise at the sight before him- nothing less than sloppy acupuncture, inflicted by the rage of nature. Quills, unmistakably. For that moment Berryheart almost forgot it was his duty to get rid of them, now- in the past it had been something he would simply note, but now it was a problem he was star-bound to remedy.

A tut clicked upon the roof of his mouth, one of contemplation- and a snow-toed paw reached forward, withdrew before contact was made. Blue earned a side-eye, Berryheart tilting his head to one side in contemplation. "Deep breaths," he instructed, knowing that Sootypaws crumpling his face in crying would probably make the situation ten times worse. Dappled ears pinned back slightly, and if one listened closely they could perhaps hear the wheels whirring in Berryheart's mind, guiding him toward his solution. Ugh- the wounds likely were not big enough to become infected, and they would hardly bleed- probably...

Moss, water-soaked, was grabbed- and Berryheart made his move. Crooked jaws moved to pluck a spine swiftly, and spit it to the ground. None of it shattered, thankfully, though he doubted the actions did not hurt. "Stay as still as you can- I'll be quick." he promised, making a concentrated effort to pull the spines out as neatly as he could.
{ } Cloverfield had made a point in the past or procuring any left over mess from the medicine den for her pet projects (with or without Cinderfrost's permission was up in the air) and she's stopping by to see what Berryheart will tolerate on that end when she sees Fireflykit's predicament. "Yeesh. That's tough, little man." Sympathy is typically wasted on kids since they're usually always doing something stupid but she can't help the ebb of it from seeing such a brutal lesson literally stamped into someone so young. She even had the urge to try to be helpful. Icky.

There's not much she can do in a physical sense but having something to distract him while his face is getting plucked free might be useful. Now how did it go again... "Hey kit, I've got a riddle for you. Don't say the answer yet, just think about it." Since he needs to stay still and all. "I fly but don't have wings, I cry but don't have eyes, I'm fluffy but have no fur. What am I?"

"FIREFLYYYY!" Wolfwind shrieks, a loud interjection between the otherwise quiet exchange they and Berry were having. "WHAT HAPPENED? Why is he SKEWERED?!" she whines despairingly, pacing circles around the cats gathered. She was fierce! She was tough! Nothing scared her! But this was just about one of the WORST looking things she's ever seen. Clearly— clearly he was okay, right? Cause he wasn't screaming and crying or incapacitated or something, but it just...looked... Ugh, she was gonna vomit.

Maybe— maybe she wouldn't have to though, because Berryheart was kind oooooofff doing a suspiciously good job at helping. Wolfwind dances around him, squinting and casting strange looks while he works. "When did you learn to de-skewer stuff?!" she gapes.

And her fur prickles when she hear's the mention of a riddle. She. FUCKNIG HATES RIDDLES!!!!!!!!!!!!! RACCOONTAIL HAS PERMANENTLY RUINED THEM FOR HER. She whines, "Don't answerrrr it's gonna be something DUMB."
Fireflykit wanted to hide from embarassment as cats began to swarm around him, his eyes shut against the bright lights that danced and danced and danced because everyone kept moving around and blocking the sun, then letting it flash right into his gaze. He grunts softly as Flycatcher coos out to him, tail-tip twitching in irritation. "Got stuck by stupid mole-lookin' thing.." He mumbled out guiltily, his ears flicking back against his head as he winces. Berryheart is quick to arrive, though he seems less worried and moreso used to the situation. Perhaps he'd treated this before, but before he could think on what Berry meant about deep breaths, a quill is quickly plucked from his face. He yelps softly, biting down on his tongue; shaking as he resisted the urge to yell out. He was a big boy, he could take something like this- he was Blazestar's son, after all! His grandma was the freakin' Deputy of ThunderClan! Greatness ran through his blood! A little tear slips down his cheek as Berryheart gets to work, plucking quill after quill until another cat speaks up.

Hey kit, I've got a riddle for you. Don't say the answer yet, just think about it.

Confusion causes him to pry open sensitive eyes, the quills around his eyes now gone- leaving only the stinging pain of the tiny open wounds behind. He nods his head as much as he can seeing as Berry was currently touching it, but the riddle only confuses him. What flies but has no wings... Cries but has no eyes.. Fluffy but has no fur...

Before he can respond, Wolfwind puts her two cents in- and he laughs loudly in response to her many questions. "Is it a cloud, Cloverfield? They look fluffy, at least. And they cry when they rain, mhm. Mama told me that once." He meows softly, nervously, grinning at his cousin. Her worry is evident, but he doesn't mind it- he liked it when people worried about him, if they weren't swarming him. He was a smart boy, half of his issues he could figure out himself.
{ } "He means a porcupine. Very pointy. Waddles like a fat cat. Oh, don't slip now," she teases with a breathy laugh, only to snort soft at Wolfwind's next words. "Being too thickheaded to answer the riddle doesn't make them dumb, sweetheart," It's the only reason to hate riddles in her mind and she hopes the little one doesn't feel the same about it. She smiles when he gives it a go and with the correct answer in fact. Clover leans back on her hind legs and claps her paws together. "Very good, very good. That's right. But that one was easy. How about a harder one?"

The fact that Firefly is laughing and seems well distracted is a victory in itself and she's hoping that process ends before she runs out of riddles. Cloverfield presses her paw to her chin, thinking up what other tangled words she'd overheard in her youth. The shecat has always been a collector of things and words are no exception. To her, the hardest riddles are the shortest ones. It introduces ambiguity. "What grows when it eats but dies if it drinks?" She shifts her eyes to Wolfwind and huffs exaggeratedly. "You too, Wolfwind. Whoever figures it out first gets a surprise!" She'll figure out what exactly later. It's just, Clover sure does love pitting loved ones against one another! It's a fine hobby, and in this particular case, pretty harmless.