spillways of your soul // fangs

In the secluded space of her den, it is easy for even Orangestar to forget that her Clanmates are outside. She steps over the moss that Slate sleeps among, and turns to face Fangs as he arrives in tow. The leaf-muddled shapes of pelts in camp become far away even if a few tail-lengths separate them, and she can focus on the matter before her: namely, a white-furred, half-grown stranger who explores the space with wary eyes. She's only met a few pink-eyed cats before, few and far between, and though this realisation is decidedly neutral her torn ear flicks as she sits down.

"Would you care to explain why two of SkyClan's council are bristling like you've clawed at their ears?" Despite the phrasing of her sentence, Orangestar's tone leaves no room for refusal. Is it truly a matter of a long day? Or is it something else he hasn't told her yet?

  • // @Ashmoon
  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.


————————Kitten | 7 Moons | Rogue———————
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆Fangs had followed the leader into her den head held... if not quite meekly, certainly low. They drifted around any patches of sunlight in their path, and seemed to relax as they entered the cool darkness of Orangestar's den. They gazed around curiously at the den, strange in comparison to what they'd imagined a powerful cat would call home. Finally, at Orangestars words, the albino turned ther red-rimmed eyes to meet Orangestars. They didn't look away, their pride had been injured enough that day, they would hold onto at least this small thing. The rogue hesitated before answering and thought it over - after all, it was talking without thinking that had got them into this mess. Do they lie? No, this leader of cats had no reason to take their word over their... council. They had to be honest. Mostly. "Your... deputy said things I... took badly, I didn't think before I replied." they meowed, exhaustion in their voice. "I said things I shouldn't have.". Throughout the talk, they kept their crimson gaze evenly locked to the leader. There was no hint of a lie in those eyes... but nor was there shame. Something told Fangs that perhaps, when dealing with this cat, they should be careful with what mask they wore. Those brown eyes seemed like they would see right through them.

[penned by Delphy].
"I see." There is no apology from the young cat, a notation that earns an irritated twitch of torn ear. However, the admission of fault is close enough for now, especially coming from a cat who clearly hasn't been taught his manners. It's good enough, at least, that they recognise their own part in the argument. Maybe, she muses to herself, this is a cat of weighty pride. Orangestar has no intention of treading carefully: not in her own den, dappled pelts moving on the other side of elderberry leaves.

"And you said you need the shelter? Explain to me why SkyClan should offer this to you." By mere invitation, firm but not unkind, she invites their story forth. In the space between her words and their reply, Orangestar wonders how much she would be told.

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.


————————Kitten | 7 Moons | Rogue———————
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆Once more Fangs hesitated before answering, wondering how much they should say. Was honesty an option, when there was nothing the albino could offer the strong Clan? Perhaps not, but neither could they afford to lie. The leaders eyes saw far too much, her ears far too sharp. "TwoLegs took me from my home, and I don't know where it is. Even then if I returned I'd probably be killed, definitely hurt." they replied emotionlessly. The albino didn't let themselves think about that wretched place deeply enough for the emotions to surface. "And I... I can't survive on my own. I'm not strong enough to survive alone in TwoLegPlace, and I don't know anything about living out in this..." they trailed off gesturing vaguely around them with their tail. Their voice was bitter and disgusted as they described their weakness, fury smouldering in their eyes. They hated admitting it almost as much as they hated feeling it. Maybe they should have lied. "Frankly I don't have anything to give you for shelter beyond... servitude." they almost spat the word as if the sound it made was toxic.

[penned by Delphy].
An unsafe home, stolen from which by Twolegs. Tongue darting across scarred maw, the leader thinks first of the Shelter. Orangestar had not been stolen, had not been a part of the breakout, swollen with kits and anxious for the safe return of her mate. However, with no other descriptor or frame of reference, she wonders if this is the 'home' that the scrappy rogue before her speaks of. One ear twitches at the final word they spit, brown eyes darting back towards his face.

"Servitude means nothing to a Clan." She says, eventually. "We care for those around us like kin, a give and take like the winds through the boughs of our pines ... If you want to stay, permanently, that can be arranged; we - I, as leader - will accept you into the Clan on some conditions."

Orangestar lapses into silence once more, gauging their initial reaction with a critical eye. Seemingly satisfied by what she sees, she begins her spiel:

"Firstly: SkyClan's council have earned their places at my side, and my respect. Their protectiveness of the Clan is an asset, and I expect you to listen to them." Her plumy tail twitches against the ground. While she does not yet have the context for the bristling she-cats she'd found, she trusts their reactions. Just what had the little stranger done?

"Second, the life of a warrior is not something you can just back out of. Joining a Clan is a serious oath. It is our lives, and our afterlives. By agreeing, you will train as a SkyClan warrior from the moment you step from my den. A tree cat, a hunter, and a fighter. A Clanmate, in your own right. You do not have to change your name, but you may."

Again, Orangestar regards the yet-unintroduced Fangs quietly. An offer sits on the tip of her tongue for a few moments, eventually dropping, deliberate, into the space between them.

"If you accept, I will train you myself."

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.


————————Kitten | 7 Moons | Rogue———————
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆Fangs was silent as they absorbed the leaders words with crimson-rimmed eyes steady. It was... an unexpected offer. The albino thought back to the camp as they entered. There were no resentful glares there, no empty gazes of hope long lost, no cats with skin clinging to their malnourished bones nor overfed cats of the 'better side'. In fact even Orangestar seemed to be no better fed than the rest of the cats Fangs saw. It was... strange, and the rogue still felt that there must be some kind of catch, yet they simply could not think of any. The leaders offer while rather dramatic in Fangs opinion - and what was this about afterlife? - did ultimately seem genuine. And it wasn't like the rogue had much of a choice. Though they were somewhat nervous about being trained by the rather imposing leader, they eventually bit the bullet. "... I accept, and I would like a new name." That name had been a thorn for far too long.

[penned by Delphy].