Many moons have passed since she left behind her old life of a kittypet for that of a Thunderclan warrior, yet it continues to ail her of what could have happened. She was young and had lost her parents to the claws and fangs of a badger, yet a Thunderclan warrior come to her aid. She wouldn't be breathing if it weren't for that warrior, and yet... I haven't seen them ever since.. That warrior was her inspiration, her goal. When she had first arrived, she had expected to see them. Oh, how she wished she asked for their name. Maybe they were still in Thunderclan? Perhaps they refused to show themselves until she proved herself? Or worse. They died before I could see them again?

The chocolate braided tabby shook her head to rid herself of such thoughts. I may be a warrior, but there's still so much I can learn! And so the warrior approaches another clanmate, "What makes a Thunderclan warrior?" It's rather vague and laughable really that a warrior is asking what even makes them warriors, despite the lessons she has learned. She knows that. Learning how to hunt, how to fight, how to protect, and the code that all within the forest must follow were all necessary. However, was there something more to that? She knew of warriors who didn't excel at fighting and yet they were highly respected. As if sensing the poor cat's confusion she adds, "When you think of warriors, what kind of cat do you imagine?"
Badgerstripe didn't mind the kittypets.. not really, anyway. So long as they understood their place and didn't parade around like some big, haughty savior like some of them did. If they did their job like everyone else, they were golden in her eyes. There was nothing extra needed, for Badgerstripe would not see herself undermined by an outsider.

She didn't particularly talk to them, but then again, she didn't really talk to anyone these days. Always in a trance, thinking about what could have been if she were half the warrior some of her Clanmates were. When Rosethorn approached her and spoke, Badgerstripe almost didn't hear her; she would have dismissed her easily, if not for the question she asked.

Badgerstripe spun around to face Rosethorn, bewildered. "What are you asking me for? Don't you know who I am?" What I've done? Her own selfishness had directly led to the death of some of her most beloved Clanmates. She made widows and orphans. She saw to it that a mother would outlive her child. All for a moment of celebration for her warrior name, for her future; she had talked her friends into abandoning their guard posts with her, and left the camp vulnerable to those wolves.

"Are you.. mocking me?" Badgerstripe challenged in a low hiss, after some moment of thought. She had to be - why else would someone ask the prime example of what a warrior shouldn't be, what she could be? But.. after another few moments and a scrutinizing stare, Badgerstripe sighs and shakes her head. Maybe Rosethorn didn't know - kittypets don't really know anything. "No. Sorry. Listen,"

Badgerstripe pictures the greatest warriors in the Clan. The ones that she had killed. Sunfreckle.. Duskbird.. What did they all have in common? What made them so great? "A ThunderClan warrior is.. selfless, and noble. I think of a cat who will put their Clan and family first, and themselves second." The words made her feel sick, like she was describing her own failures for all to hear. And yet, she pressed on. "They are strong and good. WindClan is known for their speed, ShadowClan for their marsh and stealth.. but ThunderClan, we're known for our hearts."

The cat speaking doesn't really sound like Badgerstripe by the time she's finished. By the stars, that might have been the most she's spoken in three moons. Her wonderous expression fades away again to her usual dull and bitter glare. "Does that answer your question, or do you want to hear more from a.. 'noble ThunderClan warrior'? After all, I inspired one of the warrior codes myself." Her voice sneers with sarcasm and dismissal. Maybe with that tone, this kittypet would leave her alone.

// ic opinions!
  • badgerkit badgerpaw BADGERSTRIPE
    ā”ā” WARRIOR of THUNDERCLAN | 15 MOONS ,, ages every 21st
    ā”ā” NPC xx NPC | SIBLING to n/a ā€” sibling adopts here!
    ā”ā” MATE to none | PARENT to none
  • badger.png

  • speech is #FB8B24


Rosethornā€™s question makes him grimace from afar. The question itself was fine enough- if it was coming from an apprentice or a kit. Not a feline whoā€™s been a warrior for several moons. Heā€™s worried sheā€™ll be met with a snarky response, her past as a kittypet thrown at her as an insulting explanation for why she must not understand these things yet. Bigfang couldnā€™t tell whether he thought she was courageous for daring to ask, or stupid.

Badgerstripe gives a self-loathing response, his tail relaxes with relief that he wouldnā€™t have to witness Rosethornā€™s ears getting completely clawed off. As a fellow former kittypet, heā€™d like to keep clan-born cats reasons for scrutinizing them at a minimum.

He doesnā€™t say anything directly, but Badgerstripe would be able to hear a sarcastic scoff from him aimed at her final retort.
  • Ā» Hank ā€¤ Bigfang
    Ā» ThunderClan Warrior
    Ā» Former Kittypet
    Ā» He/him
    Ā» A large, beaten-up ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
    Ā» "Speech" ā€¤ thoughts ā€¤ attack
  • Ā» A heavy-hitting foe who makes his hits count
    Ā» Excels in heavy, powerful moves.
    Ā» Fights to protect and make opponents flee.
    Ā» Though strong, he is a slow mover. A fleet-footed cat would both easily frustrate and land hits on him.
    Ā» May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

ā€œYou should have Gentlestorm look at that head of yours Badgerstripe, an ego that large should be checked onā€ Houndpaw comments with a sneer as she approaches the small group that had formed. She glances at Rosethorn as they approach during her questioning, they didnā€™t particularly care one way or the other for kittypets. If anything they held envy for the fact that they could come from a life of ease, not having to worry about their next meal. How many mouths to feed, how to stay alive, no expectations other than laying around all day. That being said, having nothing to do all the time would drive them mad, so they could understand why kittypets may seek out something greater.

Rosethorn seemed as such, having joined the clan and all. It was strange to hear her ask about what makes a ThunderClan warrior, though they supposed that maybe this was just one of those morality questions rather than Rosethorn not knowing anything. With a loud yawn she stretches tense muscles, looking between Bigfang and Badgerstripe. ā€œThunderClan warriors are also anyone who has proved themself enough to earn their warrior names. Whatever qualities you three have are also the qualities of a ThunderClan warrior.ā€ Sure, everything Badgerstripe had said applied to what makes a warrior, theyā€™ve been told these things over the course of their apprentice hood. Houndpaw didnā€™t agree with the whole selfness and noble thing, it reminded her too much of what their parents prattled on to her about whenever she asked about her name as a kit. The weight of it all, to be so noble and selfless, she laughed at the idea. It was fine in theory but it was rather impractical to be that all the time.

ā€œIf you werenā€™t fit to be a warrior then youā€™d have your name taken or be exiled, right? So I think you should consider yourself when considering what makes a warriorā€ Dandelion eyes lock onto the form of Badgerstripe as she speaks. Though she doesnā€™t say anything beyond that, with a smirk and an eyeroll she shrugs. ā€œIā€™m just an apprentice though, so take what you will with this, why do you ask anyways Rosethorn?ā€ She thought it appropriate to tack on the glaring fact that she wasn't a warrior herself. Best to hide behind the shield that was the innocence of youth.



glowingkit & 04 moons & female & she/her & thunderclan kit

Rosethorn's question is most certainly not aimed at Glowingkit - but the girl overhears it anyway. It makes her think, mind puzzling out the question of what makes a warrior. It seems like it should be an easy answer, but the one she comes up with is far different then Badgerstripe's or Houndpaw's. Paws shuffle and head wobbles as she tries her best to look between the three cats, Bigfangs presence fading into the background, before quiet voice pipes up faintly at last. " Warriors are supposed to be stron' " warriors protect them after all, from scary things like monsters and foxes and wolves and - well, all the other horror stories she's heard from the elders and nursery queens. It's why kits have to stay in camp.

ā” actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes' ā”

W E ' L L ā” A L W A Y S ā”B E ā”S O ā”P E R F E C T L Yā” H A P P Y