camp spinning spiraling - self doubt


shadowclan warrior
Mar 21, 2024
you can count on me

Hemlocknose looked out into camp through the entrance of the Medicine Den, a heavy sigh leaving him. The past several weeks in the medicine den were rough. Starlingheart, and of course Marblepaw, were wonderful company, but the aging tom couldn't help but feel increasingly isolated. He pushed himself carefully onto three paws. Not without a groan and a wince, but he managed to get there. "I'll be just outside," he called to the medicine cats, should they be there with him. He certainly didn't want anyone to worry he'd gone missing like Smogstar had, even for a moment.

It didn't bode well for ShadowClan, the disappearance of their leader, injuries to multiple warriors. It was especially concerning with the coming of crisper air. The senior warrior shook his head as if trying to forcefully clear his mind. Focusing on hobbling out of the den, even if just a few tail-lengths, took his full attention. A soft breeze ruffled his neck fur as he limped outside.

He took a seat out of the way, and looked around. A simmering in his chest as he watched others go about their duties. His leg throbbed as if to remind him he'd never walk properly again. He was already growing old, would he be able to be a warrior? If only he'd not been so careless as to let that fox go for his leg. His reflexes weren't what they used to be, that was for sure. How would he be able to provide for his clan? Questions plagued him, written clearly across his face. Who am I now?
owlmoon | 24 months | demiboy | he/they | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold #4a855f
Owlmoon hadn't known Smogstar that well, and by the time he had even partially pulled himself out of his sister-related grief, the chance that he had been able to had passed. Even then, the leader had felt like a near-constant in Owlmoon's life as a figure he had almost viewed as infallable and, when he was younger, a role model.

A part of him didn't want to believe that he was gone just like that. It protested that he wouldn't have left so easily, that if they just looked a little harder, they'd find him on his way back like nothing had ever happened. Another, more reasonable part of him, knew the truth- he wasn't coming back. Shadowclan hadn't even been given the chance to save him, either.

Hemlocknose's call isn't directed to Owlmoon, but, from his spot outside of the warrior's den, it serves as a good enough distraction from everything. The injured warrior seems to have a lot on his mind, as well, and if there's anything Owlmoon does expect he can do, it's offer a welcoming ear.

"Hemlocknose!" He calls out as he stretches, making a beeline for the older warrior. "Are you feeling alright?" His question is simple enough, but also an invitation, should his clanmate decide to take it- you look like you have a lot on your mind.

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Padding back into camp, fur fluffed from the slight chill in the air and a frog dangling from her mouth, Shalestorm feels great about today. That, in itself, isn't out of the ordinary for the two toned molly, she usually feels great about every day. But... even the most upbeat of warriors could have off days. Try as she might, after Smogstar's little vanishing act she had something of a hard time coming to terms with that fact. It just... it didn't seem possible. So she'd stay up all hours of the day just watching the camp entrance, waiting for the rustle of a bush, the snap of a twig, anything that would signal the return of their fearless leader.

Every sound that got her hopes up only served to bring them plummeting down again. And so she had made an effort to throw herself into joy, throw herself into being positive for her Clan. They needed something silly to laugh at, something to make their days better, and Shalestorm was hardly remise about making herself the butt of any jokes.

Azure eyes catch on Hemlocknose, out of the medicine den for once, and she grins around her frog. It's good to see him out and about!! Maybe he'd like her frog, and she could use the conversation!! Oh!!! Owlmoon!! They're there too! Yay! Friends!! Or, well, Shalestorm considers everyone her friend, too bad if they don't, they have no choice!

"Hemlocknose! Owlmoon!" She greets, voice slightly muffled, "How're you doing? Want thish frog?" She drops it down in front of the older warrior, licking her lips to rid them of the taste of the frog.

  • #e36f90

  • (img) Shalestorm * she/her* 25 moons
    blue point/blue chimera w/ low white; blue eyes
    Peaceful & healing powerplay allowed || underline for attack
    penned by Neptune. || Neptune on disc, dm me for plots
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[ ༻❄༺ ] With every passing day and the seasons beginning colder, the tom's fur puffed out while yellow gaze trained onto the den's wall. They had started to work on patching the dens and strengthening them while adding more insulation so that none gets cold during leaf-bare. It was odd to think that they were already beginning to prepare for the colder season. Yet, amid all his thoughts hearing Owlmoon and Shalestorm's voice turn his attention towards the forming group around Hemlocknose. A smile curled onto Snowlark's lip as he made strides towards the direction of the small group.

Everyone was working tirelessly and with no signs of finding Smogstar, Snowlark realized he was focusing more on what was in the present and what will be the future of Shadowclan. "Hemlocknose, Owlmoon, Shalestorm" he greeted the three while his yellow gaze drifted towards the frog that Shalestorm had caught which brought a soft sigh from his lips. As long as the clan works together, to continue to thrive, everything will be okay. "Nice catch Shalestorm, and... I hope you two are also fairing well" he expressed calmly.

So much had changed in the past few seasons, everything felt so... odd to the younger warrior, yet from the look that crest on Hemlocknose's face, something had been eating at the senior warrior's mind; the tom only hoped with the presence of Shalestorm and Owlmoon (himself included), he will slowly start to feel a bit better.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowlark He/Him, warrior of Shadowclan, 13 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Emerald eyes first settled upon the leg of the older tom as he moved outside, having heard a summary of the events from an overly zealous Bloodpaw. She'd felt scared, angry, happy to be like her hero but terrified she'd end up the same way in defence of a clanmate. It was a selflessness the cinnamon tabby didn't know if she could've emulated, had she been there to see her vulpine enemy attack a mere acquaintance. Others approached first and, after some deliberation, Ferndance followed soon after Snowlark, side-eyeing Shalestorm's frog with eager pupils. "You know... I've never spent time in the medicine cat's den." She blinked slowly towards Hemlocknose, her volume lowered just a smidge in some unorthodox attempt to indicate that she wasn't just bragging about how uninjured she was. Though her streak of health was impressive for any many things she did that she shouldn't, it was hardly the point. "Did you want some company the next time you're there? I imagine it must be lonely... and I can be a good talker or a silent sleeper... or something else..." She tilted her head innocently towards Hemlock, wondering if something else to be confused about would distract him from whatever plagued him now.

you can count on me

Hemlocknose was pulled from his trance by the cheerful mews of Owlmoon and Shalestorm. "I'm doing alright," he replied, a softness to his tone. "Just thinking about the ol' leg," And whatever use it had left, or lack thereof. Shalestorm was always a bright light in ShadowClan, and for that he was grateful. "I would, thank you,"

The senior warrior's gaze flicked to the others joining the group, and the feeling in his chest began to recede. A warmth bloomed instead, spreading through all the way to his toes. He dipped his head to Snowlark, ever a presence around. He spared his leg a glance, pondering his options once more for a moment. Ferndance interrupted his thoughts, likely for the best. "It's not so bad, though I wouldn't mind company every once in a while," he purred, lighthearted. He nudged her lightly with a forepaw, "You kid," he chuckled.