Spinning through a world in motion (frozen pond)


Foxy Grandpa
Nov 7, 2022

One of the many negatives of growing older, Soil had decided long ago, was the inability to enjoy leafbare. When the stubborn elder was simply a kit, leafbare meant a fair few nights of lean pickings, but it was offset by the creation of a whole new world thanks to the cover of snow. The unbridled glee of trampling about in the mysterious frozen powder shaped many portions of the energetic tomcat’s childhood, but now all it represented was misery.

Aching joints, creaking bones, an occasional bouts of whitecough had all but ruined the season as the moggy got on in moons, but this time he was determined to enjoy himself. Being part of a clan meant the former loner was safe to burn off some of his boundless energy without wasting the day, and that was what he intended to do.

There was no snow that day, something Soil was silently grateful for, but the cold had brought yet another one of leafbare’s phenomenons; water suddenly turning hard as stone. He’d happened upon a frozen pond, no more than a few fox-lengths across, but it was enough to have fun on. The elder approached cautiously, prodding and poking to see if it was stable. He was briefly distracted by the question of how twolegs managed to carve square sheets of the stuff and put them along the walls of their den, but as soon as he’d regained his focus the old man had finished his checks and was sliding around the ice.

Errant yips and hollers could be heard throughout the territory as Soil fought to steady himself, stubbornness unwilling to give into gravity’s demands.​


It was all the noise the led to Quillpaw making his way over. He'd been sent out to collect moss for the nursery, a large clump of the stuff now firmly in his jaws- when he'd heard the hollering of some cat. It didn't sound fearful or angry, but it had still managed to pull at the boys attention until he found himself wandering over to check things out for himself.

"If you fall and break a hip I'm not bringing you extra moss." he warned as he placed his findings down to speak. He was already being forced to take extra chores for the nursery and elders, and the last thing he wanted so to have to drag extra moss in for Soil just because they'd forgotten they weren't young anymore.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
Quillpaw finally knew what it meant to earn and work hard, was pulling his weight like a workhorse. Thistleback slept little and pulled overtime himself- it was a code of conduct he expected of himself and his apprentice. He could tell the early mornings and the moss runs pissed the kid off, but unfortunately youth was a temporary thing. So it wasn’t forever. Soon Quillpaw would be Quillsomething and he’d be free of Thistleback’s instruction. Hopefully, he’d carry on these traditions to his own apprentice in the future.

Thistleback is turning over dirt to check for prey trails in the mid of the woods while Quillpaw collects moss, when he hears a mantra of strange noises. The thorny pelted tom follows the boy to the scene, a brown and white fool sliding over foggy white frozen water. It looked solid, but Thistleback’s nose was wrinkled pensively as he mentally considered the solid water’s integrity despite Soil probably weighing nothing.

" disrespect your elders in front of me again, and my nest will have your tabby stripes " Thistleback side-eyes Quillpaw hard, but there is a devious glint. " Hold on Soil- … " he calls to the man, placing a calloused black paw on the icy sheet and grimacing as it sings up his forelimb.

Muscles tremble under sleek black shoulders like revolving snakes, he crouches low as he makes his way to the elderly man. " hey kiddo " he greets the man with a joke. Growling lowly with each stumble, and shooting a glance at Quillpaw on the shore. " okay- grab me if you feel like you’re going to fall " Thistleback wobbles a bit, his tail lashing and smacking the ice to restabilize him.

  • — soil you precious bean :O <3

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. ・゚✧
  • bVBPWus.png


"That looks fun?” Watching Soil wobble back and forth drew up amusement and worry in equal measures, and Daisyflight was glad to see that Thistleback and his apprentice had also happened upon the sight.

As harsh as the moon had been, full of events that swallowed her mind into woe, seeing a cat spinning on ice buoyed her mood somewhat. Coming alongside Quillpaw, she gave him a stern look that matched his mentor’s comment. It wasn’t her place to add to the teaching but she was open in her support of the message.

"I think I’ll stay here where it's marginally warmer… I prefer my paws on steady ground.” A careful smile lifted her whiskers, bright eyes watching over their uneven escape from the icy surface. If it went poorly she’d step in but, for now, Daisyflight planned to remain safely on the bank.

Soil would never admit it, but emerald eyes gave away the slightest amount of panic present in the pine-hued cat as he slid his way around the ice. The desperate attempts to balance himself brought back - not memories, exactly, more feelings. Primal emotions associated with the past. Was this how the old man felt when he was first learning to walk? Unfamiliar ground that felt as if it would give way at any moment and an overriding urge to simply lay down and crawl wherever he needed to go. Yes - he decided - this must be what a newborn felt. That, or the cold had sapped away a few vital brain cells.

As if trying to keep himself upright hadn’t given the elder enough to focus on, all this introspection had eaten up his attention to such a degree that Soil was deaf to the sound and scent of approaching cats. At least until they made their presence known, with varying degrees of enthusiasm.

Quillpaw and Thistleback seemed inseparable. It came with the territory, he supposed, but Soil briefly wondered if it was due to obligation or a genuine appreciation for the other. But as the apprentice’s remark and his mentor’s quick retort reached aging ears, the old man decided that they must’ve been friends. A wheeze of laughter escaped him, almost sending Soil toppling over, but the former loner quickly found his footing once again. “My hip has been through more than your whole body has, s’don’t write me off” he grunted, eyeing the young cat with a wry smile before turning his attention to Thistleback.

The warrior always seemed to have an air of seriousness about him, so it was a nice departure to witness his peer learning to walk all over again. “Hey yourself” Soil mumbled, having to admit internally that he was struggling just as much as the younger cat. “Same t’you, we’re in this together.” Thistleback’s faith in his only lifeline may have been dampened when the elder suddenly asked, “D’you think this is how a kit feels when it’s first walking around? I was wondering and-“ The inane question was cut off by the sudden feeling of air under his paw. The old cat frantically reached out and steadied himself on the warrior, before letting out a nervous (and more than slightly ashamed) chuckle.

Suddenly, the word ‘warmer’ traveling from Daislyflight sent shivers of jealousy up the shaken tomcat, and he let his voice ring out with his usual good humor. “I’m starting to forget what pawpads feel like, so I’m gonna head to shore and remind myself.” Trying to act like he didn’t almost just injure himself, Soil slid and stumbled his way to the shoreline, flopping down on solid ground with a sigh of relief.​