private Spires of Arak | Gravelpaw

Gravelpaw is someone Firepaw can say she holds a modem of respect for, they work hard and seem to take more after their father then their brother did. Though in their own right they were on the more quiet side something that had always annoyed her but not enough for them to be a common target of her insults. They kept to themselves but she'd seen their ferocity before, they'd shared an opponent in the battle against Skyclan and recently she'd seen their temper flare their was more to them then just what she saw on a day to day basis. She wants to know them better to see more sides of them, a desire she had for a lot of the apprentices in all honesty; though for them it's more out of a genuine want rather then for the sake of keeping an eye on them. She doesn't think they're the type to flee not like Daisypaw or Coyotepaw, they're someone she could trust someone who was worth her attention. Maybe they could even be friends. She's never been good at making those, it was easier to just focus on training rather then wasting her time gritting her teeth dealing with clanmates that got on her nerves more often then not. She's been trying just a little bit harder then she once had rather she notices the slight changes of her behavior fully or not. She wants friends; cats she can fight besides rather then with, those who were as loyal as she was those she wouldn't have to see flee into the night to become enemies to face in the future.

Days had passed already since the flood of traitors had been expelled from the moors, she still feels morose but knows better then to let herself dwell; there was a lot of slack to pick up. They were lacking warriors, those who hadn't run away like skittish hares had been injured and bound to the camp. Luckily her injuries were far more shallow and not in places that'd get in the way of her duties and those now thrown onto her and the other healthy apprentices and warriors shoulders.

Prey was always a necessity, and while she could hunt alone she feels it'd be better to bring someone with her. It always made such excursions more tolerable, though often she decided against it not wanting to risk anyone seeing her fail. Today though she decides the risk is worth it, and well it was the perfect chance to get to chat with Gravelpaw. She seeks them out easily enough ❝Hey fuzzbrain wanna come huntin with me? It'll just be us so no dead weight to hold us back❞ she'd smirk.

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The younger cats of the clan are annoyances at best, obstacles in his path at worst. Especially the kits—they don’t listen to him, and for some reason they seem to think that he exists for them to touch, to get their grubby paws all over his pristine white fur. The apprentices they don’t like are much more irritating, though; they should know better than to buzz like summertime flies around Gravelpaw’s poor ears.

They don’t mind Firepaw, though. She’s one of the few apprentices who actually seems to have a good head on her shoulders, and she doesn’t treat him as though he’s beneath her. So when the inky-black apprentice invites them to go hunting with her, just the two of them, Gravelpaw actually lights up. They hate how much more work they’re having to put in than usual, but at least if it’s with a friend, then that work can’t be so bad.

They graciously ignore the use of fuzzbrain—a word that they take as playful teasing, rather than a true insult—and smile back at the older she-cat. "That sounds good. No dead weight," they echo her words, thinking of a couple cats in particular. But Firepaw is a good hunting partner, so the soot-spotted tom is glad to go along with her.