pafp SPLASH TIME || puddle

Oct 16, 2023

He's not much use with the damned cone on his head, is he? And yet it seemed his twolegs were entirely uninterested in taking it off, no matter how much he mewed, purred, or kneaded at them. Didn't they adore him enough to respect his wishes? To tend to his every need? He was supposed to boss them around, tell them when to feed him, tell them when to play. Why weren't his twolegs listening in regards to this damned cone on his head? It was so frustrating! If they didn't keep him warm and fed, he'd be inclined to maul them both... Ugh.

With another failed hunt, the Daylight Warrior begins the chilly trek back to camp. At least his long coat of fur kept him warm in the leaf-fall wind. He's really not in the mood to deal with the glares of his clan-mates, though. He was supposed to be their hero. The cat they looked up to. Regarded with respect and admiration. This cone was ruining everything!

Still... he kept smiling. Wouldn't show his foul temper flaring beneath the surface of his skin, as if fueled by a hellish furnace for a soul. Holding in a sigh, Tigerscar noses his way through the camp entrance and lets his one eyed stare flicker across the SkyClan clearing. His stomach rumbles, but he's too prideful to live off the prey of others. He needed to catch his own. At least... what was that? The brute pauses mid-step, golden vision piercing the thin mist. A recent rain-shower had left a puddle amidst the morning haze, and Tigerscar finds himself drawn to it.

Stepping over the shallow water, he peers within it's reflective depths, and lets out a low, rumbling purr as he does. Even with this so called 'cone of shame', Tigerscar could still admire the handsome curve of his chisled facial features. The outline of his mangled eye-socket, shadowy and ominous in appearance. The long whiskers, and the fire in his one remaining eye. I still look pretty adorable, Tigerscar thinks to himself with a smirk. No weird cone can take away my dashing looks! SkyClan is lucky to have a cat as pretty as me.

THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER Blazingkit is beginning to love the smell and downpour of rain since it usually meant the ground would be wet enough for mud of which he quite enjoyed since it reminded him so much of Shadowclan where he and his siblings had been born into instead of Skyclan. He has begun to realize that his dad isn't a fan of mud in the slightest and when he wasn't looking in his direction, the red tabby kitten sprang forward with such eagerness to be outside where there was puddles and mud which was truly a gift from Starclan itself. He immediately started to leap in every puddle he could letting out happy little squeals of joy not caring that his pelt got soaked in the process of it all, Blazingkit currently in his own world where he's walking on water and leaping from one pool to another like some fish.

He hadn't been paying much attention to those around him until he caught sight of Tigerscar and his weird neck growth, his snout wrinkling with disgust and his eyes focusing on the puddle that the larger tom was staring into to. Had the chocolate tabby been thinking about splashing in the puddles too or was he hesitant? Maybe he should show the older cat how to properly splash in a puddle since Tigerscar's simply staring at it for whatever reason and the mud covered kitten springs forth with tail in the air. "No, you gotta do it like this!" The tabby says leaping into the puddle and potentially splashing the older tom in the process and after his generous demonstration would glance up at him with a bright grin "Now you try!"

  • blazingkit_cheeb.png
    ✧ 2 moons old
    ✧ skyclan kitten
    ✧ son of coyotehowl and howlfire
    ✧ brother to wolfkit and hawkkit
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ chibi art by meghan
The sound of splashing sounds from a distance, Fireflypaw's sensitive ears picking up on it quite easily. He ducks his head out from the bush he had been prodding around in, milky blue eyes wide in confusion. The sound of water usually meant rain, or flooding- but there was no water beneath his paws to warn him of a flood, no rain pitter-pattering against his ears. So why did the sound of splashing make itself known?

Then, came the voice of a kit he was beginning to know a bit too well of. Blazingkit, named after his father- Howlfire's baby, his nephew. He smiles as he walks over then, missing how the kit must have splashed Tigerscar in the puddle he was playing in. "Oh my," Fireflypaw chuckles softly, blind gaze turning to look past the two cats and stare into the distance, as always. "You two must be having fun. Is that a puddle? Cool. You know, I used to jump into puddles twice my size and swim in them."
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Returnin’ from a sole hunt, Duskpool emerged from the bramble walls carrying a small rodent within his maw to catch the tail end of Fireflypaw’s comment. His gaze tired, the obsidian warrior shifted, dropping the pitiful rodent in front of massive paws, wooly tail flickering. “Take a dip in the river?” He rumbled, brow raised in amusement despite the deadpan tone.

Tossin’ a glance in Blazingkit’s direction, noting the kit’s wet fur, Duskpool had a good enough idea of what happened. He hummed, shaking his helm with a muffled sigh, lips peeled back in a tired grimace. He’d been workin’ himself to the bone since returnin’ and the warrior found the mundane tasks comforting.

“On the journey, we saw a body of water bigger than this camp.” He commented with a slow blink of molten copper.
thought speech



Suddenly, he's wet, fur dripping and image shattered by the paws of another. What? It takes him a moment to understand the kit's words, to realize what had happened. He had been so focused for a moment there! Ough! Gross! Muddy water all over his fur, streaking through chocolate and cream.

"Hey! You- " Are lucky we're in camp, or I'd string your guts across the bramble barrier! Oh, but he doesn't voice that part, knows better than that. Stupid kits! Annoying little things. And yet, not only was he supposed to be nice to them, he was supposed to play with them, and answer their questions, and whatever else clan cats were supposed to do. It sure would be funny though, to see the expressions of his clan-mates when they return home to gore decorating their walls... then again, that would probably require another rogue attack to chase them all out in the first place, and Tigerscar has no desire to sleep in ShadowClan's smelly marsh for another week. You have no idea how lucky you are, the brute thinks toward the kit as he sets to work trying to groom his wet fur.

The key word was trying. The damned 'cone of shame' wouldn't let him get a single lick in. He must have looked like an idiot! Soon enough, Tigerscar gives up, tongue still half out of his mouth as he stares down Blazingkit. Blep!

"Nevermind." The tom sighs. "For a second there, I thought I was being attacked by a mud monster!" It's supposed to be a jest, a teasing joke toward the kit, something to show that there was no tension between them. Well, there was, but Tigerscar was keeping it to himself, well hidden and tucked away, where all his darker thoughts resided. Lifting a paw, he aims to splash the kit with a heavy swipe of the fore-limb through the rippling puddle. Then, his one eye finds Fireflypaw, and pricked ears twitch in acknowledgement. "You used to swim?" The Daylight Warrior inquires, curious. Tigerscar wonders if he'd just sink right down to the bottom, if he ever tried such a thing.

When Duskpool arrives, it is with fresh prey in his jaws. Tigerscar won't eat it, though. He has no desire to get into a hissing match with his hungry clan-mates. "That sounds like a big puddle." Tigerscar comments on Duskpool's words with a grin.