private SPOILS OF WAR | patchpaw

Stormpaw grimaced as she clambered over the heap of moss to get closer to the elder's ear. One of the other elderly cats snapped and Stormpaw mumbled an apology, realizing she had tread over one of her paws. "Clumsy, are you?" The elder complained, wincing as Stormpaw's tiny claws dug into his matted fur to get a better attempt at the tick buried behind his ear. "Sorry, just hold." Stormpaw huffed, skin burning with embarrassment as she pressed the bile-coated moss to the tick. After a few moments it dropped and Stormpaw swept it away along with the others she had found.

Thus concluded her most recent duty. Stormpaw gathered up the wasted moss and tick bodies, dully trotting out of the elders den to deposit it. It seemed like nothing had been happening for weeks. Her paws were itching for more. Had RiverClan claimed Sunningrocks back yet? What had happened at the Gathering? She hadn't been there. Stormpaw sighed dramatically through the moss, not looking where she was going.



Patchpaw had just been waking up from a particularly sleepy nap. Since only her brother had to go out for dawn patrols this time, Patchpaw found it much easier to steal his nest for the slowly-dissipating warmth and quickly passed out, only waking back up once the sun reached its peak in the skies above, casting sunlight through the branches. She lumbered out on unsteady legs, still squinting in the bright rays, and hadn't noticed anyone approaching until she felt the gentle bump of a much younger apprentice walking right into her.
"Huh--?" Patchpaw turns her head to look down at her, and soon recognizes the familiar eyes and pelt of Stormpaw--Stormpaw! Suddenly snapping awake, she blinks down at her and grins, "Well, well, well! Look who it is, the little bumble!" She giggles. "What'cha got there? Oh--mouse bile," the smell reaches her nose and she recoils back, wrinkling her nose, "You want help with getting rid of some of that? Here, I got'cha."

With barely a moment's hesitance, she picks up the rest of the moss from Stormpaw, helping carry the rest of the load off to get rid of it. Sure, the smell was disgusting, but the swifter they get rid of it, the swifter the smell goes away, right? And besides, she knew of a good place to get more--fresher--moss. She lead the way towards the dirtplace, helping carve a quick hole in the ground to drop the rest of the moss into before re-burying.
"Come on--I wanna get this bile off our paws," She nudges Stormpaw's shoulder with a grin, and with Rabbitnose's permission, she leads the way out of camp and towards the nearest body of water--a small, shallow pond that resided deep in ThunderClan territory, and thankfully not too far away from the camp entrance.

In truth, she had long since gotten the hint that there was something on Stormpaw's mind. She hoped this walk would help her to open up, but it did worry her about what it could be; after all, she had spent one too many nights unable to sleep, pacing the camp like a rabid dog thinking about Sunningrocks, the dogs, and the threat of war hanging over their heads like a suffocating blanket of black snow, but it would not be any surprise to her. Then, an idea comes to her, and she stops short, watching Stormpaw out of the corner of her eye--a very, very mischievous look.

"... Beat you there." It was all she said before Patchpaw bolted off towards the pond, her spirited laughter echoing through the trees as she left Stormpaw in the dust.
When she feels soft plush fur press against her nose, Stormpaw jumped back in alarm. The worst it could be would have been her running into one of the lead or senior warriors and already an apology was bubbling up in her throat before she gained her ground again and looked up.

"Patchpaw?" The tricolor kitten's eyes suddenly widened. Dropping the soiled moss, she lunged forward to affectionately attempt to bump her head underneath the other calico's chin. "Well, I was—" Before she could explain herself, Patchpaw had whisked half of the moss away and Stormpaw felt her heart lift a little. After being scolded by grumpy old cats, it was a relief to be among peers. Patchpaw held a high place in the young cat's mind. She was the closest thing Stormpaw had to a sister. She wondered if this would be how it would have been, if Lilykit and Butterflykit had survived.

"Okay!" Stormpaw giggled, quickening her step and following after Patchpaw to the dirtplace. After kicking soil over the stinking moss, she eagerly continued her shadowing of the older apprentice toward the little pool where their paws could be washed.

"Wa—hey!" Stormpaw yelped, unable to react much as her "sister" rushed off without her. "Hey! I'll get you!" She laughed, jumping up to her paws and resuming chase. She was no WindClan runner, but she was small and quick enough.


The calico's cheery, bubbly laughter sounded all the way to the pond, her pelt flickering in and out of sight as she weaved around the trees and shrubbery. In truth, she wasn't putting on a full burst of speed as she didn't want to accidentally lose Stormpaw altogether, but a fun race between them was a delight! Eventually, she slowed down enough to reach the pool's edge, and upon noticing she still had the few seconds of a headstart ahead of Stormpaw--who was catching up much faster than she realized--Patchpaw quickly dives into a nearby bush to try and hide.

She quickly has to stifle her mischievous giggles--she couldn't give away her position! Unfortunately, however, the smell of bile was too great, for it tracked right all the way up to the shrub that she had hidden herself into.

One thing was for sure, though. Patchpaw appreciated Stormpaw's company all the time. She knew the little apprentice thought of her as a big sister, and she was no different, considering Stormpaw to be an equally-fun younger sister. It was reminiscent of a time she spent too few with her younger brother Cherrypaw, and to this day she still felt an urge to protect them--both of them. They were like her family, and she couldn't have asked for anyone better to be her younger siblings--blood related or not.
Of course, Cherrypaw was often doing his own thing, training with Crowflower or busying himself with duties, but she never thought of him or the relationship she shares with him any different. He was still her younger brother--even if it didn't look like that anymore--and she'd stay by his side even if they didn't talk as often as Patchpaw wanted to. That was alright with her, though--even just hanging around him was enough.

For now, though, she had to focus: hopefully Stormpaw won't notice her in the bush... right?