camp SPOOKY SCARY SKELETONS - apprentice den


Dec 1, 2022
So, the snow had finally decided everyone was going to stay inside. Wonderful. The apprentices were effectively stuck inside until they were dug out, and with the state of the clan's warriors...well...

"Since we're gonna be here for a while-" Lilacpaw gives a prod to her spotted friend. "Might as well pass the time with some spooks right?" One could almost believe that Lilacpaw was still her old self with her small flourishes, her slight dramatic tone. The theatrical young kit who had begged for even the smallest bit of time from the adults in her family to watch 'just one story', who had eagerly rounded up all six of her littermates to help her pull everyone into a world of her own making.

Those days of peace were long behind all of the apprentices lounging around the den, but perhaps this winter storm would rekindle the fire, if only for a night.

//please wait for @brookpaw. to respond first!