camp spring clean up ;; weeds.


( shadowclan )
Jan 26, 2023
As of late, it seems the weeds near their nests has begun to grow- ugly little yellow flowers and white buds poke out, with foul-smelling leaves to join them. Stormwatcher leans down, eagerly pulling at the stem to yank them from the ground. "Uh.. Maybe, Starlingheart might have some use for these." After all, he knew nothing about herbs. He could guarantee she'd find a way to use them; the kid was smart, after all. Tossing the plants to the side, Stormwatcher begins to shovel the throwaway dirt back into the hole. Once done, he stands back to examine his own efforts.

"..Not bad. Looks cleaner."

With Leaf-bare's wretchedness finally overcome and surpassed, plant life of all sorts makes a sweeping reprise to the territory. Funghi creeps out from the gnarled roots on the forest floor, while colour returns to the reeds and grasses which did not die out during the colder moons. Though he will not show it nor admit such, Smogmaw has longed for the marshlands' natural charm. There's a notable lapse of strain in his demeanour in light of the days being mellower, the greenery richer, and the stresses of Leaf-bare long gone.

As for the plant life that invades his sleeping area, it's a different story. Smogmaw does not extend the same level of courtesy to the weeds that poke into his hide at night. More of the confounded things jut out from his nest with every passing sunrise. He should have rooted them out the moment they appeared. Yet, he did not, and has already accepted his defeat as a result.

Wayward clouds of dirt seize his attention, and the warrior's den swiftly becomes the object of his focus. "The blazes's he getting up to?" he hacks with bated breath, narrowing his eyes on the monochromatic tom as he approached. When he draws near, and the fruits of Stormwatcher's labour becomes apparent, his brows would instead raise in delight. "Ah, well done," Smogmaw exclaims. His bedding, it appears, was now free of any vegetation infestation. "You've given me the gift of a sound sleep," he then says, a lie. "For that, I thank you."

Based on past experiences, Smogmaw doesn't anticipate his clanmates to be as excited about having their nests disturbed. He, however, could not care less; Stormwatcher has solved a problem which he'd been too lazy to tackle in the first place.


the yellow little flowers that spring along with the pesky weeds seem to make their eyes light up. they have always loved new-leaf because of all the flowers. they can't help it– their beauty was unmatched. so many different types of flowers, even within the muddy marshland, the gorgeousness of nature found a way. it was truly something they enjoyed seeing. they grabbed one of the dandelions, and proceeded to tuck it behind their ear, slowly weaving it into their fur to made sure it stayed– even if it was just for a little while.

their eyes slowly moved back up to stormwatcher, brow raising with a tilt of their head. they had only partially been paying attention to what he was doing, but they now were turning their focus to him. he was digging them up. why, they wonder, but for the moment they don't even ask. they just watch, ears twitching at the sound of smogmaw before they speak up after the warrior.

"what are you even doing?"

they're not even that curious. they just don't get what the hell he's doing. or why he's doing it. surely there was a reason, right? couldn't have been for aesthetic purposes. stormwatcher didn't look like he cared that much about the pristineness of the camp.
"I am so glad you can sleep alright from now on, Smogmaw." What a gift, He'd think to himself, sarcasm in his inner-voice. Chilledgaze was right, Stormwatcher indeed didn't care about the pristineness of the camp- moreso his own living area, which was the warrior's den. His tail whips behind him, watching as they lift a dandelion up and place it behind their ear. "Pretty," He hums, thoughtful. They ask him for reasoning behind what he was doing, and he falls silent for a moment to think of an answer. It wasn't hard, just a bit irritating to have to explain himself. To their Deputy, nonetheless.

"I'm cleaning," He replies simply, nodding to himself. Yep, that was good enough of an answer. "These weeds look disgusting when they're so untamed." He finishes, turning back to his work to keep on digging, digging, digging... Until all of the weeds around the warrior's den were gone. "I'm no Moorlander, but I can dig just fine, I think." He talks to himself, proudly puffing his chest out as he shows off his finished work to the two higher ranking members of the Clan.

"Lookin' right and tidy, yeah?"

So I walk alone down the darkest roads

"I feel its a shame to pluck one of its roots and to let it wither all because it wanted to grow there" Ravenwatcher stated, coming out from the blended shadows as her gaze drifted down towards the yellow flowers, their petals already showing signs of withering within the few minutes it had been plucked from its home. She was sure others would be grateful for the works of Stormwatcher's weeding, and yet Ravenwatcher was not so pleased. She had enjoyed the signs of new-leaf's return and the yellow budding flowers have given more life to the normally grey and gloomy camp.

Blue gaze drifted down to the dandelions as she gently pulled one of the "weeds" closer, lifting it was a claw while a slight look of sympathy. "Plucked and tossed, signs of new-leaf and return of color to camp, gone. Shame" she stated smoothly with a sigh, perhaps she could take some of these weeds and line her own nest with them as unlike Smogmaw, she liked the weeds, and never once had been bothered by them. Perhaps she'd request that her area not be disturbed if Stormwatcher had yet not gone down that way.

maggotpaw | 04 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally hard | attack in bold mediumpurple
The child is only nearby because she is avoiding her own den - and, msre accurately, what said den contains. Her siblings. It does not matter if they are the ones who are half her blood, or if they are the one who dark the same milk as her - she finds them all utterly distasteful and annoying. They're spoiled the lot of then - pampered and loved, given everything she was not. There is so far only one worthy of her respect - and she does not yet see him around. Instead the serpentine child sits high-and-mighty upon her rock-pile throne, observing. "What if somebody had liked those where they were? Seems rather rude of you to assume," she says loftily, her voice slick and lilting. She does not care that she is speaking to a warrior - adult or child they're all the same. Weak and pitiful creatures with no respect for others.

"It seems you've got the wrong idea. I'm not doing this for everyone else's comfort. Just making it look tidy. Want some flowers? Go sleep in a flower patch or somethin'." Stormwatcher speaks bluntly, expression void of empathy for the two femmes at the moment. He doesn't seem aggressive, but he sure as hell doesn't like it when someone makes everything about wehh wehh, what about everyone else?. Stars, they couldn't keep their own mouths shut half of the time and say 'thank you', could they?

"Want the weeds then?"

chilledgaze twitched their nose back and forth with a soft sigh leaving their maw. they didn't... remember the last time that a comment of 'pretty' had been casted towards them. felt good. they nodded their head to the tom cat.

"yeah... thanks. and i didn't mean it like... as a bad thing. just curious. no need to bite anyone's head off."

their cool voice didn't move upwards or downwards– it simply was. they tilted their head with a huff out and a roll of their eyes.

"it's neither here nor there if the weeds are around but it does make the camp look nicer... thank for that."