pafp SPRING IS HERE! 🌺 | hunting


Just Pretend
Feb 26, 2023
Sunlit rays cast down upon the calico as he rested, it's warmth burning brighter than before. Birdsong filled the pine forest, along with the occasional caw of the crows farther away. No longer did the air bite at his nose or scorch his lungs as he breathed; it's frigid temperature was now a soft chill that swept his wavy pelt and was welcome under the warmth. Today marked the day that Leaf-Bare had officially come to a close and budding flowers and leaves would soon flush the forest in a veil of green and vibrant color.

Mint hues fluttered open, taking in the sight of a forest returning to it's peak. He knew prey would be returning, skittering about looking for food just as he was about to do. Usually after waking, most warriors took the time to groom themselves; but not Auburnflame. His fur lay tousled and splayed out, not quite dirty nor clean. No, he was far too excited to waste time on such a thing. He slips out of the warrior's den with a bounce within his gait, head swiveling to find a familiar ginger and white pelt.

"Hey, Ora!" He trills with a wide smile pinching his patched features. He finds her out doing the normal, planning out patrols and sending them on their way. The warrior bounces up to her, almost kit-like in a way. His feathered tail danced along with him, swaying wherever he did as he plops onto his haunches beside his cousin. "What'cha got planned for today? I was wonderin' if you wanted to hunt with me, if your feeling up to it that is!" He aims to nudge his shoulder with hers in a playful manner as his tail begins to drape over her back. "Y'know New-Leaf is here now! Thank the Stars, huh? I was startin' to think it was never gonna stop."

Please wait for @orangeblossom to post then this is open for anyone who would like to join <33

The end of leafbare has forever been bittersweet to Orangeblossom. It marks the start of the warmer seasons, where prey would be plentiful and Clan life would become infinitely easier. It's the easiest time for young cats to pick up new skills, prey is plentiful, and, as she'd recalled upon stumbling into Butterflytuft and Figpaw's gossiping sessions, SkyClan often found themselves the caretaker of new kits during this time. (Though, invariably, a pawful always came from the twolegplace. Wasn't that weird?)

It is, however, the hottest time of the season-cycle. Orangeblossom doesn't like the heat - doesn't like how half her coat seems to fall out in preparation of the warmer months but it's never quite enough. Doesn't like how she's forced to hide up in the trees or under rocks to cool down, occasionally daring to splash herself with water in the river's shallows but only ankle-deep. Never further. This plays on her mind as the deputy sends out the last of SkyClan's patrols for the midmorning, herself planning to pass by Tallpine and whet her claws on scored bark.

So entranced is she that Auburnflame's cheerful meow startles the ginger-and-white molly, fur fluffing up and brown eyes wide with a heartbeat of panic. She relaxes after a moment and knocks at her cousin with one white paw in retaliation to his nudge, shaking her head with exasperation.

"Oh, I was going to patrol near Tallpine." She doesn't mention to Auburnflame that she had planned a climbing attempt, perhaps recklessly in its solitude, but the offer of hunting seems ... less so. She nods along, though more reserved than the bouncy calico, at his comments on the weather. "Did you want to try our luck out there?"

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3


It was still... strange, having to make his own decisions about stuff. About where he went, what he did- apart from the patrol assignments, of course. Now, if he felt like hunting he could just go- and if he felt like resting he could do that too, to a reasonable amount. He wondered... if circumstances had been different, would he be fetching prey at back and call even more diligently, no longer bound by when he was hunting?

No- he didn't let the doubts touch him, though the tried to wriggle beneath his skin. Strength had found him in his training, and- though it was often tangoing with a partner cloaked in apprehension, it was tangible enough within him that he was beginning to notice it. Hearing the din of a conversation, though it was less like a storm and more like light rainfall in pleasant playfulness, green eyes raised to settle upon Orangeblossom and Auburnflame.

They spoke of hunting, and he was reminded then of his own boredom- it might be nice to get out of camp, but... it was foolish to go alone. Even in twos when there were foxes about, apparently- so he made an executive decision then that he would ask to join. Ask. Being a warrior now didn't mean he should flout the manners he'd been taught completely... he couldn't just announce he was certainly going, could he? Unless he wanted everyone to hate him. "Uh, can I come...?" He attempted a smile, though it looked a little forced as it trembled upon his lips.
penned by pin ✧
In retaliation of his playful nudge, Orangeblossom knocks into his own shoulder and has him nearly wobbling all the same. He smiles to her, a mischievous glint within pale irises when he startles her. "Tallpine sounds good. Wonder if there'll be any warblers to snatch up." He comments, red tail curling around his lean frame as the sun warms his back. The tom has been itching to get out and explore, to gaze upon new blooming flowers of various color in contrast with the amount of green. "You ready to go now?" Turning more towards her, he ascends to his paws to go righ this very moment. He hadn't had much time to spend with her as of late, with her position and all. The position of deputy was a challenge, the second-in-command; a position Auburnflame couldn't ever see himself in. He was far too laid back, not serious enough in clan affairs as he probably should be. But, if one was deserving of the role—it was her. He would forever be proud of her.
The calico is itching to go, itching to stray under massive pines and climb through thick branches, weaving in-and-out of nettle and brush. His paws begin to traverse towards the entrance when another voice pipes up, shaky and quiet. His head swivels towards Twitchbolt's trembling smile and returns it with a radiant one of his own. "Sure you can! The more the merrier." He trills, waving his plumed tail for the younger warrior to follow him.