Jun 7, 2022
With the arrival of newleaf it's time to update our mass adopts! If you have a character you'd like to adopt family for, this is the place!

As always, please adhere to the following:
  • The adopted characters must join SkyClan.
  • The character you are adopting out slots in relation to must be on the census!
  • Genetics cannot be a free for all and must be realistic as per tt rules. If you aren't sure, check with one of our lovely site geneticists!
  • These adopts will be first come, first serve. If you want more control over the decisions about your applicants, please make a separate thread and link it here so I can add it in.

Relations form — for family slots.
[B]SLOTS:[/B] #
[B]AGE:[/B] - 
[B]RULES:[/B] -

Connections form — for non-family slots such as plot related friends, enemies, mentors or apprentices.
[b]CONNECTION TO:[/b] - 
[b]DESCRIPTION:[/b] (include everything you have set in stone. name, age, appearance, major traits, etc)
[b]HISTORY:[/b] (if applicable)

External adopt —
ADOPT RELATION: - siblings for katniss
AGE: 22 months
Sire: SH white (masking chocolate; carrying longhair, dilute, point)
Dam: LH lilac point

Kits can be chocolate, lilac, chocolate point, lilac point, or white masking any of those
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- non-white kits will have no white; white kits will mask no white
- white kits (not masking point) can have any realistic eye color; point kits (white or not) will have blue eyes; non-point non-white kits can have any realistic eye color besides blue; white kits with one or two blue eyes have a higher risk of deafness on side(s) with blue eye
- shorthaired kits will carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; non-point kits will carry point
RULES: - all characters must be afab, ages on the 14th of every month, names should be flowering plants that are poisonous
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ADOPT RELATION: @Mottledove. x @BEETLEBACK kits; littermates to @Aspenpaw
SLOTS: [02] pipitpaw, pollenpaw
AGE: 10 months old, aging real time on the 25th
GENETICS: pollenpaw, pipitpaw
RULES: all backstory and info on these kits can be found in the original thread here.
- names can be changed to anything as long as they are not weather/storm related.
- kits must stay in skyclan until they are fully fledged warriors unless for a good plot reason. this must be discussed oocly and agreed upon.
- these kits cannot be killed off until at least two months of playing, though again it's preferred they made it to warriorhood.
- after adoption you'll be added to a family chat.
- these kits come with premade designs! after two months of actively playing them all art will be transferred to you and you'll be able to keep the designs even if the slot is rehomed.

mottle has yet again fallen off the census but beetle is still there so i think it counts
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ADOPT RELATION: - applefrost kids
SLOTS: # 3
AGE: - 19, ages 1st of every month
Sire: LH blue tabby (carrying solid, point)
Dam: LH flame point w/ vitiligo (masking black; carrying dilute)

Toms can be red tabby, cream tabby, flame point, or cream point
She-cats can be tortoiseshell, blue tortoiseshell, torbie, blue torbie, tortoiseshell point, blue tortoiseshell point, torbie point, or blue torbie point
- kits will be longhaired
- kits will have no white
- points will have blue eyes; non-point kits can have any realistic eye color besides blue
- kits may or may not have vitiligo develop in adulthood
- red-based kits will mask black or black tabby
- non-point kits will carry point; tabbies will carry solid; non-dilute kits will carry dilute
RULES: - these kids will not know applefrost is their mother. she was already pregnant when she became a daylight warrior and thus her owners would have rehomed them as soon as they were weaned
- there is a pre-planned story with these kids, which will be explained further after the adopt is accepted. but currently they are not in skyclan yet
- they MUST remain loyal to skyclan, but do not have to give up being a daylight warrior
- these are fcfs
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ADOPT RELATION: Kits of Statichaze
AGE: 3 moons

Sire: SH lilac mink w/ high white (carrying longhair)
Dam: LH black smoke w/ vitiligo (carrying chocolate, dilute, non-silver, sepia)

Kits can be black, chocolate, blue, lilac, black smoke, chocolate smoke, blue smoke, lilac smoke, seal mink, chocolate mink, blue mink, lilac mink, seal smoke mink, chocolate smoke mink, blue smoke mink, lilac smoke mink, seal sepia, chocolate sepia, blue sepia, lilac sepia, seal smoke sepia, chocolate smoke sepia, blue smoke sepia, or lilac smoke sepia
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- kits will have low white
- mink kits will have aqua eyes; sepia kits will have gold eyes; non-colorpoint kits can have any realistic eye color besides blue
- kits may or may not develop vitiligo in adulthood
- shorthaired kits will carry longhair; black-based kits will carry chocolate; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; smoke kits will carry non-silver; non-colorpoint kits will carry point or sepia
- Please don’t kill off the character right away!
- These kits will be daylight warriors!! It’s your choice if they decide to stay that way or if they choose to stay in SkyClan full time.
- Naming theme is technology! Some ideas: radio, video, stereo, tech/techno, gadget, satellite, machine, analog, cyber, code, nano, gear, data, robot, cassette. Names other than these are allowed, but should at least match the theme please!
- Preferably no angst babies!! They will be loved by Statichaze very much.
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RELATIONSHIP: Elder Role Model
- A clan elder willing to entertain a troublemaking kit who always has an ear for stories. Will become somewhat of a grandparent figure to Hollykit, and she will seek them out both in kithood and once becoming apprenticed, eager to help with "unpleasant" tasks such as tick cleaning in order to spend time with them.
- This would be a temporary character, plotted to die sometime later in the year. How and when this happens is entirely up to you! Feel free to reach out to @saturnids on discord to plot it out <3
- Age can be anything over 100 moons; otherwise everything is up to you!
- Any activity level is fine, as long as you're ok with me (saturnid) occasionally reaching out for threads
- Feel free to adopt out any relations!
HISTORY: Was part of the Pine Group (see site history if you're unfamiliar) and witnessed the forming of the clans. Other than that, go wild!
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CONNECTION TO: Sfogliatella
DESCRIPTION: There is no set age, gender, appearance, or personality! The only thing that must stay constant is that they must have an Italian name - whether it is an actual given name or named after an Italian item.
HISTORY: These cats would have been adopted into a rich Italian family. Sfogliatella would have likely told them all about Skyclan after her first visit, leading to them wanting to join as well.

i will bring more fancily-named italian cats into this clan whether anyone likes it or not /lh