Jul 9, 2022
Hey ThunderClan! There seemed to be enough interest for this, so we are going to host a Spring Mass Adopts! You can add any relationship you would like, such as kin of your character, a plot character, etc. Please note: the adopted characters must be in ThunderClan! The point of these adopts is to bring new characters into the clan, after all! Additionally, by signing up, you are giving me permission to accept character applications on your behalf. I will ensure all genetics and other rules for the adopt are followed before accepting.

Please fill out the form below to be added.

Main Account:
Relations of adopt:
Rules & Misc.:

Number of slots:
Main Account: @HaggisBeast
Relations of adopt: Mother and Father
Age: Mother - 38 moons, Father - 40 moons
Genetics: Mother - SH tortoiseshell with low white, Father - SH black with low white
Rules & Misc.:
- The parents are sweethearts from youth and should continue to adore each other
- sad plots allowed further down the line
- backstory is fairly open, but it would be preferred if they hold roots in either the Pine or Marsh group, or as former loners. Unfortunately no kittypet connections
- To the lucky folks playing the parents expect a free headshot drawn by me
- name prefix ideas for mother (just suggestions): thorn, talon, fox, rose, thunder, goose, spiny, nettle, thistle, cleaver
- name prefix ideas for father (just suggestions): mallow, soot, bunny, fern, rain, pheasant, moss, cotton, shadow, quail
Number of slots: 2

Main Account: @HaggisBeast
Relations of adopt: Younger siblings
Age: 3 moons
Toms can be black or red tabby
She-cats can be black or tortoiseshell
- kits will be shorthaired
- kits can have no white, low white, or high white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- red-based kits will mask black
Rules & Misc.:
- They will be loved by their parents, though relationships with Wildpaw can be rocky
- name prefix ideas (just suggestions): fox, fire, ember, shadow, black, red, storm, thunder, fang, badger, starling, adder, ivy, hawthorn, alder, chestnut, elder(flower/berry), hemlock
- sad/angst plots allowed
- high chance of getting a headshot drawn by me as a gift
Number of slots: 3
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Reactions: Blitz Krieg
Main Account: saeyoung
Relations of adopt: Children of Cottontail, Permaqueen of ThunderClan. Co-parented by her best friend TBD. Will call Fernblossom auntie.
Age: 5 Months (Apprentices)
Toms can be black, blue, black tabby, blue tabby, red tabby, cream tabby, seal point, blue point, lynx point, blue lynx point, flame point, cream point, or white masking any of those colors
She-cats can be black, blue, black tabby, blue tabby, tortoiseshell, blue tortoiseshell, torbie, blue torbie, seal point, blue point, lynx point, blue lynx point, tortoiseshell point, blue tortoiseshell point, torbie point, blue torbie point, or white masking any of those colors
- kits will be longhaired
- non-white kits will have low white; white kits will mask no white
- points will have blue eyes; non-points can have any realistic eye color; white kits with one or two blue eyes have a higher risk of deafness on side(s) of blue eye
- red-based kits will mask black or black tabby
- tabbies will carry solid; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; non-point kits will carry point; kits may or may not carrySire: LH lynx point (carrying dilute, cinnamon, solid)
Rules & Misc.: - Minimum 5 posts a month.
- No hateful/negative names.
- If you're playing a disability please represent right and research.
Number of slots: 3
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Reactions: Blitz Krieg
Main Account: @SATURNID

Relations of adopt:
Littermates of Lichenpaw

Age: 8 moons

males can be seal point, lynx point, blue point, blue lynx point, flame point, or cream point
females can be seal point, lynx point, blue point, blue lynx point, tortie point, torbie point, blue tortie point, or blue torbie point
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- kits will have blue eyes
- kits will be polydactyl
- red kits will mask seal point or lynx point; cream kits will mask blue point or blue lynx point
- shorthair kits will carry longhair; tabby kits will carry solid; non-dilute kits will carry dilute

Rules & Misc.:
- Plot: These kits were born in the Twolegplace to a pair of stray cats and left to fend for themselves once they were old enough to do so, perhaps even a little too young (~5 moons). Some time after their mother left them, the siblings reunited and began searching for the last remaining member of their litter, Lichenpaw. This is what brings them to ThunderClan.
- May need to backwrite their joining to before Emberstar's death, unless their relationship to Lichenpaw means that Howling will let them in.
- Prior to recieving Clan names, the cats will have kittypet-esque names (ie. Lichenpaw was Lou). No specific rules though, go wild.
- I will make icons for these characters upon request!
- Characters can be as casual or active as you want, though please do not go more than a month without posting.
- Sad/angst plots, deaths, leaving the Clan etc. are allowed.
- Feel free to do whatever you want with the NPC parents.

Number of slots: 4
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Reactions: Blitz Krieg
Main Account: @ava
Relations of adopt: Elderly Couple Ragwortpaw regularly visits
Age: 100-120 moons, first accepted form determines
Genetics: FFA
Rules & Misc.: Gender or sexuality of the couple is up to RPers, first person who adopts may want to state the ocs desired sexuality so that the next person applying can piggy back ^^

Characters will become grandparent figures to Ragwortpaw. They will indulge her in stories about her exiled mother over the course of time and basically be the older guardians she's never had.

If the characters ever had any kits its up to the rpers to decide and adopt out

Casual activity is fine but they still must be present. If characters are not regularly around I have the right to disband any plots and seek out new participants, so at the least there is no risk in the slots being taken from you!

I like art so odds are Ill gift you commissioned art of our characters interacting

Number of slots: 2
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Reactions: Blitz Krieg
Main Account: @euphoria
Relations of adopt: Wrenflutter's former mate, father of Dovekit, Larkkit, Duckkit, and Chikadeekit
Age: 17 moons or slightly older
Genetics: SH Non-Point Tabby with low white with a bobbed tail (can be any color tabby!)
Rules & Misc.: General lore is that these two were once close friends and mates, when Wrenflutter found herself expecting kits. For whatever reason (up to your character), this led to the couple having a falling out and Wren raising the kits pretty much solo, with y/c likely avoiding interacting with the kits or interacting with them with out said kits knowing of their familial relationship
Additional (and optional) Lore is that Wrenflutter was from the pine group, and joined at 6 moons when Thunder was established, so an option is them having been from the same group, though Wrenflutter has no bias of origin
It is entirely up to the rper and ic interaction if Wrenflutter and y/c ever make up and even get together, and if the character forms a bond with the kits
Casual activity is fine since most of the Wren family is semi-casual rn, but please be active if you can! Otherwise character development and progression is 100% up to the rper, including- death, leaving thunder, alternative romance, etc.
Number of slots: 1
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Main Account: @felicitas
Relations of adopt: Dewfang xx NPC
Age: 14 moons
(i did these genetics myself so if there is an error, just edit it)
SH chocolate point x SH torbie w/ low white (carrying LH, chocolate)
male kits can be: black, chocolate, red tabby, black tabby, chocolate tabby, seal point, chocolate point, flame point, lynx point, chocolate lynx point
female kits can be: black, tortoiseshell, chocolate, chocolate tortoiseshell, seal point, tortoiseshell point, chocolate tortoiseshell point, lynx point, chocolate lynx point, torbie point, chocolate torbie point
- kits can be short haired or longhaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- point kits or kits with white will have blue eyes
- black-based kits carry chocolate
- red-based kits mask black, chocolate, black tabby, or chocolate tabby
- non-pointed kits carry point
Rules & Misc.:
- Think of this more as a litter in the books as the likes of Willowpelt and Whitestorm. Dewfang and the mother of the kits were not very romantically involved, but they still cared for the kits. The mother may have raised previous litters with a different father. Dewfang was a dutiful warrior but occasionally of course came to check up on the kits as they grew, giving them presents from his patrols. They are young warriors now and he is very proud of them, often inviting them to spar with him and go out on patrol.
- This can be a fairly casual character as Dewfang is one himself.
- Dewfang would have liked to name the kits after strong things or things found in the forest. If you like a name that is not exactly either of those, the mother could have picked it for them for any reason!
Number of slots: 3