Pinkshine had awoke today with a churning stomach. Her usual beeline (though it wouldn't be for Scorchstorm anymore...) makes a shift, leading her to the maw of the Medicine Cat's Den instead. She should be worried about being sick, maybe... She's seen it ravage through WindClan's camp more than once... She'd been lucky to not catch it then, and maybe it was like, karma, or something... But she's hopeful, rather than worried... She feels like she's seen something like this before. Foggily, with the memory of Rattleheart, a little more clearly, with the thought of Bluefrost... Pinkshine had looked down at herself in her nest, and wondered if her belly looked different that she remembers it being... Clearly, she didn't check enough.

"...Cottonsprig? Celandinepaw?" Her nausea eases enough that she can call out to them, her whiskers brushing along the sides of the tunnel. Blue-ringed eyes round at the sight of her. Pinkshine's tail kicks up into flutters, tentative excitement. "I-I don't feel good... I mean..." It isn't all true. "I think- um..." She really shouldn't get her hopes up. How awful would it be if she was really, truly just sick? She feels a little stupid for not just knowing... and she looks at Cottonsprig, almost pleading for an answer. "Do you think I could be pregnant?"

@cottonsprig! And @/celandinepaw can reply too if she wants :)
Cottonsprig has seen many come through her den with the same affliction - herself included. Yet none have given her as much of a shock as Pinkshine does when the tri-colored molly stands before her. It's brief, the way her face flashes with concern then surprise. What settles next is somewhere between excitement for her friend and - dear StarClan, she had been there when Brightshine brought the other molly home, only hours old. And now she's potentially...? Old, I'm so old. She doesn't want to think how Scorchstar may feel, presiding over a Clan she knew primarily as kits.

"Newleaf often does that to cats," she jests, trying to swipe away the sinking dread in her belly. She welcomes the tunneller deeper into the cavern that's become her home, her tail sweeping behind her. "Some telltale signs are typical - y'know, like nausea... being unable to eat certain meals -" a brief flicker of memory, her nudging her rabbit to another warrior and claiming her belly was full, when she was indeed so starving. "- some smaller signs are general upset, or... like, a shift in your moods, that you can't explain." She blinks, remembering how irritable Pinkshine had been lately. Very... un-Pinkshine of her. Much more like her partner (of which, Cottonsprig realizes, she had also seen at only a few hours old.)

"Have you been eating a bunch?" She sparks the question with ease, head tilted.

  • ooc //
    ♥♥♡ WOUNDS ; can confidently stop bleeding and mend lacerations. will often request that you keep your injury clean and wait it out first.
    ♥♥♡ INFECTION ; as a side effect of likely her own doing, very dutiful with technique and treatment shortly thereafter.
    ♥♡♡ ACHES & PAINS ; will defer to a dark tunnel and rest. if pain persists, maybe she will offer something.
    ♥♡♡ BROKEN BONES ; has never dealt with a broken bone. likely will ask that you never move. ever again.
    ♥♥♥ TRAVELING HERBS ; learned well from her previous mentor. will pile even too many remedies to tough the wilderness with.
    ♥♥♥ KITTING ; having kittens of her own and helped several others with their litters, she is very well versed with calming techniques and quelling pain.
    ♥♡♡ POISONS ; she knows what they are... but that isn't enough, isn't it?
    ♥♥♡ ILLNESS ; having worked through two yellowcough bouts, she is confident in her remedies. much else... she's operating on trial and error.
    ⸻ cottonsprig is a dutiful and excitable medicine cat. she enjoys company and loves conversation. she'd rather not have too many curious noses snooping around her den... but who is she to quell curiosity?
  • hLNSgig.png
    ⸻❥ cottonsprig is the primary medicine cat of windclan. a former princess to the moors, she harbors many guilts for her actions throughout her short life. she has no consistent partner, unwilling to commit and settle, and she is training celandinepaw in medicine.