pafp SPRING SUN WINTER DREAD \ heavy snow

The loss of his apprentice still stung- so much so that Twitchbolt looked for any sign to heal it. Looming clouds warmed of an oncoming snowstorm- he recognised the swell, a chill pillowing the sky. It was perhaps that signal that had incentivised him to arrange a hunting patrol, one that he knew would be interrupted by the downpour.

Draped pines umbrellad them from the snowflakes as they span down, expectedly ferrying Twitchbolt and his patrol into shelter. The patchwork tom had a look of awe upon his face seldom seen- a pure fascination, with no underlying uncertainty. There was nothing dangerous about this snowfall, he knew it well, knew it truly. Sheets of white veiled everything aroung them, snow hat would surely settle- the sheer volume of it meant it would not melt easily. It was the first heavy snowfall of the year, and Twitchbolt- for all he writhing regret in his heart- looked at it with what could easily be construed as relief.

"Look at the clouds," he sighed. They were dark, dark grey, and towered like great mountains. They were darkened with all that was grasped within them- powerful, undoubtedly, but predictable. "It won't let up any time soon."

\ please wait for @MACARONI
penned by pin ✧

Excitement at being allowed to tag along had joyfully led the child in pursuit of the Skyclanners, eager to see a glimpse of their everyday lives. Having been informed the day she "joined" them that this was to be expected of herself, she still was unsure of what it called for. However, the promise of being able to hang out with some of the older warriors and apprentices was a blessing for Macaroni. Giggling as she leapt at the falling snowflakes lagged behind the group as she ignored their protests about the now-ruined hunt. While she had been more of a spectator in the first place, she didn't understand what everyone was so upset about. This stuff was pretty! It sure was fun to play with too!

"What is this stuff? How come nobody wants to play" Not understanding how dangerous the situation could become, she would gaze questioningly at the patrol huddled underneath the shelter that Twitchbolt had shoved them into. Soft flakes of snow would fall upon her pelt, slowly melting as they fell upon her.

‧₊˚ .☘︎ ݁‧₊˚.​
Macaroni was delightful in that she was a lot like Edenpaw when they'd first joined SkyClan! She stares up in wonderment at the winter sky and though the daylight apprentice was not old enough to have witnessed snow themself either, they pretend for a moment to be superior in this one regard. It wouldn't do for them to look less experienced than this newbie... it was their job to show off what a proper daylighter was meant to do. Granted... they still hadn't mastered hunting... or fighting... or climbing... or anything really but... Macaroni, conveniently, was not aware of that.

"It's cold, silly," they tease. That seemed the most obvious answer as to why anyone would cower from such soft, harmless little rain-flake things. They duck under Twitchbolt despite their size no longer being conducive to using him as an umbrella, glancing up at the shaky lead warrior with a mischievous smile. "You gotta keep me dry, Twitchbolt, or I'll turn into ice!"

They weren't sure if that was true but a lot of the older warriors had been complaining about the frigid temperatures spawning this 'ice' thing. They were probably using it in the right context.​

⭒✧ Tiny plumes of cold travelled along the wind, crystalline sails slower than any rainfall. Chalk had seen snow before but had never been out in it quite like this, with no twoleg nests to ward off the brunt of it. There were only the pines, catching each curtain at organic angles with evergreen fingers. So caught in the novel sight, the pale tom scarcely noticed Twitchbolt leading them to shelter.

Snowflakes were batted out of the air by Macaroni, her small paws blurring amidst the snowy downpaw. Edenpaw chimed in to answer the other apprentice's question, before tucking under Twitchbolt's striped silhouette. Chalk considered telling them there was no risk of freezing to that degree but decided against it. "It's snow," he added instead, perhaps unhelpfully. While no obvious smile touched his expression, his ears were long and eyes bright. The pair of apprentices were reminiscent of the students at the Learningplace, slipping across concrete and scooping snow up with bare paws.

Stepping out of their natural marquee, the daylight warrior let the cold settle on his tall frame for a few seconds. Twitchbolt was right, this wouldn't be clearing up for a while. Stuck with nothing much to do and the awareness of the challenges this change in weather heralded still dim, Chalk blinked decisively. "Might as well enjoy it before you learn what snow between your paws feels like." The muted announcement was punctuated with a flick of his tail, sending the gathering snow there spiralling towards the group under the pine.
⭒ ———————————— ✧⭒

The gentle fall of snowflakes reminded Applefrost of her own snow-dusted fur. If it weren't for the red tabby points that poked through white fur she would have been able to perfectly blend into the white scape. (A loss! She may actually have a chance being a decent hunter in leaf-bare then) Thankfully for her though a heavy, thick coat kept her well protected from the chill of winters winds and snow, even keeping her well insulated to sleep through an entire night of the cold.

"It's a good time to make friends with your long-furred friends this season." Applefrost hummed with a half-smile. She knew a good number of her denmates had slowly shuffled their nests closer to hers, but she didn't mind all too much. Keeping warm meant a more restful sleep, which cycled into an easier rise to work. At least for her.

"I used to be able to convince my mother to trade down feathers for animal teeth when I was your age. Don't quite know what she ever did with them though..." Alice might have just tossed them, considering she never even asked for such things anyway. "But perhaps one of the elders or warriors would entertain that for you."


Giggling would erupt with Edenpaw's response, offering a smile to her fellow apprentice, watching as she darted between Twitchbolt's legs. While she hadn't been around the clan long enough to hear the warriors' complaints about the weather, she found herself enjoying the cooler temperatures among the falling snow. Of course, to the child, she had the safety of her two-legs den to run to at night. As a part-time housepet, the molly was blissfully unaware of the dangers the snow could hold for the clan.

"Snow?" Echoing Chalk's comment, she would quickly allowed herself to once again fall distracted by the falling flakes above her. Nobody seemed to be mad, allowing her to enjoy herself once again. Slowly, she was learning who was who in the clan as well as their roles. It seemed as if Edenpaw and Chalk were both like her and returned home to their two-legs at night. These cats seemed to be friendlier to her, allowing her to spend a larger portion of her time with them.

Macaroni would find herself sneezing as a cold flake of snow landed on her nose, ignorant to the laughter of her clanmates that ensued. Applefrost was quick to change the subject, reminding the child to make friends with longer-furred clanmates. Was that how they kept warm during the winter? She still couldn't quite understand why they didn't seek out a two-leg den to keep warm in. Her story confused her though, made apparent by the confused look she cast in her direction.