springtime adoration ;; greenpaw


Slumbering the day away was easy when it was quiet, no wounds or practical injuries that he had to help heal. No practicing with Dawnglare, no hymns. It was easy enough, sleeping everything away. But, he knew he had responsibilities to himself. He had people to check in on, friends to amuse and entertain. That's why, at the break of dawn, Fireflypaw makes his way to the apprentice den and sticks his head into the entry way.

"Minty? You in here?" He asks softly, a hush of a voice. Someone was snoring all too loudly, and so Fi makes his way through the crowd of apprentices, paws delicately stepping over bodies and occasionally stepping on tails with curt apologies. He spots his friend in his nest, a soft pang in his heart at seeing him sleeping with his siblings. "Greenpaw, it's time to wake up. We have to collect cobwebs together today." He lies, the scent of his friend encircling him. "I hope you don't mind."

With only a much-needed break from training on his agenda, Greenpaw finds himself sleeping in longer than usual. Curled up among trinkets in his nest beside his siblings' own, the apprentice snoozes away, a light snore escaping his maw every so often.

His goal of sleeping in is short-lived, however, as a familiar voice causes ginger ears to twitch. Fireflypaw? The apprentice stirs in his nest before mismatched eyelids give way to a sleepy green gaze. "Hm...?" he hums, blinking away sleep as he peers up at his friend, "Oh. Hi, Fi."

He's surprised to see his friend within the walls of the apprentice den - when was the last time Fireflypaw had stepped foot into it? A path switched meant his nest was to follow, and Greenpaw doesn't think his friend has too much of a reason to be in here when sleep was found elsewhere.

They're to be collecting cobwebs, the High Priest's apprentice informs him. This is the first he's hearing of this. Or, so he hopes. He's been busy lately - he hopes he hadn't forgotten a shared task with Fireflypaw!

"Cobwebs?" Greenpaw echoes with a yawn. He's still too sleepy to think of the logistics, to worry about whether or not the High Priest had allowed for such, as he rises to his paws with a stretch, moving to bump his head against Firefly's in greeting. What he says next, though, leads Greenpaw to think this was more impromptu than he'd initially thought.

"No, I don't mind!" Quickly spoken, not wanting to miss out on an opportunity to spend time with his friend. They were both so busy - when would be the next time he'd get to hang out with him? "Where are we going? Anywhere? Everywhere?"