pafp SPRINGTIME BLESSINGS // gossiping


Figpaw sits within the walls of camp surrounded for the most part, by felines she feels comfortable with. Friends, even? Well whoever they are, she feels comfortable enough in the crowd for her lips to start moving. Typically she isn’t the gossiping sort, but with new-leaf around the corner a word was constantly buzzing in all of their minds.


It was no stranger to all that kittens were primarily born in New-leaf, it was one of the safest seasons to have them and a way to celebrate the warm seasons. Figpaw grew curious, anxious even, to discover who would be having litters this year. The names of numerous couples swarm her mind, but first she leans into Butterflytuft’s ears with a playful grin. ”Who d’ya think is gonna have the first litter of new-leaf?” She then draws back, eager to hear her sister’s answer. Maybe now that she was a warrior she’d have more insight on the lives of the adults in the clan? Perhaps she knew of couples Figpaw didn’t snuggling up beside each other in the warriors den

// @butterflytuft


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 9 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
Lounging next to her younger sister, the warrior shifts her yellow gaze over to meet Figpaw's as the other leans in close with the whispers of gossip upon her lips. Her ears prick up, the question taking her off guard. Kits? Oh yes, they'd be coming soon. Newleaf brings litters, she knows, but who would be first? Casually, her wide eyes travel over the camp, tail-tip flicking thoughtfully. "I think Orangeblossom," She admits, the hints of a giggle in her voice revealing her bashfulness around the topic. She hopes it's not rude to assume! But, well...anyone can see she and a certain tom are growing closer. It would be anytime now, right? "I hope someone has kits soon. They're so cute!" She trills, grinning towards her sister.
Gossip was something more fitted to cats much older than these two. Annoying as he knew Figpaw could be, it was one of the last things he expects of her. Perhaps her time bedraggled and bedridden had mellowed her completely; drawn her from her horrible beetle-flicking habits into a much less destructive hobby. Fine by him, certainly, certainly...

He has no business with either of them. Though, he could not help but overhear. Birdsong has sprung anew, with the loss of the war. The sun gradually fades back into being, his own battle settled for now, for now (though it never quite lasted), it never quite would. They are far too quick to try forget the frost, chitterings of kits abound the moment they get the chance, and with this, Dawnglare inwardly groans.

Even further, she shoots an incredulous look toward the apprentice. (Really, he did not know the deputy's name) but in this moment, he could appreciate the drab simplicity of clan names. The correlation is not difficult to make, though, frankly, he would rather it not be true. His grimace is visible, now, scowl written on his face as his ear flickers toward the two.

"Oh... There's a theme, here, a theme." It is an observation at their expense, though he is not really talking to them. Isn't it something that Blaise always looks to wretched women? Wretched women who, may or may not seek to spread their disease in the form of progeny. Were any of the cursed kits in the area, themselves, Dawnglare would surely shoot them a pointed glare. Joy... what a joy. Sarcasm, of course. Softly, he whines, peters out into a pitiful sigh. "Not again, not again, not again..."

Small talk did not interest the Lead Warrior at all, still, it was difficult to ignore the conversation between Figpaw and Butterflytuft for their giggles were incredibly obvious. When the lounging tom leaned in to better assess their words, he almost recoiled in immediate disgust when the topic of children was breached. Sheesh, that was what he got for being nosy, he guessed. He looked over his shoulder towards Dawnglare, his whiskers twitching in thought. Either the Medicine Cat didn't like delivering litters or he didn't like Deputies having kittens, the tabby (luckily) hadn't interacted with him enough to decide which one was more accurate. His attention shifted back to the gossiping she-cats, Silversmoke chewed on invisible food as he tried to interpret Dawnglare's meaning. "Well whoever is having children better not give our Medicine Cat a head injury, the poor sod's noggin looks ready to burst." It's a voice spoken not harshly, but not happily. There is the potential for humour within its dry tones, but Silversmoke does not let it be so easily revealed. He does, however, blink fervently at his own shift in accent, his ears growing hotter than the sun as he slipped into dialect he tried to suppress as a SkyClanner.

Blazestar knows by now there's no accounting for Dawnglare's strange notions. The way the medicine cat practically recoils at the mention of Orangeblossom potentially having kits makes the Ragdoll shoot him a questioning look. "We should be encouraging kits," he reminds his old friend. He sits next to Silversmoke, shaking his head with mild exasperation. "Kits are the future of SkyClan."

The topic brings a shadow to the Ragdoll's face, though he tries to maintain his lofty expression. Little Wolf must have had her kits by now, right? Her kits, his mind chants. Not yours.

Blazestar's ears twitch, bringing him out of the mire that is his mind. "What about Sheepcurl and Redstorm?" Another pair who has been mates for some time. "Whoever it is, I just pray they're strong and healthy."


With the coming of newleaf, so too came the likely arrival of kits and the gossip of who would be having kits. Howlpaw padded in not far behind her father, whom she sat on the opposite side of her father. "Aw, but having new kits running around would be fun!" She trilled, in response to Dawnglare's less than thrilled response about potential kits. Bad memories from what had happened with herself and her siblings perhaps? Or something more?

Her father suggested Redstorm and Sheepcurl and Howlpaw chuckled. Redstorm had always treated her well, she could imagine him making a fine father, be that one day soon or one day in the future. "Maybe Thistleback will have more kits?" She suggested.

"You'll Never Be Unloved By Me"

At first it was just Butterflytuft and Figpaw, the blue tabby idly sitting by in a patch of sunlight as they two she-cat chittered on about whatever it was that young she-cats talked about. Ashenclaw hadn't been really paying much attention to the conversation before there was more of a gathering of cats in a group and it peaked his interest. Green hues flicked over to the talking cats as he perked up an ear to listen in on their conversation. It seemed like something about kits? Though that was all he could really make out without having to get up to get closer to the group. Not wanting to be a disruption to their little talk, the large tomcat shifted slightly in place and started to wonder about that himself. Kittens..wouldn't that be something.


✦ ★ ✦

wherever chatter amongst her clanmates seemed to reside, eveningpaw was never far. the tortie quickly settled herself into the group, ears pricked to catch up. they were talking about more kits, things that would bring skyclan prosperity. they worked through mates, deciding who would be next to bring life into the clan. howlpaw mentioned her father and got a slightly distressed blue glance. her parents didn't need any more children. pricklepaw and herself were extremely sufficient in her eyes. besides, kits were a lot of work. how much attention would be spared to her and her sister if more were added to the picture? she decided not to let the speculation hang in the air any longer, not wanting leave room for someone to voice that they agreed. "whoever it is should make it quick, we could use some adorable faces around here," she added, but her voice was slightly strained as she still pondered the idea of more siblings.

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Abby likes gossip! Loves it, even. Where the twolegs lived, other kitties loved to gossip and talk smack too! Of course, the conversation and giggles and such always died down whenever Abattoir would come on scene—how rude of them to not share! The apprentice's thin body practically glides across the earth, an ear flicking back and forth as each speaker in the topic changed. A subject of kittens! So cute! It'd been a while since he'd seen any himself, bar whatever little things lived here in camp. The black cat's lifeless gaze lands upon Eveningpaw, where the corners of his lips quirk into a wicked smile. "Hey, hey! Question — how do you 'make it quick' exactly? Y'know, the kit-having and such." Perhaps it wasn't such a good question to ask her; after all, this was gossip time! Aaaand... Abby didn't know much about anyone in Skyclan. "Well whoever has like, kits real soon, I wanna come watch!" It was a genuine interest, albeit displayed rather poorly, with the young apprentice bouncing on his paws in anticipation for the aforementioned... celebration? Incident? Event? It could be exciting! he thinks, however naïve the assumption was.

    —— amab, uses he / him pronouns. 6 moons old. apprentice of skyclan.
    —— an amiable, but strange young boy who ventures to find what it means to truly be alive.
    —— @ on discord for plots!

    abby is a plain, pitch black short-fur feline with deep copper eyes. he has an average build, slightly leaning on the underweight side, and a semi-fluffy tail. the only thing slightly remarkable about him is the faded scar on the right side of his face, just circling his eye; there are three long marks, each a light pink as a reminder of an older, sweeter time. abby's gaze is mostly blank, holding it for long periods of time at seemingly nothing; however, there is always a smile present on his lips, and a face that beams sheer innocence.

"If you make it through a queen's kitting without running away with your tail between your legs, you get moved across to being a den minder. It's not for the faint of heart." Orangeblossom meows to Abbatoirpaw as she passes, an amused twitch of her whiskers accompanying the statement. She had never sat through a kitting, despite being old enough to know what actually happens, and currently held no interest in finding out how long and arduous the process was. Pointedly, she keeps her attention off Ashenclaw, but her mind loops back around to the original topic at paw and the deputy makes a small humming noise of thought.

"Sheepcurl and Redstorm, most likely, once Greenpaw graduates." She agrees with Blazestar, tossing her opinion into the ring nonchalantly. It's not often she would be inclined towards such gossip, but with a harmless topic like this she might just indulge in a brief moment of it.
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Off to the side, Greenpaw lounges with a meal, idly listening to his siblings' gossip. Kits, the conversation's topic. Who would be having new-leaf's first litter is not something he interjects with his own opinion. He doesn't really have one, after all, but the conversation is decent background noise.

He leans forward to take another bite of bird, looking up as his name is mentioned. "Hm?" Sheepcurl and Redstorm, they've moved onto. Once Greenpaw graduates, Orangeblossom had added in.

His days as an apprentice are quickly diminishing. So if they're right, it would be soon, wouldn't it? Greenpaw tries to imagine smaller Sheepcurls and Redstorms roaming around the camp, tries to imagine himself being a warrior, and it's all... silly, isn't it? Almost impossible to imagine.

"Oh. Uh... Maybe," he offers, still trying to wrap his head around the thought. "How... How many do you think they'll have?"
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"No kits, thank you. I don't wanna have to deliver any yet." Fireflypaw chuckles, having overheard the conversation from a distance and wandered over to join it. The talk about Sheepcurl and Redstorm having kits, though, catches his attention. His eyes wander over to his father, eyes squinted ever so slightly. He moves over to his green-eyed friend, bumping his shoulder against Greenpaw's before he gets comfortable and settles down. His friend asks how many his mentor and her mate would have, and Firefly hums in thought.

"Five, maybe. I hope it's five. Imagine five kits running around!" He chimes, grinning at his mentor. He doesn't seem to be excited about the idea of birthing more kits; they were loud and obnoxious, after all. Mewling, crawling upon Her skin. A gift.
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He could feel the sharpness of the cold shoulder he got from Orangeblossom, and he flicked an ear in reponse before looking towards the group. They spoke about kits more and he eventually got to his paws before approaching awkwardly, "Five kittens? Are you going to help take care of that many mouths, Firefly?" The blue tabby teased the medicine cat apprentice with a slight smile. He was trying to be involved but the usually stoic and aloof tom was awkward in his social approach.
Five kittens? Are you going to help take care of that many mouths, Firefly "Of course I will! I took care of my... Own.." Silent. Fireflypaw sniffs then, though no tears come from his eyes, his own words seemingly hurt his feelings. "Nevermind- maybe two. Two kits are enough for us to take care of, right?" He smiles then, sad and yet so loving and happy to be there. Turning back to the group, he grins.

"What about we expand the nursery out more, in case there's a lot of litters?"
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