
one of her first patrols since she'd returned. it should be a pleasure, walking bathed in familiar pine-scent and surrounded by trees instead of mountain peaks. the simple act of trekking to a border and staking skyclan's claim as a new lead warrior should, by all rights, be pleasant. a moon and a half of living in a nameless clan without borders, protecting and fighting for sworn enemies, meant that the straightforward satisfaction of a patrol on mending paws should be something to be enjoyed. proper warrior duties are something she's familiarizing herself with for the second time, and finding she's sorely missed.

it would be pleasant, if not for who she's with. by some mistake of starclan, she's stuck with slate, trudging to a distant corner of the territory to ensure every last rogue is ousted and well aware of their border marks. bobbie still marvels at the fact that they now share a rank, that the hefty black tom no longer has extra power to dangle over her head like one of the great rocks that had crashed down during the journey. over a turn of the moon spent together on the journey has done nothing to soften their tense relationship, and the few glances she sends his way burn with displeasure like banked coals.

"so, we're the same rank now," she begins, the tone of the words saying everything she doesn't. so, you can no longer lord your power over every daylight warrior in camp and force me to sit by. so, you can no longer pour venom into our leader's ears uninhibited. so, you're forced to share your rank with a kittypet. tension spills through the air like pinesap, but she doesn't find herself terribly sorry for her statement, voice oozing vindication. "who would've thought."


  • @SLATE !!
  • 6TR0CBJ.png
    bobbie ; warrior of skyclan
    x. she/her ; 42 moons ; tags
    x. small, scarred lilac tabby and white she-cat with green eyes
    x. played by dejavu
    x. mother to lupinepaw, crowpaw, and drowsypaw.

Slate is annoyed, to say the very least. He doesn't dare speak more than a word or two to Bobbie thus far, perfectly content with keeping his head down and sticking to the task at hand. Perhaps this was some sort of test to see how compatible the two leads would be in working with one another, but hopefully Orangeblossom and Blazestar would learn to keep him distanced from Bobbie as he was with Silversmoke. The latter constantly had a stick up his behind and had a grating personality, but at least he was decent at his job. Bobbie, though? Slate would never have imagined that she would be chosen to sit upon Blazestar's council.

Then again, Slate doesn't really know the basis of his own position on the team, either. He always assumed it was because he could put up a mean fight.

Of course, Bobbie chooses to open her trap when she really shouldn't. Stars, could she be any more annoying? A shredded ear flicked back, burning hues unmoving from the path ahead, refusing to meet the pale green gaze of the other. "Not me." Slate snorts unabashedly with a lash of his bushy tail. Surely had the brains to know that this decision did not make him happy in the slightest. If she didn't expect him to act irritated about it, then she was truly as dumb as he thought she was.

Make no mistake about it, this new promotion wouldn't change anything. He would love to see the lilac tabby try and challenge him, frankly. It would be quite amusing to see the look on her face when Slate refused to listen to anything she had to say.

A few beats of silence pass by, before Slate clears his throat and rumbles, "So, you 'n Blazestar seem... close." Such a crass assumption about the nature of Bobbie's unexpected promotion probably was not lost on the she-cat, but Slate was determined to get answers. He normally kept to his own business, not caring for the personal affairs of his clanmates, but he needed to make sense of this decision. Having to work alongside Johnnyflame was embarrassing in its own right, seeing as the tom still donned that bright red collar around his neck, but he was scrappy and knew how to take initiative. Bobbie was, well... Bobbie. Meek, soft-hearted Bobbie. Blazestar clearly saw something in the she-cat that he didn't.

  • 902PApF.png
    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles