private squeeze till you pop // gingerpaw

May 22, 2023

eggpaw & 05 moons & male & he/him & skyclan apprentice

Eggpaw is bored. There is not much to do these days, when all the adults are fretting over things like sickness and death. Not that he doesn't understand - it's worrying after all. But... that doesn't mean life needs to draw to a halt. And so he and his mentor continue on, as though nothing is wrong. Humming absently under his breath, the pale furred boy wanders - he can tell teaktail is still nearby, but they're taking a brief respite between learning moves, and he's been allowed to wander. Just a bit, not too far, but wander he will.

Limbs stretch and roll as he pads around, pausing to peer down at the ground. Leaf-fall has begun to bring it's chill, the flowers he'd been so fond of all withering away. But that doesn't make the scenery any less wonderous - the leaves have begun to turn all manner of colors, falling down to the ground where eggpaw can land upon them with a satisfying crunch. He's so preoccupied with his elaf hunt he nearly misses the scent of the border - but he's a good apprentice, a good skyclanner, and he doesn't. Instead he pauses, glancing to where he smells the scent marker, and carefully walks along it - never crossing it, always staying on his side. "Wonder if there's any pretty leaves - bet cherrypaw would like one," he says to himself, an abstract thought that breaks the silence before he even knows it.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: @GINGERPAW
    tw/cw: —
  • a round faced and slightly pudgy boy, with long legs and too-big paws. his pelt is pale eggshell and cream, and he has dull grey-blue eyes. he wears butterfly wings and flowers in his fur, and seems to be growing at an exponential rate.

    physically easy && mentally easy
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#108297]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

*:・゚✧ The sound of pounding paws amplifies as they draw near the border. A red tabby's form would be seen as they approached the border between the Skyclan and Thunderclan. From afar it would seem like the red tabby has something against Skyclan, but as they drew closer to the border it would be clear that the tom was chasing a squirrel. It was abundantly clear that this hunt was not going well, considering how out of breathe he sounded. Said squirrel decided it had enough of running and started to skillfully scale a tree near the border. Ugh, squirrel why?! NO! COMMIT. YOU ARE GOING TO CAMP TODAY WITH FOOD. despite the fact he tumbled down the great sycamore a few days ago, he wasn't going to let that stop him. Instead of calling it a quits he would narrow his eyes and pick up speed, vaulting himself to bark.

Thunderclanners weren't known for climbing. Skyclan was, but he'll be dammed if he didn't at least try. Although, the moment his claws dug into bark, he would end up slipping. A yelp would escape his lips and he would scramble to find his footing. He's able to find it for a moment and out of fear, he leaps once again. This time it doesn't go smoothly whatsoever. By this point the squirrel is long gone. Claws are unable to sink into bark, and he is sent falling with flailing limbs. "W-w-whoa! Shit, shit, shit!" Somehow he is able to land on his paws, but once he does he closes his eyes, sighs, and collapses on the spot. "Awww... cats... i wanted to catch something today to show shinningsun. ugh, why are trees so hard? can't you just be easier to climb?"

Amber eyes finally open and immediately embarrassment settles in when he sees another cat in front of him. oh no. this is the border. howlingstar's going to kill me for leaving shinningsun and ended up here. no, it's okay. shinningsun told me to try and come back with something. i told him around where. i'm fine. i think? i hope? he had been far too concentrated on his failed hunt that he missed what the tom in front of him had said. although, he would be lying to say he wasn't curious.

Thunderclan and Skyclan were friends. of course, that didn't mean he can just waltz over the border to say hello and chat with a skyclanner on their land, just like skyclan wasn't allowed on their territory even if it was to say hello. the tom in front of him is slightly pudgy and has a round face, but that's not what catches his attention. rising to his paws, he draws even closer to the border, closer to the skyclan apprentice. amber eyes trail over to the butterflies and flowers in his fur. "You look nice," gingerpaw mews. Amber eyes blink when he realizes that he might have said something strange. Chuckling out of awkwardness he quickly adds, "Hi there! My name's Gingerpaw. What's your name? You're not going to tell on me, right? Also! did... did you see that?" the that in question was his epic failure. Coughs, him not being able to scale a tree and curse as he fell. It was totally embarrassing.