camp Squish Squash || Kit Game

The time was quickly approaching that the kits in the nursery were to be apprenticed. It felt bittersweet to him, on one paw, he would be free. on the other, his kits are growing up and wont be snuggled at his side anymore. But he can't dwell on it, that's just how life was. Kits grow up, and his were growing quickly. It was time he started preparing them for their apprenticeship. All of them, really. Their little games were fun, but it was time to issue them something more challenging. So, he had given the kits a challenge.

It had rained a little bit earlier, leaving the ground damp. The marshes were squishier, but this would have to do. The challenge was to sneak up on him without him noticing. They would have to navigate the soggy ground, learn to soften their steps so that they do not squish and alert their prey. This skill will help them greatly when they begin hunting for real.

He had given the kits the day to successfully catch him. He was making sure to keep busy, wandering around camp doing chores. He came to a halt in the middle of camp, sitting down to groom a paw. He was making sure to be fair, to give openings to the kits hunting him. To be a good hunter, you needed patience and determination. Your prey will give you an opening in due time.

And so, he waited.

((We're gonna roll for who manages to sneak up on Frostbite! 1-3 he doesn't hear shit, 4-6 he thinks he hears something 7-10 he catches u ))​

Lately, a lot of his time has been spent under Frostbite's care. With Forestshade always out and Halfshade sick - with germs he swears he didn't give her - it's down to Frostbite to include him and his siblings, and even Starlingheart's, sometimes, in on whatever games he comes up for his own kits.

And while Screechkit still isn't too fond of the snow-furred warrior's kids, he has to admit, Frostbite is probably the most fun out of all of his caretakers.

The game for today is a hunting game - something the sun-marked tom assumes he should be good at. After all, he's Forestshade's son, the only one of his litter to inherit her orange hues. Some of her skill must have been passed down within those markings, right? He's given the whole day to complete the task of catching Frostbite, something he - surprisingly - keeps his attention on. He wants to be the first to catch the warrior, wants to win this game and prove that he's a good hunter too.

He'd done his best to sneak around the rain-washed camp all day, mud-soaked from his stalking of the warrior, to wait for the perfect moment to strike. It finally comes in the form of Frostbite settling in the middle of camp, his back turned to Screechkit's hiding spot as he washes his paws.

This is it! he thinks, muddy paws moving forward to creep up on his caretaker. Silent, he tries to be, but excitement at the thought of catching Frostbite before any of the other kits playing leaves his pawsteps loud as they squish against the ground, as he stumbles through puddles and steps on twigs that he only fails to pay attention to.

Oblivious to his noisiness, he crouches down further when he thinks he's close enough, preparing to pounce at white fur. Preparing to win.

// he rolled a 10 he's definitely not winning​

tags. ↟↟↟ Pinekit had quietly opted to join in on the game along with the other kits. Frostbite was big and a fierce warrior, but he was always a good teacher to the clan youth. Pinekit tried to pay attention to the white warrior’s words. It made him feel like an apprentice already and he felt a fluttering in his chest as he stalked around camp in the drizzly weather. He knew he was competing against the other kittens and while he expected a more daring and boisterous soul to beat him to Forstbite, he faintly hoped he wouldn’t be too slow.

The brown tomkit sniffed the damp air. The wetness made scenting kinda hard, but he spotted his target with his eyes. Frostbite’s stark pelt stood out against the grey weather and the mossy colored foliage of the camp. Finally, it appeared that the warrior was taking a break. It looked like a good time to try to attack, but the thought of finally making a move made his heart flutter and so he hesitated. As he stalled, he watched Screechkit a couple tail-lengths away drop into a crouch and begin to quickly stalk towards Frostbite. Pinekit’s felt a jolt of surprise as he feared Screechkit was going to win the game right in front of him. He made his paws move.

Pinekit dropped his body down into a crouch, pressing his already brown belly to the mud. He crawled towards the large white tomkit who was licking his forepaw – seemingly unaware of the kittens’ approach. As he neared Frostbite, Pinekit started to feel a tremor in his forepaws but with shaking and slow steps he pressed forward. Soon, he was beneath the shadow of Frostbite. He could feel the warmth of the bigger cat being so near. He flinched and shut his eyes tightly. He- He has me for sure! He imagined Forstbite’s icey gaze glaring at him.

But… when he opened his eyes, to his relief, he hadn’t been spotted yet. Perhaps, Screechkit or something else had distracted the warrior. Taking his chance, Pinekit reached out a shaking forepaw and attempted to gingerly tug the fluffy white tail next to him. ”I did it?”

//rolled a 1!

He can already hear someone behind him. He contemplates his move... He doesn't want to be outright discouraging, but he doesn't want to encourage sloppy stealth either.... This kind of noise will surely cost this hunter prey. His ears flick, and as soon as he hears Screechkit pounce, he flicks his tail away.

"Nice try, but I could hear you! Don't rush. make sure you're stepping softly-"

In the midst of giving his sagely advice to Screechkit, he is attacked once more by Pinekit, who he hadn't even heard. Which surprises him, because he was expecting to hear every kit that attempted to get him at least a little. He jumps a little in surprise. He was impressed. He was also impressed by the fact that Pinekit didn't maul his tail like he expected most kits to do, like many have. His tail probably doesn't even feel anymore from all the claws and teeth that have attacked it.

"Very good, Pinekit!" He says as he looks behind him at the kit. "You did! I didn't even hear you! You'll make a great hunter." He clarifies with a smile.

Looking back to Screechkit, he speaks to him encouragingly. "Don't be discouraged, try again! You'll make a great hunter too, I can tell."​

tags. ↟↟↟ ”I did it,” the kit would repeat with more assurance than before. He grinned at Frostbite’s approval. He would be a good hunter. Inside the words made him feel giddy. Part of him, though, wanted to deny it. It may have been some mistake.

He flicked his shaggy tail at Screechkit. ”Well, Screechkit did make a distraction…”, he offered. The other kit must have taken Frostbite’s attention and covered up Pinekit’s approach. ”Let us try again,” the brown kitten mewed with a glance to Screechkit and then Frostbite. He wanted to. He wanted to see if he could replicate his success. If he could, then maybe he could convince his cruel mind that it was true.

He scampered away to hide again and wait. He’d spring as soon as Frostbite agreed to another round of the game and pretended to be interested in something else.