private stand with you (Jaypaw)


meant to be here
Mar 3, 2024

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Sunlight filtered in through the window, casting warmth and golden hues across the white tile of the kitchen. They had been waiting so patiently, oh so patiently, for the cat door to be unlocked again. His mom and dad seemed to have been taking longer and longer to do so to the point he often sat by the door and yelled until they came. Blue didnt understand it. Why would they want to keep him inside? It wasnt cold out anymore! Nor white! So it was safe now wasnt it? Though he didnt tend to question his parents often and more so less just accepted they were being difficult and he wished he could tell them it fine. That he was fine when he went outside, he came back every night now didnt he?

Regardless, the young white patched cat was finally free from the confines of his home and excitement billowed in his chest. The air was warm, humid, like it would rain later, and there was no breeze this time. So the outside was sticky and stiff, making him fluff up his coat a little. It’d pass surely with rain so Blue didn’t think about it too much and focused on his task at paw. He had important things to do! His mom was keeping him from doing such tasks, if only she knew how proud she’d be of him. Making friends! With forest cats!

White paws skiddered across the grass and then scurried up the fence post, where he stopped and looked out at the forest. Expansive, mysterious and ever so calling out to him it felt like. Blue tilted his head to the side as his lighter blue gaze moved from the oaks and maples to the grassy ground below the fence. He glanced back at his house before jumping down with a small squeak as he landed. That was further than he thought it’d be. Shaking their coat, Blue pushed away this nagging feeling. Like something wrong was on the horizon but that would make no sense. Nothing was wrong! Everything was fine.

The young tomcat then headed towards the edge of the forest, wondering if he’d see his forest cat friends today or not. He’d been meeting with them for a while now and their lives only increased his wonder. What was the forest like? What did prey taste like? Did they sleep out in the stars or in holes in the ground? So many things danced through his mind and he grinned a little to himself, the life of a forest cat!

Jaypaw couldn't comprehend the life of a kittypet or how the daylight warriors returned to their homes everyday once the night began to swallow the sun. They disappeared as fast as they came into the twoleg nests where they were locked and bound to their nest much like a kit in a nursery. The thought gives a shiver to the she-cat as she imagined being locked up all the time without stretching her legs and watching up everyday to the wonderful scent of nature, the sunrise and sunset. Her forest green gaze scans the area as she trots around the forest, looking for either moss or prey to bring back to the elders and queens.

Her tufted ears give a flick as she picks up on the scent of a twoleg and she feels her body tense for the worst case scenario, had she found herself near the areas where those weird colored eggs were at again? She had already broken one but it wasn't anything similar to an egg inside as instead strange colored pebbles had came out that reeked of twoleg. A glimpse of something in the corner of her area catches her attention as she turns on her heels and heads in the direction before a cat comes in her view.

"Hello," she calls out towards the tom, a voice soft yet guarded. They had a handful of daylight warriors and she pondered for a moment if this was one that she hadn't seen or if he was going to be a joiner. The life of a forest cat wasn't all fun and games as most kittypets thought; it was dangerous and scary. You had to put your life on the line to protect and fight for your clan, you never knew where your next meal would be coming from or when you would be dead the next moment.

Jaypaw observes the male who's eyes glow in happiness that he got out of his twoleg nest and was bounding the earthy landscape. He looks a little goofy, not in a bad way, but it seems like he seems oblivious to the dangers that lurk in the forest despite coming out here so steadily. "Are you lost?" She inquires with a faint tilt of her head, her long plumed tail swaying side-to-side as she stood a little away from the splotched tom-cat.
"speech", thoughts, attacking
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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Wonderment was littering behind brighter blue hues as he trotted along the edge of the trees. Looking up at the different budding leaves, the flowers swayed slightly from critters running about. The forest was beautiful. The sun dappled the ground but yet his paws remained where they were. At the edge of the tree line, a few steps from crossing over, and the thought of stepping foot onto the other side seemed foreign. It made his chest heave and his heart pick up slightly with a thrill he didnt understand. Maybe one day he will.

As the young white patched cat turned to keep walking along its edge, as if trying to conjure up the will to go over the border, when a voice called out to him. It was soft so he wouldn’t have pick it up if it hadn’t been so quiet in the humid air. Blue blinked a bit with surprise and wondered if someone needed help, but then blue eyes landed on something- someone. Another cat.

She had to have been his age, maybe older, and her tone was guarded. Blue found words faltering on his tongue as if he had never spoke to another cat in his life. This cat had a plumed tail that swayed back and forth with a soft grey color, darker stripes on her body with white disturbing the pattern. She was- pretty. Really pretty, and he was terrible at talking to pretty cats. Oh now he felt silly!

Blue was pulled from his thought when this cat asked if he was lost, to which he gave a quick shake of his head, “No im not lost! I-I was just-,” He stammered out but he had no good reason for being out here. He wasnt a forest cat, but his neighbor Flora was what she referred to as a ‘daylight’ warrior. “Are you a Skyclan cat too?” The words blurted from his lips before he could stop them.

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The female keeps her nature toned gaze on the tom-cat as he stammered out his response to her question, causing an fictional eyebrow to raise. He clearly seemed lost but maybe he was too embarrassed to admit it? Maybe he was just socially awkward, which was a hard type for Jaypaw to deal with personally. Her gaze is sharp on the male as she's cautious but he's clearly a kittypet but the scent that was faintly similar to other daylight warriors, they all had different yet distinguishable scents and often wore accessories (and were quite happy about them). She internally cringes imagining what they called a 'collar' around her neck and personally would rather fight a dog than wear one.

"You're just...?" Jaypaw would meow after he choked and stammered on his word before responding with an question instead, 'Are you a Skyclan cat too?'. Her tufted ears give a flick as she studies him for a moment before responding back to him. "I am. What about it?" She would answer and inquire back as she pondered a couple of things he would possible ask her ranging from: joining, clan life and more of the similar. Skyclan was the only clan that openly welcomed kittypets into their ranks which others laughed at. The new code that had recently been implemented due the negligence of recently graduated warriors which lead to the clan losing many lives.

The thought of it gives her a headache thinking that someone would leave their home defended that they trained countless moons for to just celebrate it. Her forest green eyes close for a moment to erase that thought as she turns her focus back on Blue, she wasn't scared of him. He was a kittypet and she had training in case he decided to try and attack her, she would run him off faster than he could say a next word. Jaypaw knew she was pretty and she always maintained a kempt appearance, she had a docile appearance which vibrated with her silky voice and thick eyelashes that complimented her green eyes. She leans forward a little to the kittypet as she takes a look at him before leaning back once more, he was decent looking in her eyes and he had nice ocean blue eyes.

Skyclan had a lot of good looking cats with often appearances fitting perfectly with their names and vibrant eyes. Due to them often being the best clan at ruling the skies hence their name, they had usually toned bodies similar to Riverclan who ruled the waters. "What's your name?" The long-haired tabby would ask as she stands on the side of her clan's border which seperated the two of them.
"speech", thoughts, attacking
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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Awe widened his gaze and he bounced on his paws a bit, though he had to keep himself still till she stopped talking- interrupting was rude. Blue smiled widely and puffed up his chest, “I know of Skyclan! My neighbor Flora is apart of yous guys and she talks about ya all the time!” He said proudly and his tail waved behind him. Though that was as far as his knowledge went with the clans, he only knew what Flora told him. Though she was only a recent joiner so there wasnt much to pass onto him.

Regardless! The tom pushed the thoughts away quickly as this she-cat seemed to look him up and down. This made the blue patched cat shift slightly in place, “She says you guys live and hunt in the forest! That you can do all these cool battle moves!” He found himself rambling, trying to fill the air with something. Blue silently hoped a hawk would swoop him up and carry him off to spare him of this embarrassment of trying to make new friends. Maybe she didnt want to be friends?

The grey she-cat then spoke again from the other side of the border, only six steps separated them. Three on each side it felt like and he could feel his paws itch. He’d always been curious of the forest. Of what Flora told tall tales about. Yet something held him back, something kept his paws cemented to the ground as he was questioned his name. “Blue- They call me Blue,” It counted as his name didnt it? Wasnt his full name, but it was part of it.

Whats your name?

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Excitement trilled from the other blue tabby and she wonders what's so exciting about training to eventually die defending and fighting for your clan? Was it the thrill from their pampered lifestyle where they sat in their nests getting unconditional love from their twolegs and fed without having to catch it, or what? She didn't mind kittypets as often they proved themselves to be quite the assets to Skyclan and formidable warriors themselves. "Flora, huh?" She murmurs to herself as she allows herself to think of the name as a vague image of the female daylight warrior eventually appears, she knew more of the daylight apprentices over the warriors. "It's not all that cool, but yes we do hunt and live in the forest."

It might be cool or awesome to the kittypets but it was the day to day clan life for her. "Our lives aren't like yours and the other kittypets; we have to hunt for our food, we follow strict rules and put our lives on the edge for our home." Jaypaw would murmur as she glances over her shoulder at the direction of her home for a moment, it lingers for a moment before eventually facing the tom-cat once more. His name was Blue which was an very simple name compared to some kittypet names she heard of such as Milkshakepaw, what even was a milkshake?

Her name? "It's Jaypaw," she would meow in response as her grey and white plumed tail would twitch after answering him. "Why are you out here, Blue?" Jaypaw would inquire after answering his question as she sets on her haunches of her side of the border, her long tail curling around her front paws in an elegant manner. He didn't seem overly annoying, yappy or stuttery as the daylight warriors back at camp which was a interesting time to see.
"speech", thoughts, attacking
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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- The white cat shook their head slightly, “I think theyre very cool, from what i do on a normal day? Hunting and living outside sounds pretty cool to me,” The cat spoke in response to her dismissing how cool the clans were. Blue had never seen blood, never eaten prey, didnt know the first thing about the forest entirely- but it sounded so much better than his home.

He loved his parents, his mom and dad did so much for him and loved him so much. Yet he felt like something was missing. A large part of him had a hole in it and he didn’t know how to fill it or what to do about it. The she-cat kept talking about how there was rules, putting their lives on the line for something greater than them. It made his gaze sparkle with awe and wonderment. Sure his parents had rule too but he doubted she was ever told to get off the counter or sprayed with a bottle when scratching the couch.

Then she shared her name- Jaypaw.

Blue found the name was suiting to her. She was pretty like a bird, dainty and deadly- whatre you doing out here, Blue? The question threw him off and he blinked a few times in the process. Why was he out here? He adverted his gaze downward and swallowed a bit, “I dont know- i- i usually visit Flora and stuff when she’s home but she’s not-” He rambled slightly as his thoughts vomited out of his mouth and he shook his head, furrowing his brow before looking to Jaypaw, “Do you wanna hang out?

According to the tom, it was cool based on his daily basis. "Hmm... I don't know what kittypets do on a normal day..." Jaypaw would meow as she attempts to comprehend his thought process before shaking her head, she would never be able to comprehend it. She'd been born in Skyclan and her entire life had revolved around watching the entire clan work together to help shape Skyclan for the future and for the better. Though there were some ignorant warriors namely Chrysaliswing who believed he was better than the kittypets who also fought and trained to be warriors of Skyclan.

Blue kept talking about Flora as she glances around for a second before tilting her head. "Flora is... your girlfriend?" She would question for a moment before furrowing her eyebrows for a moment. "Maybe your crush?" He seemed quite close to the daylight warrior to the point that he even visited her and he seemed lonely without her, so she was prodding even though it was actually her place to do so. A paw is on her chin in thought when his next question is asked, 'Do you wanna hang out?'

"What would you want to do?" Jaypaw inquired as she was hesitate slightly as she couldn't just bring a kittypet on their territory without letting Orangestar or one of her council members know, or going on twoleg territory without her mentor.

"speech", thoughts, attacking
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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Blue felt very silly. He felt like this was a pathetic attempt at making friends and he wondered if he should turn tail. Though the tom kept his paws plante where they stood and lifted his head slightly to try to appear more confident than he felt. She didnt know what he did on a daily basis and he was about to word vomit that too- but he caught himself and swallowed thickly. Get a grip of yourself he thought to himself with a inward huff at himself.

Jaypaw then suggested something that ad Blue bristling, his fur fluffing up and he flame his face flame, “No! No that’s no it at all! Shes more like my annoying older sister than anything else!” Blue quickly corrected and shook his head a bit, tail bushing out slightly. Flora was old enough to be his mom! She was just the only other cat that seemed to put up with his forgetfulness, his weirdness.

Though he wouldn’t say he had a crush on anyone either. Blue didnt know that many cats around the area yet besides well Flora, now Jaypaw and that curious little tortie- Oddpaw? That was their name- if he remembered right. Though he doubted it cause he was terrible with faces and names! The white patch cat blinked at the grey cat as she seemed interested in his offer of hanging out, and his gaze widened. He hadn’t expected an agreement!

We could go see this really cool store down the street! Their trash has the best food in it! Or maybe sit on the roof? I like doing that too!” He offered though it seemed like not many options. Blue didnt do much in his daily life. His mom and dad didnt like it when he wondered too far or was gone for too long. They probably worry about him, “Or we could do something in the forest? What do Skyclan cats do for fun?

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Blue blew up in embarrassment at her question and had quickly corrected her as she raised a paw to her lips as if saying 'ahh'. "Ooh, okay. I didn't want to be the victim of a jealous girlfriend," Jaypaw would murmur as she cringes at the thought of having to deal with someone accusing of her trying to steal their partner just for having an conversation with them. As his tail puffs up and embarrassment in obvious in the male, a smile comes to her lips as she giggles softly at him. How cute was that! "Aha! You look so cute when you're embarrassed." She would respond through giggles as her smile holds before allowing her forest green gaze to flicker around.

A store? What was a store? Also... he willingly dug into trash? It smelled horrendous and was personally her last of resort option for food-- and that would have to be if she was starving to death. "Let's. . . /not/ dig in the trash," The blue and white tabby would respond as she shivers thinking of the retched scent of trash clinging to her pretty coat. The scent would stick to her days and it would embarrass her to death watching as everyone avoided her because she smelt horrible. "I'm fine with anything else, though I don't know what a uh- store is?" Her voice was uncertain and she copied how he said store, the vocabulary completely foreign in her books nor having heard a daylight warrior talk about it.

Jaypaw rises to her paws as she stretches and gives her coat a gentle shake before pondering for a moment. What did Skyclan cats do for fun? "Apprentices usually do their own personal hobbies but are more focused on trying to improve themselves for their assessments," The girl would respond as she glances at the treetops and raises a paw to the tree. "I like climbing the trees and watching everything from the high parts." She would admit as her claws flex out their sheathes before she moves to a tree and scales up to a low branch, her long tail drooping off the side.

"Would you like to birdwatch with me? It'll be night soon and we can watch the stars if you'd rather that."

"speech", thoughts, attacking
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Reactions: Bluepaw

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Jealous girlfriend! Hardly, if anything Flora would slap him upside the head at his suggestions of luring away a Skyclan cat. Blue adverted his gaze downward when she called him cute, and he felt his pelt flame with his flustered feeling. He was not cute! He was a fearsome and strong cat! Though this cat wouldn’t know that with how he had been behaving thus far. The white cat flicked their tail behind them for a moment- suppose suggesting eating trash wasnt an ideal thing.

He only ever ate trash when his pellet for food weren’t enough to fill him. Sometimes it’d be chicken, or maybe even beef from time to time, but that was a rarity for the shop. At least thats what the older cats outside of it told him all the time. They had always been willing to share with him and he swore they adopted him as a young brother sometimes. Even though he never stuck around long during the day.

Blue then looked to Jaypaw once more as she said she didnt know what a store was. Blue turned pink and he cursed himself mentally. OF course, a forest cat wouldn’t know what a store was! Suppose he should’ve used better words than he had chosen, and he opened his mouth to explain it out of pure needing too yet clamped it shut once more. No, he didnt need to explain it. At least she was fine with anything they could be doing.

The grey she-cat then spoke about apprentices having their own hobbies and he listened with wonder in his blue gaze, “Tree climbing?” he questioned back in an echo Blue had never climbed a tree before. Maybe his fence, or the cat tree inside, but never an actual tree. Hes never seen what it was like in them, to look out over the tops of the roofs. Blue looked up at the nearest tree and into the tree tops with round eyes, “I’ve never climbe d a tree before” The words were quite and soft, and Blue hesitated slightly.

Then he looked down at his paws, at the distance between himself and the forest line, and he swallowed thickly. Blue had never stepped into the works of the forest. He had never been one to think he’d be able to do so. Yet, something was making him consider otherwise. Blue squared his shoulders a bit and swallowed this feeling of sick in his gut. Then he approached the border, approached Jaypaw, further and he smiled a little, “I’d love to see what the world looks like from the trees- I’ve never seen the stars either” His mom and dad always made sure they went to bed before the stars could be out.
