standing at the end ;; camp exploration - open


the madness of mercy
Dec 9, 2022

Resting was not for Dusk. He hated being idle for too long and it made him fidget. Finally, feeling as if he was getting on the medics nerves, the smoky cat made his way out of the den and into the camp clearing. A small powder of fresh snow lay on the ground before him, his ivory paws mourned the warmth of the summer ground as they crunched into the snow. Like instinct his ears pinned back, freezing as he went exploring. After all, wasn’t this to be his new home? Dusk had been less than hostile towards others and hadn’t caused any fights, right? That’s all Blazestar had asked of him.

He no longer had to fight others for territory, for a place to sleep. They worked together despite their bickering or their small scream matches. Everything seemed to be ruled by something greater than just one cat. It made little sense to him. The fact that no one was trying to kill the other was odd. Most of the loner lands were ruled by hatred and spite, by the law of tooth and claw. Yet here…Dusk felt…peace? No. Not peace. Balance. It wasn’t something he had to fight or a war he had to win just to survive. He could give willingly without consequences.

His thoughts went on about the calmness of clan life that he had forgotten to truly observe his surroundings. With a soft thud, he seemed to bump into something or someone. Rather than stay silent, he apologized. “Apologies. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going…Uhh…” He paused, not knowing many names yet. “You’ll have to forgive me. I don’t know yer name. Mine’s Dusk…for now.” His eyes observed the cat before him without malice or hatred, but simple curiosity.
✦ ★ ✦

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If Fireflypaw could have read minds, he would have called Duskmane foolish for his perspective on clanlife. War was always right around the corner, and those you loved could always die too early than they needed to. Morningpaw was only five moons old when she died, though it was an accident. He couldn't quite find it in himself to forgive his own atrocious thoughts that ran rampant in his head.

He's startled back into reality when he runs right into a hulking tom, eyes squinting upwards as terrible vision adjusts to the bright light. He apologizes, an awkward movement to take, and speaks with a sense of elegancy that has Fireflypaw giving Duskmane an odd look. "...Fireflypaw." The apprentice answers him just as awkwardly, not used to having to talk to people as of late. Everyone seemed to let him and his siblings grieve together, occasionally asking if they needed help.

They only needed each other.

"You look like you're lost, running into cats like that. Don't tell me your eyesight is as bad as mine?" Fireflypaw attempts at a joke, or a tease- he's unsure of which. Though, lightening his gloomy atmosphere is only a habit of his. He wanted to believe everyone had good in them.

That stumbling shuffle of paws- unmistakably the sound of clumsiness. He'd heard it often from himself (and his blasted dithering paws) and others, and the noise immediately snapped his head up to attention. What- what was awaiting him? Some terrible accident, the freshkill pile knocked over or a kitten kicked to the ground!?

Always- always the worst case scenario. And he reminded himself of it, wide gaze flickering up to fall upon a relatively tame scenario. Just a collision. Just a... nothing, really. Getting worked up about nothing, as always- stupid Twitchpaw, stupid...

Mismatched eyes fell upon the pair, and quickly he made his way over, paws a spruce blur through the light frosting of snow upon the ground. The short apprentice looked between the two for a moment, thinking about why he'd even bothered approaching if he was just going to awkwardly stand there. But- but... he'd check, he'd check. "You're- you're alright?" Wobbly tone, wobblier paws- he motioned to the two of them, despite sounding as if he was only talking to one. Just- as long as no one was hurt. And he wasn't even the one meant to deal with it...
penned by pin ✧


Quill wasn't concerned in the least by whatever scuffling sound arose. A tad curious maybe, but it wouldn't have been enough to draw him over on his own. Instead the towering tabby had been brought over in the wake of Twitchpaw, a chimera shadow that walked along unbothered behind his nervous and unsteady friend. He didn't have as much time to just hang out with the other anymore now that he was training and working all the time, so it was becoming more commonplace to find the dark giant following them around when they did have the time. Today was no exception.

Mismatched eyes landed on Fireflypaw and Hailstone with a bored expression, a quick glance confirming that neither were hurt and that this entire interaction was just an unnecessary invite for the pair to interact with them. Still, if Twitch wanted to make sure they were both okay for himself then Quill wouldn't whine about it.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
desperate for changes, starving for truth
"Nobody's eyes are as bad as yours." Lionsnarl grumbles as he approaches the colorpoint child, though his deep voice provides more of a good-natured rumble than a growl now. The words are as harsh as ever but his tone.... his tone is light, and he surveys the newcoemr he stuck up for with almost mischievously dark eyes.

The other two apprentices make him uneasy - the remnants of their last encounter are still evident upon his paw, where the surface wounds had scabbed over. It puts a sour taste in his mouth to be around these brats, but he swallows it, and continues. "You look frightened of this little worm, Dusk." He prods Fireflypaw lightly with a petite paw. "I promise you, it's me you'll have to apologize to if you trample over my tail. This one is more likely to try to befriend you."
✦ ★ ✦

The small child has been keeping to himself since he has gotten here. Since Mama can no longer be here with him and now that he has a new Mama things are quiet. He still hasn't taken a bath and some of the other kits tend to avoid him because of his stink. But he has been wandering from the nursery more and more, trying to find solace in a scent that he knows. This day he happens to find one and his small paws press gingerly against the ground as he tries his best to follow it. Useless soft green eyes stay lowered to the ground as he gets closer and closer to the smell that turns into a cluster of them. It is interesting and he pulls his ears forward before he tilts his head a little.

"......hi..." The tiny black speck finally speaks up as he tries to discern just who is who. He knows Fireflypaw by smell now. Yes. He knows Lionsnarl by smell now but names escape him. Only smells really matter to him. Sitting down he tilts his head up almost expectantly.

Had Dusk truly caused so much commotion? His eyes widened as the mass of cats surrounded him, his ears pinned back even further it felt like. He was nervous to be surrounded by so many cats talking to him at once. However, he knew that he had to be kind. He couldn't get kicked out. The warrior took a deep breath and spoke to Fireflypaw first. "Well, I had been looking around at the territory and happened to not be looking where my paws were headed. The territory is so...different than what I'm used to." Dusk replied in a soft tone towards the apprentice. They seemed vaguely familiar, reminding him of that feline he had given his pray too before...being chased from the place he called home before this. "Again, apologies to you."

The smoky feline then looked to Twitchpaw, noticing the nervous energy. Something that was akin to the energy he was putting forth right now. His gaze wasn't harsh or intimidating as he spoke to the other. "I'm fine. I hope that Firefly...Fireflypaw is as well. It was my own fault here. Running into cats left and right. Not used to the territory yet...umm..." Dusk nervously smiled towards the brown and white feline. The other hadn't given him a name. He felt rather formality was the best course of action for any unknowns. He then looked to the unbothered feline and nodded in acknowledgment of them standing there. He held a hint of curiosity, but didn't speak further. If Quillpaw wanted to be including in this conversation, wouldn't they have said something?

Dusk then looked to Lionsnarl, his friend. A familiar face in this sea of unknowns. "I'm not frightened. Rather just cautious. I still have a long way to go before I learn all of this clans customs and traditions." With that he finally had caught up to the kit that had come in to say hello. The small feline seemed rather small and timid. "Um, hello young one." He said in response, laying down in front of the kit to attempt to be eye-level. It was something he had grown into a habit of around the youngest ones. "Who are you?" The tom's ears found themselves going forward, almost as if to hear the kit better, waiting for an answer.
✦ ★ ✦

Tilting his head a bit he pulls his ears forward, lifting his small nose upward. By sound he can tell that the other has gotten closer to him. With a small tilt of his head the other way the young kit lifts up a paw and tries his best to reach forth and touch his face. Just a small pat before he deems that the other is big. With a small shifting of his small limbs he tries to focus on what he can hear and sense. But the other has asked him his name and he will be a good boy like Mama always wanted him to be and answer the other's question. "I'm Vulture... I was brought here a bit ago. Who are you? Is your name like what Blazestar gave me?" The curiosity is there as he tilts his head up a bit, blind eyes closing.