camp STANDING GUARDS | patrol assignments

Jul 8, 2022
paranoia had been eating away at her, the feeling of vulnerability making her far too difficult recently. she knows this, and had finally been able to solve it. a way to keep riverclan safer. the other clans had been doing it, she supposes they are late to the game. but then again, at least they're doing it now.

her voice is loud and clear, her presence demanding attention. there is no room for whining or rebuttals. it's clear she won't tolerate anything but action from her warriors. "@LIGHTNINGSTONE , take @koipaw and @salmonrun to the windclan border. i don't expect much chit-chat with the moor cats, so i'll expect your patrol report to be quick. " her first call to action. she can trust lightningstone to keep those two in check, and it'd be good for koi. she needs to get out of camp further. "@Smokethroat , @iciclepaw , and @Redpath will take shadowclan." hopefully smokethroat enjoys all the frogs. she has not forgotten the look he had given her.

"@CICADASTAR , @leechpaw. , and @Silverstripe will head to thunderclan. " she thinks of telling cicada to greet howling for her, she's the most agreeable cat by far. "and finally, @Snakeblink , @Minnowpaw , and @FISHFACE will head to skyclan. i expect reports once you get back. " it should be it, but it's not. she needs to try one more thing.

"since the murder of peachpaw, i'm putting @TIGERHEAT and @HOUNDSNARL. on guard duty. hound, you'll take @DARKPAW with you. your patrol will start once everyone else is back and the sun sets." what happened to peach still bothered her. she knows the fear amongst the apprentices, even if it had died down since then. she wants them to feel safe, and these cats are reliable. she hopes it brings them rest.

"that's it. get going."