camp standing in a timeless dream — questions

Stormpaw had never seen or smelled such ugly creatures in her life. The torbico's pelt fluffed up just at the thought of the strange creatures tearing up their land, acting as if they had fought and laid claim to it. She had only been a kit when the dog pack ravaged their camp. These animals were different. They did not seem to seek out felines, as she had understood from the patrols that had been alerted by them. However, they killed Graystorm. Stormpaw's little claws dug into the dirt.

"Why can't we kill them?" Stormpaw asked loudly to whomever was sitting next to her in camp. The young apprentice was bristling, eyes narrowed with misplaced bloodlust and naivety. In her mind, she could not stand walking on eggshells in her own territory. It's not fair. I am training to be a warrior. I should not have to feel like a piece of prey in my own territory. "I know we can't with our claws—but what about running them into the river? Into the gorge?"

Why can't we kill them?

Batwing picked his head up, turning towards Stormpaw. He had been preoccupied nipping a burr from his short fur- which was strange, he normally didn't have such an issue with them- and his ears flattened. A frown crossed his muzzle, a look he normally didn't wear around other cats. He wasn't nessecarily near her, but alas, Batwing was cursed with ears. To a point, he could understand and agree with what she felt. Feeling like a bird settled over a nest, protecting it from a larger bird.. He shook his head. What a strange analogy, he thought. Finally, Batwing opened his mouth, ear twitching. "Physically, we're unable... but I think they're smarter then being herded into the gorge. I don't think that we'd be able to.. hmph."

His nose twitched, thinking for a long moment, before he finally spoke again, slowly shaking his head. "I wish it was that simple. But like foxes and badgers, even large birds... it's not that simple. Just like we think and breathe, so do they." Batwing was not about to preach about the circle of life and the food chain. Unless he had to, and this apprentice just kept asking questions. ​
Why can't we kill them? a niave– but well - meaning Stormpaw asks. Wolfwind snorts, only because for a split second, she'd thought the same thing when she saw her uncle's corpse. Apprentice her would've been all to eager to go: 'who says we can't?' and proceed to vehemently ask Howlingstar to let her send her out. Unfortunately, what Batwing says about things not being so simple is aggravatingly true. Wolfwind heaves a sigh.

" I don't, " she says, replying to Batwing. Well, not entirely. " I mean– with super speed and super strength, I think we could get 'em to charge off a cliff if we really wanted to " she says with a shrug, though her voice doesn't carry the same lightness it might've before. She's tense, with talk of the boars; face suspiciously thin - lipped. They're all thinkin' about it– about him. Wolfwind shakes her head before she can start thinkin' about it too deeply. " But the thing is, they'd kill us before we even got close, " she concludes, shutting her eyes. Graystorm hadn't just been killed, he was smashed to bits. Especially when there were more of them out there, they were better off just avoidin' them entirely.
make peace with your broken pieces .
The milky-white furred brute listened dutifully, ears lying flat against his helm, sorrow pooling deep within his chest, suffocating him at those that have been lost to fate’s brutality.

With creatures much more powerful is a scary concept to digest, even Whitelion hoped he had heard wrong, but things were never simple. Even if he wanted to shield his clan from the woos of the world, he was only one cat with a too-big dream. A silly wish, but White would do everything within his capabilities to help, to make it a possibility, unwavering in his stance, no matter the risk.

He chuckled at the thought of possessing abilities, hue crinkling as he pivoted to face the three, head cocked. “The feeling of the unknown? The horrid sensation of feeling trapped.” He began with a flick of his tail. “I understand your frustration.” He sighed. “But that is … the truth we must face.” He sighed. “We are not capable of such a feat, no matter how much we wish to do something. We are … slaves to the order of life.”

“We are not strong enough to handle them, even then—” He nodded to Wolfwind. “We would die before we had the chance to draw breath.” A sad, sickening truth, but one they were forced to learn in the most gruesome of ways.

“As a warrior-in-training, one should realize that we cannot fight everything, but even so, we must be smart about our enemies. Do we face it head-on, or do we run away? A matter of what we’re capable of doing and right now, we do not have the means of running them off our territory when we know so little about them. An unpredictable enemy is an enemy that should be the most feared.” He offered a smile to the group, tail curling lazily around massive paws.

Oh, how he wished things were different, but they could only do so much.
thought speech

stormpaw's anger was not ill-placed. it was difficult to accept that some battles were not worth the casualties they would bring, that they could do nothing about those beasts. it was natural to want revenge for thunderclan lives lost, that was the most dreadful reality about this whole situation. however, no amount of bloodlust or sense of justice would bring the boars down, that had been proven. there was simply nothing they could do but wait, hope that they found a better place to settle.

"we'd lose too many trying to get 'em out anyways," nightbird offers. although vague about what exactly they'd lose, she wouldn't have to spell it out for the group. graystorm suffered a tragic death, they would be doing him a disservice by going and flinging themselves at the boars and repeating his mistakes.