standing in the light | cure announcement

When it comes to ShadowClan, Flycatcher definitely has a few mixed opinions, to say the least. Several bad experiences with the clan had soured his opinion of them over the moons - though it had faded a little by now - and he didn't exactly look forward to patrolling their shared border. Today, however, he practically sprints there. When they finally arrive, Flycatcher waits cautiously, not wanting to trespass without due cause regardless of the situation.

After a short while, he picks up on a strong ShadowClan scent, and he smiles at Berryheart and Lichenpaw, pleased that the three of them wouldn't be kept waiting long. When a ShadowClan cat emerges, Flycatcher is quick to jump into conversation, ignoring his usual pleasantries. "ShadowClan!" He calls out, his voice full of hope and optimism. "We come bearing good news! Berryheart has discovered a cure for the sickness. Please, could one of you fetch Chilledstar or Starlingheart, it is important we speak with them."

no need to wait for them before posting!
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The patrols he had once enjoyed became something dangerous this coming moon. Word of what happened at the Gathering spread fast, and weighed heavily upon each of them. Misfortune had found ShadowClan yet again. At least this time they were not alone in their suffering, he supposes. Not that there's really any comfort to be found in that. He wishes only that they did not have to suffer at alll. He's not so hopeful that he thinks they can beat this if they all work together– the clans never have, and probably never will. He wasn't here for the worst of their strife, but he's heard of it loudly enough. Elkrush had been there for it. She made parts of it sound heroic, at least when Dragonflypaw was around. When they were alone, though...sometimes he wonders if it was the right idea to come here at all.

They were violent and harsh, and rarely took care of one another. And yet– and yet he pads along this border in a cautious stretch, and hears the cry of a cure. The voice sounds genuine. Hopeful. His heart picks up flight on tired wings, and with a glance back at the rest of the patrol he bolts a little further ahead. Someone else will have to fetch those required. Honeyjaw is too busy looking at their faces and hoping against hope that they were telling the truth. "A cure? Not– not just something that can treat symptoms, an actual cure?"

  • ooc:
  • honeyjaw ╱╱ 36 moons old ╱╱ he - him - his ╱╱ warrior of shadowclan.
    ──── a former loner who joined the clan approximately six months ago (give or take).
    ──── named for the deep honey-brown of his pelt as well as his too natural charisma.
    ──── has an apprentice-aged kid he joined with, def scared of watching 'em grow up.
    ──── bisexual- kinda flirtatious yet never seems to really pursue a relationship. single.

    a short-furred dark chocolate point tom with the smallest splashes of white on his forehead, front paws, and tail tip. well-built, but overall average in size and unremarkable aside from his lightly curled ears and the magnetism of his smile. seems to show signs of aging earlier than expected, with a salt-and-pepper dusting around his jaw and muzzle.
  • "speech"
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Smogmaw's stride remained broken after WindClan's foray into their modest swamp. His limbs would spurn any notion of consistency, particularly those hind legs of his, where the moor queen's claws found purchase amid flesh and tissue. How they'd drag across mud and muck as he navigated the terrain, hobbling along like an elder rather than the pompous deputy he's meant to portray. It sparked an abiding sense of irritation, and gave rise to a deep-seated envy for those with unhindered movements.

Until today. Though the deputy had taken stock of incremental improvements, he'd never dared to anticipate it disappearing entirely. But when he'd awoken and emerged from the warrior's den earlier on, he was astonished to feel fluid movement. No odd limps. Not a lone hesitant step. He could, at long last, carry himself with a poise befitting his esteemed position in the clan. And, for once, he was excited to go on a patrol.

Smogmaw's expression revealed no hints of any betterment beyond the confines of camp. It maintained its characteristic catatonic qualities, the newfound vigour shrouded in his own interpretation of stoicism. But, as he follows in Honeyjaw's wake along the beaten path, he walks on footfalls spry and supple. He senses something close to... comfort. A peculiar feeling, given the sorry state of all that's going on, yet a welcome one all the same. Plagues and rats could shove off; he finally felt decent inside his own skin.

He is removed from his reverie when one of their own breaks from the patrol. An easy sigh escapes him, and he reaches a standstill to watch the oaken-furred warrior hurry to meet their ThunderClan neighbours. Through squinted eyes can he spot the deputy, Flycatcher, looming amongst them, and the tidings he puts to voice nearly makes Smogmaw lurch. A cure, he says, to nip this illness straight in the bud. Hell, he'll believe it when he sees it. The request for Chilledstar or Starlingheart's presence shall be acceded to nonetheless, and with a flick of the noggin towards one of his patrolmates, the silent order to retrieve one of them is given.

"Good news like this is sorely needed," speaks the ashen tom on approach, finding himself in Honeyjaw's proximity yet again (whom is imparted an acknowledging nod). He closely considers the other deputy, hunting for deceitful undercurrents that may mark his words. The well-being of his ailing mate hangs in the balance, and Smogmaw cannot afford to be swayed by false hopes. "Chilledstar or Starlingheart will join us in short order," he declares, "but might there be anything you can tell us in the meantime? Some of us have already started to grow sick."


It was rare that Berryheart felt antsy, though he didn't display it much upon his face. On the journey over his dull gaze had trailed across the ground, searching for any vivid violet-blue flowers or light-splotched lungwort leaves. No luck so far... and his breath was not quite fully-regained enough to do a perimeter of the entire territory. For now, Pebbles would have to be the only other healer he could speak to- they could not wait until the half-moon for this cure, but Berryheart equally could not stretch himself too thin so soon after his recovery.

He cursed how fatigued he already was after this walk, mere as it had been. Though he was certain of the cure- would not have announced it unless he absolutely knew- his strength was still not entirely back. He was happy to let Blue do the talking, and pleased to face the day alongside his apprentice again. It had been too long, and a laborious stay indeed. Seeing two Shadowclanners approach, Berryheart dipped his head in typical silent greeting, gratitude aglimmer in his gaze. Pebbles was a talented medicine cat, and he was sure he would only have to tell her once. "It works in as fast as a week," Berryheart remarked, hoping to give them hope that the beginning of illness was simple to fend off. Now, to wait for their medic- he could not risk even the slightest miscommunication.

Halfshade growing ill was only the beginning. Starlingheart knows that soon, other clanmates would follow. They would grow ill and there was nothing she could do to stop it other than keep the sick quarantined and encourage her clanmates to bathe more. To keep giving the bi-colored queen herbs and hope something works. She is on one of those expeditions now, searching for more feverfew or honey because they somewhat helped. Even if it was not entirely. It is hard to leave her kits back in camp, even under the care of another queen, but she had a duty to her clan, one that she intends to fulfil.

Her snow-capped paws lead her to the border today, though why she is not entirely certain. "If you find honey let-let me know. Duh-don't eat it we need- we need it for Halfshade" she tells her apprentice, giving him a knowing look accompanied by a teasing smile. She knew that sometimes the sticky sweet liquid was hard to resist, but right now they needed every last drop.

When she hears voices, she freezes. As always, her first thought is intruder, rogue. Outsider. A cat cloaked in shadow with blood staining their paws is the image that is prevalent in her mind. She crouches low to the ground and listens for a moment and then she lifts her nose to the air, relieved when she recognizes both the voices and the scents. ThunderClan. She lets out the breath she had been holding and motions with her tail for Magpiepaw to follow her as she makes her way through the brush.

When the undergrowth parts she is glad to see it is Berryheart among the ThunderClanners. She smiles somberly at her other clanmates and then to the cats across the way she dips her head in a polite greeting. "Did-did you say a uh a cure?" she asks, hope alighting in her eyes. If there truly was such a thing it would be a miracle... "What is it?" she asks, her eagerness clear in the way she draws closer to the thunder path, not wanting to mishear or misunderstand.

// apprentice tag @Magpiepaw

"did i... hear that right? you've found an actual cure? not something that lessens the symptoms but..." they stand somewhat near starlingheart, brows furrowed at the medicine cat, and others that accompany him. they flick their tail back and forth with nervousness. they all needed something... if they didn't have a cure, shadowclan was sure to collapse next leafbare. starclan could not have been that hateful towards them, right? they... needed this. the entire forest did.
————— ❁ —————
"A cure, yes," Lichenpaw jumps in eagerly as Chilledstar trails off. "For a - a full recovery, not just lessening symptoms." A glance to Berryheart as though verifying, before he continues. "Berryheart's tested it himself, and he's - well. As you can see, he's recovered really well! He was, uh, pretty sick, not long ago." He can't keep the waver out of his voice, but he can keep the smile on his face.

Oh, but he's rambling again. Stay on track, focus. He turns to Starlingheart. "It's lungwort," he announces, in as clear a tone as he can. He's content to talk in his mentor's place, too excited to restrain himself. He's sure Berryheart won't mind, anyway. Might even appreciate it. "The cure is lungwort, it's - uh, we had some in our stores." And ShadowClan should too, he hopes.
————— ❁ —————

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 13 moons.
    — thunderclan medicine cat apprentice, mentored by berryheart.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 66645992_9XglqEnKXn6q8TJ.png

As Lichenpaw continues to talk she can feel her hopes soar. Was the cure something she had on hand? She sure hopes it is. ShadowClan could really use a win. Before he can even say it her mind is racing, trying to guess and she finds herself leaning forward with excited anticipation. When he says lungwort however, her face changes. She blinks a couple of times and then visibly deflates. "Hmmmm" she quietly hums to herself, adverting her gaze. She racks her brain desperately but the plant does not sound familiar.

"What does it look like?" she asks. They did not have any that she knew of in their herb stores but perhaps she could find it in their territory... It is a hope she is clinging to with desperation. Surely they must have something. StarClan would not leave ShadowClan to suffer like this right? Her green eyes focus once again on the two medicine cats.


His apprentice was eager, speaking on his behalf- and Berryheart of course did not mind. They were rather different, but it worked out in social situations- Freckles often relieved him of his duties, kindly, simply by being the way they were. Still, as he spoke the word- lungwort- Berryheart did not see Pebbles' round eyes brighten with realisation as he had hoped. Instead, a fog of uncertainty darkened her features, and immediately the tortoiseshell's paws itched with discomfort.

"Violet flowers and speckled leaves." It was a matter-of-fact delivery , but one accompanied with a tangible frown. "Are you unfamiliar...?" That would certainly complicate things... and he knew Pebbles still had a young litter. Her kits would be at terrible risk without a cure, wouldn't they? Especially in a nest which bred rampant disease sprawl...
ThunderClan is at the border, and this time it isn’t to preach at them or to retrieve lost trash. Their medicine cat and medicine cat apprentice stand near the Thunderpath, freckled coats easy to spot through the undergrowth. Granitepelt brushes possessively against Starlingheart, listening with ears flicked forward. Lungwort, the young one explains, and it works as quickly as a week in. He narrows his eyes, wondering—he spends nearly as much time in Starlingheart’s den as she or Magpiepaw do, and the way she reacts to the information does not leave him hopeful.

Berryheart asks if she’s unfamiliar, and Granitepelt bristles. “She is a skilled medicine cat, almost entirely self-taught,” he snaps. “If we have such a thing, then she of course knows what it is.” He turns to her, searching her troubled green gaze. Could it be…?

  • granitekit . granitepaw . granitepelt
    — he/him ; warrior of shadowclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Starlingheart
    — short-haired gray tom with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Meg

Magpiepaw is debating objecting, surely Halfshade didn't need ALL of the honey and certainly a lick or two here and there would not take from their stock entirely but before he can speak on the matter more he pauses in his tracks at the scent of ThunderClan so heavy upon their border and his paws carry him swiftly in his awkward hobbling walk forward, springing merrily on pitch black paws to the sight of their fellow medicine cats accompanying a gray tom who he knows to be ThunderClan's deputy but can't recall his name at all.
"Berryheart, Lichenpaw!" He trills, greets, delighted to see them and only wavers briefly as he finally takes in what was said. A cure? That was the best news they'd had in moons and a newfound admiration grew for the ThunderClan healer who had supposedly figured this out on his own merit.
Then he hears the name. Lungwort. Unfamiliar as it was it surely went by something else that they might have gone over already perhaps...?

His relief is crushed by the description. Violet flowers, speckled leaves...he's never seen such a thing in their stores before and surely Starlingheart is not hiding a herb from him for any reason; he has also never come across such a plant in all their time wandering to collect within the marshland, nor his earlier moons as a normal apprentice. Comfrey was one of the only purple blooms that he could think of, but its leaves were hardly speckled in any way. His gaze widens as he turns to stare at his mentor at the same time Granitepelt does as well; voice flaring defensively in her honor.
"...that does not grow here...does it?"
Uncertainty wells in his chest, fills him to the brim with a small prickle of unease. What would they do if they could not find such a thing?

Starlingheart feels eyes flicker to her,the eyes of her mate and the eyes of her apprentice. She sees the worried looks on their faces and she bites her bottom lip, worrying it with her teeth. Berryheart describes the herb but it still is not anything that sounds even remotely familiar. "If-if it-if it gruh-grow-grows here I have- I have not seen it" she admits quietly both to Berryheart and the rest of her clanmates. She appreciates Granitepelt's words and for a moment she even feels a flush of warmth at the thought that he thought so highly of her. How disappointed they must all be in her huh?

If she could not find a way to get her paws on a cure, if one of her kits got sick... She does not want to think of the possibility of such a thing happening but she doesn't know what to do. Her gaze casts downwards and she shuffles her paws with clear unease. She remembers Dandelionwish, remembers him asking for help from the other clans and being denied. If she requested help from the other medicine cats would they treat her the same?


"I never doubted her abilities," Berryheart said to the bristling tom who had wound close to Pebbles' side, his voice clear and level. The tom's snappish tone had hardly touched him with its blade, neutrality as ever flat across the tortoiseshell tom's entire body. He imagines that waspishness was borne of stress, most likely... especially if the working theory that ShadowClan did not sustain lungwort proved true.

Quills wondered aloud, near-certain, and Pebbles confirmed it. A tight sigh wound from Berryheart's maw. "You're a friend." He addressed Pebbles very directly, looking straight at her. " I'll be able to spare some." Her kittens were at risk- that was enough to near-convince Berryheart that she should at least have some stock. Even if ThunderClan could not spare much, they could give their aid best they could- and so could he.