camp STAR SHOPPING ♥ Sunbathing + Feathers


Hello, Darling!
Jun 8, 2023

Redwind had finished her meal upon a wood pigeon after a hunting patrol, laying in the sun beams and picking away at the feathers. She examined each one and tucked them in order underneath her leg in size arrangement, humming a quiet tune to herself. The feathers beautifully reflected the light and shimmered, something Redwind took liking to. She cocked her head to the side, looking to the smaller feathers and letting them go, watching them roll off from a small breeze. It surely would be difficult decorating her fur with small feathers, infact, it would be difficult to see underneath her thick coat. So she picked one of the larger feathers, tucking them into her chest carefully.

Redwind then perked her head up as if she was searching for any nearby neighbors. She caught the sight of one, trilling in greeting, "Hello love! Would you like to join me? I can certainly help decorate your fur as well. Here, there's an empty spot in the sun rays right beside me. Don't be shy." Then the woman brushed her tail against the spot and tucked it close to her rear leg to make room. "I don't bite or growl."

If her clanmate complied she would continue to chat onward, "So, how have you been feeling lately? Any good days to gush about? Or.. bad days you need to vent about?"

Batwing didn't have any adornments on him- flowers, feathers, moss. Nothing. He found it prickled against his skin and often couldn't get them placed right, something he'd never be happy with if he did it on his own. A yawn split from his mouth as he laid up in the sun. Between the dawn patrol and the hunting patrol, he was a bit worn. His tail twitched as Redwing trilled, and he picked his head up, looking over at her. A huff left his muzzle, but a grin split on it regardless of how exhausted he was feeling.

"Shy? I've never been shy. You should know that." Batwing stated, pushing to his paws and shifting over beside her. Their pelts barely brushed. Batwing hadn't often been close to others ever since his family took a swan flight up to Starclan, but it couldn't hurt to start now, could it? He hummed softly as he stretched his paws out. "Feeling? Tired. Sleep eludes me like a mouse in the underbrush, but besides that, I can't.. truly complain." He paused here. "Beyond all of the stuff that has gone on around us. The boars and.. all that."

Batwing cleared his throat, looking towards the feathers that Redwing had arranged. "Feathers, huh? How long did you spend picking those off of your prey?" He asked, amused in tone as he shifted his optics back to meet the other's. ​
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( ) The fiery warrior had been sitting near the warrior's den, drawing her tongue over one of her front paw pads. She winced slightly as she found a small cut, most likely from running from one of the boars. A silent curse left her maw, but it would not have been audible to anyone but her. As she went to lick it again, she heard the voice of Redwind. She stopped licking, and tilted her head curiously...was she talking to her? The other warrior seemed to be looking right at her. Oh no...what did I miss her say? She licked her chest fur a few times in embarrassment.

Here, there's an empty spot in the sun rays right beside me. Don't be shy.

"Well, I certainly wouldn't deny laying in the sun for awhile." she began to say, but as she rose and started to pad over, she realized the Molly had been talking to Batwing. Her face flushed with embarrassment, and she lowered her head slightly, trying to not lick her chest fur. That was a habit she was trying to break in times like this...but stars it was hard! "Oops, uh, sorry. I'll uh, go do something else."

Redwind chuckled lightly at Batwings response, her eyes lightening as he made his way to her side. "Ah, I'm just ruffling your fur." She responded with a playful scrunch of her nose. Redwind didn't really think much to the closeness of Batwing as she thought of her clanmates as family. Additionally, countless times she shared tongues with others. Therefore, the woman didn't flinch at the light touch of pelts, neither did she really feel it through her thickened coat.

Batwing responded to her question, stating that he was tired. Redwind couldn't really relate much to him despite her constant work around her clan, her energy was as neutral as ever. She wasn't tired or too hyped up on energy. Although, her hips did hurt a bit after her hunt. So she shrugged her heavy shoulders, "Time to relax then. Unless you don't mind me talking you to sleep."

The mention of the boars made her friendly smile temporarily fall at the thought, giving a slow sigh, "Yeah, I can see that. Hopefully they relocate, I hate seeing everyone so worried and panicked. It's nice to sit others down and talk to kind of lighten the clan mood. I'd help decorate everyone's pelts if it made some happy. It's hard to see all these solemn faces. Anyways, have you gotten hurt yet?"

She looked down at the feathers below her at his recognition, a grin meeting her maw and a laugh sparking within her, "Honestly, I haven't counted time. I kind of get lost in a trance almost. Have you got any hobbies?"

Redwind was then interupted by a familiar face, her eyes lightening as she met the lead warrior's gaze. Her sprawled limbs tucked and she made more room for her to join. "No, no! Come, dear. Let's all talk, the more the faces the more my mood brightens. Here." She tapped her free paw to her opposite side, "You can lay on me for all I care if I didn't have room. My fur does make a good nest. Now tell me what's bothering you or maybe what you're excited about even. I'm all ears for everyone. Maybe I can help decorate both of your pelts in the meantime. I do like to keep my paws busy as I chat along and listen in."

//Lunch break post!​
She watched as Redwind tucked her paws in to make more room, and she couldn't help it but give into her urge to lick her chest fur embarrassedly. "Only if you're sure..." she said slowly, before slowly padding over to lay beside her. It felt weird to not be up doing something, but as the sunlight began to warm her pelt, she felt herself starting to relax. She rested her head on her front paws for a moment before lifting it back up to meet Redwind's gaze. "I guess I haven't really been feeling like myself lately...since the battle for Sunningrocks." Her mouth felt dry, it felt weird talking to someone other than Flycatcher about her personal feelings.

"I was so afraid that I was going to leave my family...I haven't had as many nightmares lately, but I still have them here and there. Now with the boars...I'm afraid each time Stormpaw, Falconpaw, or Flycatcher leave the camp...I just don't want anything to happen to them."

Chickadeepaw should know better than to interrupt a conversation of grown-ups, her mother had at least taught her better, but Redwind had said it was okay so... With a spring in her little step, Chickadeepaw bounced over to Redwind's tail, rolling onto her back to grab at it with her fore-paws. Ha-ha, got you again! A squeaky little giggle fell from the apprentice's mouth as she swatted gently at her new toy.

"Howlingstar is gonna drive all those stinky boars out, Whitelion told me so!" Chickadeepaw boasted from her play spot. Whitelion had very much not said as much, but the fluffy apprentice had absolute faith in her leader being cooler and tougher than those big weird things that trampled flowers and left a yucky stink in the air. "And I'm gonna help and then I'll get my warrior name so early and everybody's gonna think I'm soooooo cool! Even cooler than you, Flamewhisker!"
Batwing shifted his vision to Flamewhisker. He flushed as well- he didn't want to steal the other's thunder, or opportunity, but luckily Redwind worked it out. He spoke, his tone amused and relaxed. The sun really was doing a number on him. "Promise there's room for both of us. I'll scoot over it if that's what it takes." He chuckled quietly, his ears twitching. His vision shifted back towards Redwind as she spoke. He smiled, exhaustion evident in his eyes that didn't quite quirk like the rest of his face. At her question, he shrugged. "Sleep would be nice, but it will come in it's own time." He paused. "No, I haven't. Not yet. I don't hope that I do, but I'll take the place of others before they get do."

That was a solid promise. He looked back at his paws, then shifted his vision to Redwind's collection of feathers. "Hobbies... I like climbing trees." Batwing shrugged. He shifted his vision to the others. He fell silent, then shifted, leaning over and stealing a feather- casually weaving it into Redwind's fur, next to her spine. His ears twitched, and he glanced up at Chickadeepaw, grin on his face. Hope- that was something this clan needed in this period of time. To a point, he could agree with the sentiment. He wished it was that easy, you know.

"I'd like to see it, Chickadeepaw. Prove us all wrong, yeah?" He encouraged, his tail flicking. "But don't do anything dangerous. Nothing I wouldn't do, anyways." A soft chuckle, leaning up from his handiwork with Redwind's fur.​

The woman watched her embarrassed expression and move, softening her gaze more and tipping her head to the spot. "I'm sure, come join us!" She purred, flashing a smile in the direction of the flame pelted feline as she made her way to her side. Redwind couldn't find relation to how embarrassment fluttered about within Flamewhisker, although she knew exactly how she felt. Not that she individually experienced, the mere talent of reading others made her sympathize to an extent. She didn't note of it or offer a tease as she did with her friend Batwing.

She leaned slightly closer as if she was reeled in by Flamewhisker's response, "Ah.." she mused thoughtfully, "I can see how that can be detrimental to one's mentally. Battle seems to harm most mentally more than physically from my observations. Times like these to sit down.. talk it out is a bit of therapy. Oh, like you're doing now. ~" she paused, tapping her paw to her cheek, "Besides this, have you tried endorsing into something you like? When I decorate my fur all my thoughts seem to focus and fade out nonsense."

Redwind didn't even jolt at the grasp of her tail, musing a small curious "mrr" as she looked over her shoulder. "Well hello to you too, dear." She smoothly welcomed, twitching her tail tip underneath Chickadee's grasp. The exclamation of her belief and hope made her chuckle, although, it wasn't to turn down her feelings. Rather, she was reflecting her joy. Of course, Redwind did not believe her statements. Boars we're far larger and muscular than they were. Even her and even over the strongest looking warrior there was out there. A dog would even have trouble with the problematic and protective creatures. She merely acted as if she believed the apprentice, going along with Batwing. "I'm sure you'll knock us out of this world. Shock us all! Just stay with your mentor until you're declared the strongest warrior of Thunderclan, alright?" She gave a playful wink to the kit, letting her tail wiggle around for her to play with.

She turned her attention to Batwing, nodding to his words. "I'm glad you haven't gotten hurt yet. May Starclan bless you and keep you safe. But if you do get hurt, I'll be sure to give you some visits, tell the news of the day and all." She didn't like the image of Batwing curled up upon one of the medicine den's nest. Frankly, she didn't like the image of any of her clanmates upon one of them. They were her family.

The mention of Batwing's hobby made her eyes glint with excitement, "Oh really..?~ Well that's one of my favorites as well, maybe we should go climbing some time. Flamewhisker, what about you? And.. Chickadeepaw?" She felt the touch of her friend, purring softly in gratitude as he helped adorn her fur in decoration. "Thank you, dear... Would you like some too? I have plenty for all of you."