pafp stare into the daylight [border meeting]

Falconheart once dreaded going on patrols to SkyClan’s border—to any border with the clans surrounding ThunderClan, to be honest—but as he’s grown older, so has his confidence in himself. Standing across the border, facing down cats of other clans, had once frightened him beyond belief. Now, he is a warrior; he has settled more comfortably into the position of a dutiful ThunderClanner, and he faces the SkyClan border without feeling as though he needs to look over his shoulder at all times. The sound of pawsteps from across the border draws his attention, though, and the cream tabby’s head snaps up to identify the source. Is it a fox, the same one that had attacked Wolfwind or Blazestar? Is it a rogue, coming to try and take their prey or territory? The young warrior crouches low, drawing himself into a defensive position—but he stands up straight as another cat comes into view. It’s a SkyClanner, one with cinnamon-swirled fur and a number of visible scars. Falconheart feels his face flush with warmth, and he knows that his expression has shifted into something surely embarrassing as he straightens up once again.

A glance is spared to his clanmates, trying to push down any evidence of how flustered he suddenly is. It’s strange—is he getting sick? His chest feels tight, skin prickling with nerves. "Umm… hi," he greets the other with a flick of his tail. He can’t quite make eye contact, as he normally would; something keeps his blue-green gaze trained resolutely on the other’s paws rather than his face. He doesn’t remember seeing this cat before, except maybe in passing on other patrols or at gatherings. "I’m—uh, Falconheart. That’s my name." He offers an introduction, anxiety filling his voice, but with eagerness showing in the way he shifts from paw to paw and attempts to keep from tripping all over himself.

// @Bumblebee!
[ find me way out there ]

Radio Silence ♥

Patrols were a common occurrence, to check the borders daily and make sure everything was in order, etcetera etcetera. He followed closely to his companions until they stood near the borders of Thunderclan and someone greeted them with an embarrassed look crossing their face, it seemed that they perhaps werent expecting a visit from Skyclanners today but a gentle smile peered on Bumblebee's maw as Falconheart greeted them in which he'd dip his head in greetings as well, and even gave his own name. Yet then he would ask Bumblebee what his name was and quickly glanced at his peers awkwardly.

He gestured a bit awkwardly before mouthing "Bumblebee" but was also silently hoping that the others with him would tell their newcome friend what his name was since he couldn't exactly use his own voice to tell Falconheart (which at times could be frustrating to the warrior since it means it was difficult to communicate properly at times). Their tail swished slightly while they looked gently at the other warrior before them. Nothing wrong with making friends from other clans that is.

Tagging @Johnnyflame and @TATTEREDLIGHT


Patrols were a vital part of any warriors life, and since Johnnyflame had first joined back in the previous spring, he'd been a part of a more than he could count. It was familiar to him in the way the rustling of leaves and creaking of branches was, and with the most recent troubles the clan had been experiencing, the lead was more eager than ever to stalk the pine forest in search of intruders. Daylight warrior or not, if the stocky bobtail caught one of those rogues snooping anywhere near their territory he was going to claw their damn ears off before putting them out of their misery.

Luckily though, the border they were looking after today was shared by Thunderclan, and so it wasn't some sketchy loner they came across, but a Thunderclan Warrior.

Some of the tension slipped from Johnnyflames shoulders as the lead caught sight of the brief exchange between the two, noting the flushed ears on the Thunderclanner as they straightened up and introduced themselves. With a chuckle the bobtail made his way over to stand alongside his clanmate, nodding a greeting to Falconheart. "This here is Bumblebee." he introduced with a grin. "I'm Johnnyflame, and that's Tatteredlight. You out here patrolling alone?" he asked, glancing around and finding no immediate sign of other cats. "Don't blame you for being so wary then- gotta stay safe, aye?"

just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
Following the two, Tatteredlight hummed in greeting, peeking around the two with an awkward wave of his own, tail curling lazily against the ground. Since joining, the warrior hadn’t spent much time patrolling their borders as much as he was hunting, nearly vibrating in his fur at the chance to hunt, to bring something back to the clan that regrettably, the tom hadn’t thought much of the borders outside of the one backed up against the sweeping wooden fence, bringing in kittypets, loners, and rogues alike. “Hello.” He greeted vocally, tone light-hearted, glancing at Bumblebee with a quiet chirp.

He couldn’t help but wince at the statement, ears flat against his helm, but otherwise, Tatteredlight remained smiling, odd hues crinkled. “Hunting?” He offered, glancing toward Johnnyflame with a cryptic gaze, helm veering away to stare at Falconheart, soft smile plastered across a scarred maw. It was one of the few explanations, but perhaps the other was just the only one visible, clanmates off to strengthen their side of the border.
thought speech